By Bobmin
Mr.Zemme posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 1:32am
Loved it, thank you very much for writing it.
darktail posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 1:05am
I love it... can't really think of anything to say, other that repeat that I LOVE IT! I can't wait for the sequel! Keep up the good work! Bye, for now!
Brian1 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 12:41am
Wow, what a great conclusion to a wonderfully fun story. If you choose to take some time off for the holidays, you deserve it. Have a great Thanksgiving (and christmas and new years, if you're the celebrating sort) and I can't wait for the start of Sunrise!
Harrypassion posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 12:28am
I for one can not wait to read the squel to this joyfull story.
Shades posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 12:13am
wow... just... wow...
any word on those fleas i sent back to you? :)
and it has been a hell of a ride... I'm eagerly awaiting "Sunrise Over Britain"
Shannon posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:51pm
I have enjoyed all of your stories and can't wait to read the next one. Shannon
katrina posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:49pm
I found your stories on ffnet just as you started writing Sunset, so I had the pleasure of reading your first two stories complete and they were a fabulous. What can I say about Sunset first of all, disappointment cos I had to wait for updates, bitten nails waiting for those updates but it was well worth the wait. It’s great, its fantastic doesn’t do it justice. Just like your other stories it’s so well written and when you reach the end of the chapter you want to beg for more (I always checked in case 2 chapters were loaded) and being so disappointed when there’s no weekly update. I should have registered earlier and left a review. You have written such wonderful stories and they should be recognised.
Also I just loved your pet peeves how many times have I started reading a story and then noticed it was last updated 2 years ago eekkkkkkk.
Looking forward to reading Sunrise (where’s chapter 1), and I promise I will review. If you can write goodness knows how many word’s in a chapter then I should be able to thank you for your efforts.
nonjon posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:45pm
I do like it, so I'm leaving a review.
My questions or comments will more than likely be answered in the next story, so I have little to say other than I greatly enjoyed this. This storyline arc feels far from over, so it's lacking the conclusiveness of the end of a story, but I'm sure the sequel will be coming soon, so I'll just eagerly await more.
Thanks for writing and sharing this with us.
kcgx23 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:06pm
I loved this story and I can't wait to read the next one in the series and see what happens, please write the next one soon.
Jennifer2 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:05pm
Cannot wait for the "Sunrise." By the way, I have always wanted a Harry/Hermione pairing. Thank you so much.
Joe Ritter posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:01pm
A very moving story from the beginning through to the end.
I enjoyed Harry arming Peeves. I particularly like the idea of the Grangers becoming magical and causing all the havoc. It was a nice fun piece in the middle of a rather heavy story.
But as much as I enjoyed it, when I read your final author notes, I thought, "Your idea of dark is pretty weak." Don't get me wrong you have some pretty serious events occurring. But the way you painted some of the more serious parts is very clinical. Also, how often does Harry really need to be passing out in one story?
Oh well, I've said before, ignore us whiners and keep writing your vision.
Snapesmistress005 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:56pm
awesome awesome awesome ending!!! now i know you need a break, but don't keep us waiting too long for the start of the new story. i think you did an excellent job of conveying the intensity and seriousness of this story, yet you were able to give us some light hearted moments. so as i laughed and cried my way through this story, i thank you for giving me something that was a great read. the stories like this are so rare nowadays, that it is truly a pleasure to read and enjoy something of this upstanding calibur. so thank you bob and alyx and get some rest, the next story shall be a challange which i know you can face. oh yeah, btw, no little pink alan rickman's shall be sent your way. they are currently plaguing another author! much love!
Bringhimup posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:52pm
That was a wonderfull story. Really unique, with the in my opinion perfect shipping and I'm really looking forward to your sequel. Can't say much more, but I don't have to say more. This story is one of the best I have ever read; fanfiction or not! Great!
Carolyn1 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:44pm
Hi, I liked, I liked. I really look forword to the sequel. Thanx for all the hard work.
Dave Harris posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:29pm
Marvellous. I look forward to the sequel.
So what happenens to Dolohov and the other DEs now? If they go back to Britain I assume they are stuck there. If they stay in Ireland I bet they'll be a pain in Harry's arse (but at least they can't get any additional support from V.
patrik svensson posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:00pm
grejt story,
keep upp the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
Jamie46 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:43pm
oh, nevermind. I just saw on Jeconais' page how they added the "Mature" bit, and you had to login for it. :) lol, not your doing. ;) ok then. ;) hahaha
btw, really loved how Harry got the Hogwarts ghosts in on things. :) I'm curious what the Baron meant by "gather the others", though, if Myrtle, Binns, Peeves, and the 4 House ghosts were already down there in the Chamber... interesting....
Jamie46 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:40pm
wow. :) Perhaps not the best (as in "most exciting, more fast-paced, most heart-racing) chapter, but certainly a damn good one. :) Awesome. :) I like what Harry did to the Grangers ;) hahaha.... Looking forward to the next SOB, but also to the little intermediary story as well :) ...
Just curious: how come I had to become a member in order to read this chapter? What did you do when this was finished? (I couldn't read any of the other chapters, either...)
Kingpin posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 8:20pm
that was a good ending to the story. The Epilogue was good. I could actually visualize it and that was some good imagery. I could see it in my minds eye. I do have one what did that quote that Harry told Nearly-Headless Nick mean? The one that McGonagall asked him to say?
e shaw posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 1:36am