Content Harry Potter


patrik svensson posted a comment on Tuesday 1st November 2005 12:44am

grejt story,
keep upp the good work.

Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.

Kat Armstrong posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 11:56pm

Short review, I know, but just wanted to say yet again SoB is brilliant. I've just had the day from hell at work, and came home to find this waiting for me. Made my day.

quizgirl posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 11:50pm

Hehe, you should've seen me when I saw that you had updated again so soon. Screaming like an idiot! Hum, perhaps you shouldn't have seen it after all?
You two continue to blow me away with your amazing story, plot line and knowledge. Definitely my favourite story at the moment.
Thumbs up to you!

Crys posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 11:01pm

That whole scene at the ward boundary was great. Taunting Voldie from behind an impenetrable shield? Sheer genius, Harry!

Clever to sic the acromantulas on the DEs as well.

We kinda lost track of Dumbledore, though. That worries me.

Myrddin Ambrosius posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 10:56pm

Oh, I had been wondering about the Hogwarts library. Glad that question was answered. Now I just have one teeny tiny question. I know everything couldn't be rescued, but were any of the portraits taken? Especially ones of past headmasters and mistresses? Just a little something I was wondering about, not anything important.

I can't wait to see what happens next. I wonder how many of the student followers of Voldemort will switch sides, and how many parents will join them? What about Dumbledore, where is he and what's he up to? I really look forward to the next part.

Thank you for a wonderful story!

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 10:40pm

To those wondering about Kingsley, he was Tom's spy within MLE, and the only Senior Auror who stayed once Richfield was elected Minister. He actually got a *promotion* out of Dolohov's taking over Magical Law Enforcement. *Answer me this: With Dolohov being a known Death Eater (and Kingsley *knew* about the incident at the DoM from at least three sources: Amelia, Dumbledore, and Harry himself) why would he promote anybody who he wasn't sure was in his hip pocket? (That little item came from Draco's earlier conversation with Hermione.) Also, it was *Amelia* that called Kingsley a traitor (in fact, Kingsley led the Auror team that tried to arrest *her*). So, Harry is completely blameless.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 10:31pm

Yep, Harry did survive the A-K yet again. And Voldemort's lackeys did indeed pay for that screwup. (And traitor Kingsley was subjected to the infamous, and previously uncastable, Phoenix Flame Curse. No, it's *not* a Dark spell; in fact, it's a Merlin-developed spell used to punish traitors.) The Ministry Building will have to be destroyed once Harry and Company take Britain back, as his exit left the building itself *completely unusable*.

Nitpick: NMCC, not MNCC. NMCC stands for National Military Command Center. The Primary is in, of course, the Pentagon, just outside Washington, DC, and there are *at least* three alternates (one in Pennsylvania, and two in other parts of Virginia).

Elena posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 10:23pm

your story has inspired me to write harry potter fanfics and fyi i luv ur author notes aand disclaimers bob!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv harry and hermione parings and wanted to recomend that you post your story at

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 10:19pm

And so it begins... [/vorlon]

Harry's escape was everything that I expected. I'm very sorry for Kingsley's end, though. Unless I missed something, he was an innocent victim, a fact that Harry will shortly recognise and that will doubtless cause him no end of angst, especially if he has to deal with the man's next of kin. Ultimately, Kingsley was a victim of friendly fire (literally! :-o ). Because Harry was doing his 'glowy eyes' thing, I'm fairly sure that he had only limited conscious control over his actions, being partially submerged in, and guided by, Magic Itself. Nonetheless, I am sure that this will be a bitter memory for him.

I think that Voldemort now knows that Dumbles isn't the only one that he has to be scared of. I also suspect that, after escaping the Acromantula (can you really see him haning around for that fight?) he will be most annoyed to see that he has inherited an empty castle. The ultimate in pyrric victories.

The Ministry is gone! Well, I thought that Harry would pull a trick somewhere along those lines, although I have to applaud his style.

Now I am interested to see what kind of a country Voldemort has got for himself. With the military having already largely left and with all the major magical assets stripped by Arthur and his faithful sons, he might quickly find that the joke is on him.

One little issue - The Portkey co-ordinate error. It is a nice little touch that reminds us that Harry and his friends are just as fallible as anyone else. The real trick is in transcending this aspect of human nature.

*Looks at A/N* So Ron is dead? Tsk! Well, it is your story and it is up to you what happens in in. Nonetheless, I would have kept him around to be Harry's arch nemesis in the sequel.

Anyway, really good writing. Can't wait to see more.

BenRG's Rating: 9/10

Nimloki posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 9:42pm

Wow... Super Harry the only thing missing is the big "S" But seriously that was a really cool chapter. Lots of action and dead death eaters... Yeah! Now I have just one question: How many times in a story do need to have the hero pass out before it become passé? Well, just remember to ignore us whiners and write your vision.

Thanks for another great chapter!

claudia posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 9:21pm

Awesome story! I really liked the first two - "Dumbledore's Army" and "Harry Potter and the Spiritus Cristalus" but this one goes wwaaayy better. Even if I'm not very good in swallow a Harry/Hermione ship. Go on and have pity on us, don't skip any week of publishing.

red jacobson posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 8:15pm

Hey Bob and Alyx; excellent chapter; and; although I'm sorry to see Professor Blackthorne die, I liked her, I understand that sometimes characters die. Darn it!

Anyway; I'm too tired for a more indepth review, but I'm definately looking forward to the rest of this story.


G posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 8:02pm

Another brilliant chapter as always you two.

Loved the fact you got padfoot involved again, interest to see if he followed the portkey with H+Hr, not sure what good he would be at Haven, but still...:-)

Wow, all it took was Harry being pisced off to bring down the Ministry...loved the whole idea about the fountain of lava! And Kinsley paid the price, and what a way to go...!

You guys sure do love your spiders too - evil eaten by evil, that'll teach the DE!

Team Weasley off on another mission, man those guys are great! But what's happened to Molly - will she be given the chance at safety, or will she die a most grotesque death?

Love the whole side that is rather technical as well, all the lovely details of bombs and such, don't understand any of it, but the whole thought of magical additions and actions when involved with nukes...makes me shiver at the thought of the destruction!

So is that every major city that has been hit now then? Can't remember if London has been done, but the north seems pretty much wiped out.

Ginny seems like she is itching to kick someone's ass, who's left to kick is the only question I have!

Terry and Susan seem to be on the up and up.

Neville will be quite happy I suppose, got some of the plants from No.6!

Hermione and Luna are sorted, they have the books.

Harry has everyone out and safe, and as you left it, Hermione in his bed, what more could he ask for (A lot, I know, I know, but really, in the grand scheme of things...)

But what is Draco gonna get? Hopefully some full on Malfoy vs Malfoy dueling/fighting action, and hopefully he won't loose, else Luna will flip out!

Will they be staying at the school, or at the manor? Harry doesn't really need to be at the school anymore - would think that the NEWTs are already in the bag, and seeing as he has probably blown up the records and exams in his mission to get outta jail...

Anyways, enough questions, thoughts and comments from me, wouldn't want to hold you up...and don't like ironed fingers!

All the best,


Jamie posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 8:01pm

:) Another fabulous chapter. I have to say, though, when Dean hit Harry with the AK last chapter, my initial reaction wasn't "OMG! Harry's dead!" it was something along the lines of "Oh gee, Harry's gonna survive *another* one; after all, only Voldie can kill him." I honestly thought you'd have him get right back up, and when he didn't I was like "Oh, right, must remember not to combine fanfics in my head" ;) hahaha. But then he survived anyway. :) Yay!

I really liked the nuke bit. I mean, b/c you needed a nuking (you just kept TALKING about the nukes, I knew you were gonna use 'em somehow), but if Volide & Co. had figured the use of them out (and their usefulness for wiping out tens of thousands of Muggles) then you woulda had the whole plot problem of "what's keeping the D.E.'s from Apparating into other countries and stealing/setting off THEIR nukes?"... and that just gets out of hand. :-D hahaha.

But yeah, this was a great chapter. I was surprised at Dean being the spy (being that he's a Muggleborn and all), but I *wasn't* surprised (too much) that Harry decided to take everyone, part and parcel, from the school. Goes with that whole "not all Slytherins are evil and not all Gryffindors are good" bit, and there wasn't time to be like "do you wanna go?" and have people waffle, so it was good that Harry was just like *whoosh!* and off everyone went. ;) Sort 'em out later.

I noticed that you had the students sit on their trunks, but Prof. Sprout just grabbed ahold. Did she (and the other profs) have time to pack their stuff? :( One would hope so, but I'm guessing Minerva might not have... I wonder if Dumbledore's office will act like it did for Umbridge in Book 5 and not open, period, or if they managed to clear it out, or if Voldie's gonna get his paws on some of those goodies in there (and I don't mean the leftover lemon drops)... I'm very curious to see what "surprises" were left in Greenhouse 6, but I liked the use of the Acromantulas :-D

Ok well I've rambled on long enough. :) Thanks for a faster update and not making us wait so long to see that you did indeed *not* kill Harry. ;) (hahah, although that was rather obvious since it'd be hard to write a sequel with no hero... *grin*) Keep up the good work!

Obelix72 posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 6:34pm

Hi Alyx, hi Bob!

Another great chapter, I like it!
A vulcano in the Ministry - this is good, very good! *LOL* And Voldi killed his own Death Eaters... He really musst be pissed by Harry's words!
But a nuclear bomb exploded in UK? Is this really necessary? Wasn't Hiroshima & Nagasaki enough?

Greetings from Bavaria / Germany,

(I hope you can understand me, it's not easy to learn your language!)

Adam posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 5:33pm

Now thats how to run an evac, pity the destination was wrong lol. I wonder if Harry will mention who Voldy's spy was, you have to admit though he make an impression on the ministery (well what/who is left of the ministery anyway).

As for Voldy, well he is going to have even fewer DE's after taking Hogwarts, but at least the spiders will be well fed :). He is going to be steamed when he find the library empty though, as well as not being able to locate the chamber.

wen posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 5:29pm

Oh my, HIS Hermione eh? I remember one (an H/G) with a soul bond between the two (not that I remember the title) and something about a "My this, YOUR that" kind of thing. Co-incidence?

Next, the Grim. Interesting I believe, how it came around. A defensive mechanism against the Avada?

Update soon!

Thomas posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 4:45pm

Dear Alyx and Bob you made my day with the nuclear explosion.
Ýou will never hear me complain about your spelling because mine is the worst(probably because english isn't my native language) and i'll never push for a pairing(Allthough i did ask if Tonks could be his real big sister in a next fic instead of a big sister figure.).

Now one question wil Harry keep on limping trough the story or wil his leg get to 100% later on?


Eliew posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 4:18pm

Hmm... as expected Harry survive the curse, so now the thing would be how? You will explain it in your own time, no?

Love how powerful Harry is becoming though, he is now capable of apparating someone else without affecting himself at the sometime, and through the most powerful wards as well. Love to, the destruction he have caused in the minitry, especially what was done to traitors like Kingsley.

Was glad about the last bit of mayhem that the outcasts were preparing as well as the taking of all the important things such as books and plants.

Last but not least, love especially what Harry was doing, taunting old Snakeface, and disrupting his wards breakers from doing their job. Hmm... maybe he should get another one or two tattoos like padfoot, a prongs and a moony? More etheral sidekicks are always good...

That said, I look forward to read the Weasley Team going about with case green, and see how Harry deal with the DE wannabes. And what that old coot is up to too.

Finbar posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 3:29pm

A damm fine chapter all around. Well done to both of you.
So, how do you stay upright with a monitor stappled to your head?