Mutant Storm
Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
By Bobmin
writerpayne posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 7:03pm for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
bravo guys, thanks for cheering me up with this chapter as i have exams next week and i'm stress.
I'm not really a Harry/Ginny fan BUT its you guys and you make it seem intresting. I think the reason people hate it is because of the way you write Harry/Hermione so well and thats what they expect from you.
Thanks for a great chapter again
(she who bares a headache all the time)
Chindabe posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 10:44am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
*crushes in Dumbledore's head and rips apart his limbs one by one slowly*
liquidfyre posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 7:00am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
One thing i dont understand is why everyone is so hung up about ships? I mean really if you are only reading it to see who harry is pokin and prodding go read some porn or something? I personally dont like some characters so would prefer not to see them much overall. But really your reading this for a story for entertainment. Why let who harry is bangin affect the actual story? if its well written its well written and that is what mattters. Bob and alyx write good no matter what from what ive seen. As far as im concerned they could have harry boy romancing a herd of alpaca with a sheep or 2 on the side and i wouldnt care as long as the story was good.
Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 6:13am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
very nice chapter.
I especially liked the interaction with Ginny
BJH posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 4:06am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
I've been thinking for a few days now about this chapter. Overall it is your usual exemplary stuff. I liked the cave seen and can just imagine Cyclops blasting the Inferi out of the way. I like how you have Dumbledore driven to save as much Wizarding blood as he can regardless of wether or not the wizards themselves deserve to be saved.
I was torn about how easily Harry and Ginny got back together. I felt you had Hermione hanging out there for longer than Ginny, but then at the time Hermione betrayal was greater than Ginny's. I guess it would be easy for Harry to accept his feelings for Ginny if, as an empath, he feels her feelings for him and knows they are true. Afterall, the greatest obstacle to love is the fear of rejection. I just can't help but think that in spite of his feelings he should be more cautious with his trust.
If we accept the truism of Dumbledore that we are defined by our actions rather than our abilities then we should also be defined by our actions as opposed to our feelings. Hermione felt guilty about betraying Harry but did it anyway. Ginny may not have actually betrayed him but she did go along with it willing albeit reluctantly.
Dustin Hoeppner posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 1:52am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
This chapter is good. It is about time that Harry and Ginny hook up.
Poirot posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 1:07am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
Great story, although I admit I occasionally enjoy Ginny bashing, in this story it is very well written and they seem to fit together.
I hope real life allows you to updat esoon.
makieus posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 11:21pm for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
Nope. Not a Ginny hater. I just thank my lucky stars you don't have a Harry/Any Guy type of fic.
Anyways, I've been enjoying this fic better than the X-man 3 movie/Harry potter books 6&7. Don't let the mutant spuds up there shoot your eye out.
Koalasco posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 8:13pm for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
Woohoo! Another chapter! Yay!
Loved it! Like always, your writing skills impress me very much...update soon?
Jack B Nimble posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 12:44pm for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
I am indifferent to the ship, but the story is great!
I like the interaction with Jean, and Hermione for that matter. Well plotted and written with a nice touch. I am curious how things will play out with the others, particularly with Remus and Dumbledore. Also, given what happened with Snape, I expected we would see more of him by the end of the chapter -- interesting the way that is going.
Thanks for all the hard work, and thanks for sharing the results!
Sonicdale posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 11:59am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
I T Apostrophe S Means It Is.
A little ditty my English teacher in school drilled into our heads.
Nice chapter. I was hoping for a little more action, but ... hey, this was nice. I'm not a Gin hater, so it was nice seeing a tender moment that wasn't fangrrl or overly-emotional-teenager-written. Good work.
As for the Alpacas and Llamas ...
dunedain714 posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 11:48am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
This was well worth the wait...a quite convincing alternative to the relevant HBP sections. You continue to mix the two worlds in ways that delight and intrigue the reader. Thanks--Dane.
Mariposa posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 5:04am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
Love this chapter! I just wanted to huggle Harry so much when he had his flashback! I don't mind the H/G action, you've made Ginny quite palatable ^_^ I really like seeing Harry's interactions with Hermione and how difficult of a time they are having. I also enjoy how Harry has a different difficult relationship with each of his peers and how he is handling them all. He seems so grown up in a lot of things but unsure about how to go about it with Ginny. That's really sweetly awkward and that just hooks me every time. Great job!
snapemustdie9008 posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 4:56am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
as always, great chapter. cant wait for the next
Renzo7 posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 4:39am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
Nice work, as always.
Keep it up, I hope you update soon.
Hawklan posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 3:13am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
thanks again for a nice chapter. I really liked the flying scene with Harry and Giny and I hope that he can rebuild his friendship with Remus. I always liked that old wolf.
Rufus posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 2:58am for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
Well, all I can say is that I liked it... It's well written, it has you hanging to the next sentence... It has plot, anger, angst, it makes you smile... A great piece of the story, as usual.
Clark1 posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2009 10:08pm for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
The locket is not a mistake. Harry touches the locket during the summer before his 5th year. This universe diverges after that year. So he has already seen the locket. If memory serves me right, in Canon, the next time after OotP that Harry is in Grimmauld Place is during DH.
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2009 5:21pm for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support
It's good to see you posting chapters for this story again. The only Harry/Ginny stories I don't like, are the ones where she's an airhead, or has used a spell/potion to get him for herself.
LadyGuilt posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 9:39pm for Chapter 07 - Eroding Support