By Bobmin
smog2187 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:23am
Yay, an update! You know it's the mark of good writing when no matter how long the chapter is, when it's over it's still too soon... then again that sounds more like an addiction so I guess I'm just addicted to good writing.
Nice detail with the mark of the dragon, though I hope this doesn't become too much of a Super!Harry story with his mutant powers and ability to take on three adult wizards at once.
Thanks for writing!
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:20am
Very well written. The blending from dark scenes to scenes with humor worked well.
One point that hasn't been touched upon is Umbridge and the Blood Quill, just she has been returned to Hogwarts with authority intact. Looking forward to the explosion when this comes out.
I'm of mixed feelings about how Harry's feelings towards the wizarding world are being considered of less impact than expanding operations, possibly dur to the adult viewpoint - we know what is good for you, or do as I say not as I do. Looking forward to seeing how you resolve this.
solarphile posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:17am
As usual, a wonderfully fascinating chapter. I'm intrigued by your choices in things to retain from the books (Minister Scrimgeour) and things you've changed (Professor Umbridge 2: This Time It's Personal). This last, I suspect, will be the cause of much amusing displays of temper on Harry's part.
It seems clear from parts of Dumbledore's inner monolouge that he isn't at all as sorry about the things he's done to Harry as he appears to be. Other times, however, he comes across as geniuine - is me just That Good at the manipulation thing, or is there some inconsistency on some level?
Given that this crossover is with the Marvel Universe (if only the parts with the X-Men), Hagrid's remark about the man with the "mark o' the spiders" doubly funny. Spi-der-man, Spi-der-man . . .
I was suprised that Snape was as cool towards Jean as he was, since we now know he was madly in love with Lily. Of course, this may be one of the bits from the books you've jettisoned, but the idea of Snape having a creepy, stalkerish crush on Jean (much to her dismay, and Scott and Harry's anger) is one I thought you would have jumped on. ;-)
Finally, one technical note: In the section marked "Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix (August 10th)", the last five paragraphs? Perfectly done - just enough information to let us know what's going on, while letting our imagination fill in the details. I am very impressed.
riegert8 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:17am
Interesting chapter
KenF posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:06am
Great fun. However, I see an oncoming trainwreck... Umbridge and her bigotry. Maybe, as a show of good faith, Dumbles can roast her over a slow fire?
Dervish posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:02am
Wow of all the things i was not expecting today. Thank you for making my workday better. I liked wolverines message to dumbledore and personally i think Jean should have turned severus inside out god forbid should Wolverine meet the man.
I will say i am most disappointed with being left with only the thought of ginny finding a wand. i want to read the scene where she destroys her brother for being stupid.
Keep up the good work
Marie2 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:55am
I am really enjoying this story. How much longer till Harry interacts with old friends fireworks???? Anyway great writing as usual can't wait to read more. Thank you both for relieving the boring nights whilst my hubby is out.
redjacobson posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:52am
Wonderful Chapter! I'll admit, I would have been absolutely thrilled to see Jean turn Snape's brain to tapioca, but it probably would have caused more problems than the momentary satisfaction would be worth *GRIN*
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Harry isn't aware that Umbitch is still teaching, is he? Can I get front row tickets for that fight? I'll even open a popcorn stand!
Also, I don't know if this was deliberate, but Grindelwald's first name, at least according to the books was Gellert. Not a major issue, but I was curious why the change.
Looking forward to the next installment, and hope you two are having good days.
smhalcyon posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:36am
Another excellent addition to the story and I am enjoying it greatly. Keep up the good work and don't let the nay-sayers get to you.
Michael63 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:34am
Loved, absolutely LOVED Hermione's and Ginny's reaction to Ron. I hope Hermione sticks to her guns about Ron.
I have read very few stories where Dumbledore can actually except that Snape's hatred of Harry is genuine and that Snape is not to be trusted. I'm very interested in seeing how this plot point develops. This version of Dumbledore appears to not be evil, merely very misguided. Of course it's still early, so we will see if that holds true. Your Dumbledore in Sunset/Sunrise ended up very differently from how he began.
I love the focus on Harry and Harry Potter characters with just a few X-Men in starring roles. If you had to pick just a few X-Men, than Jean, Scott, Logan and Xavier are definitely the ones to focus on.
Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to the next chapter. I've recently been re-reading Sunrise, so I suppose that will have to tide me over until then.
Kimr posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:24am
Like all your stories, I eagerly await each new update. Your stories are definitely worth the wait!
The interactions between the characters and backgrounds of both worlds is excellently handled in my opinion. You have introduced a small select group of X-Men which does not overload the story and keeps it HP-centric.
With regards to Harry's slander in the wizarding press, couldn't you have something done in this regard, maybe Harry buying up and then shutting down the prophet or perhaps getting International wizarding publications in to condemn the British government and people.
Also the development of the Harry/Ginny relationship is excellently handled, whereby Ginny has to make a supreme effort to earn Harry's trust again.
Kruste posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:09am
Very good, the more I read, the more I like it. Just a little Correction: I'm from Germany(this is why you'll find that my English isn't that good), and I can tell you that Adolf Hitler was written with an 'f' at the End of 'Adolf'. Just to bring it back to the genuine state.
(If someone comes to the Idea that I'm a Nazi or something: Back off. I'm a strictly Antifascist being.)
Orion posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:57am
Great! After the first two posts were on the same day of consecutive months, I was a little disappointed (no fault of yours, I was the one silly enough to see a pattern when there was none). Now not just one, but two updates this month? Wonderful.
I'm thrilled with how Hermione reacted to Ron, and I look forward to Harry slowly starting to understand that not everyone is out to get him.
jalva200 posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 6:07am
Keep up the great work guys!
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 1:14am
Not sure I buy mutants needing to register as the wizarding world didn't seem to know they existed a couple of chapters ago. Maybe if it was a new law Fudge pushed through and mutants were a new thing not commonly known to the wizarding world.
ekroeker posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 12:36am
Hi there! This is my first review, so please be gentle. First off, great crossover. Mutant Wizards, what a hoot! And the Wiz is a great X-name for Harry. I hope we get to meet some of the rest of the X-men soon. I also hope that Ron has some more time before you put him out of his misery. I also wanted to throw in a random thought. The Department of Magic works well for the Americans, but it sound very similar to the Ministry of Magic. Maybe we could have a Department of the Occult. The DOTO sounds like it could be fun. Wow, for a first review this is a doozy.
fyrecat posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 3:37pm
I think that Harry should ask Gringotts nicely to please place all of his properties under Fidelius. Wouldn't that throw a spanner in everyone's pudding!
fyrecat posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 3:23pm
Well, So far I'm loving this story!
One minor editorial note: you forgot an 'e' on the end of breath(e). I'm sure in your case that it was a typo, but I've seen the same error so many times by so many other authors that it has become a pet peeve of mine.
Oh, and you can kill off Ron if you want to. I don't mind. Ginny can share Harry.
King Darius posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 1:01pm
thats a disapointment, i tend to enjoy good stories with Ron Bashing. not a big fan of him. good story so far, just read the lasat two chapters, lol. i hope you update it soon.
jilumasam posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:24am