By Bobmin
Jinx15 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 10:37am
I've always loved your stories.
Thank you for the update because this story is just as well written as all your others.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 10:35am
Well it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. Shack really messed things up by shoot first and asking questions later. I think he has been around Moody too much. I cant wait to read Rita's story in the paper. I wonder when Ginny is going to write her letter to Harry and what will it say. Ron really messed up this time, I bet Ginny figures out that Ron gave Rita all of the information, he will be picking bats out of his nose for a long time for that. I await your next installment.
Thanks for writing
James13 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 10:25am
I've always wondered why wizards waste time with shieldable hexes and jinxes when you can just as easily blow up the ground that the enemy stands on. At worst they might fall in the hole and you get some nice cover and concealment from the debris
kyoshi711 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 10:13am
I absolutely love this story! Your creative talent is immense. I hope you can get a chapter out every week as I will be waiting with baited breath. Don't know what that means, must have read it somewhere. Best regards
mwinter posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 10:05am
A tab bit more then a month. I would be interested in why you didn't have Harry and his Aunt and Uncle transfer his estate to the branch in Witchway in Salem. That'll permanently keep his money and things away from the British MoM. Also his change in citizenship should have been notified to the MoM by now are they ignoring it completely, is this going to be let loss through Rita?
I'm going to sit here in my seat along with my pitch fork and torch awaiting the next chapter. Hopefully it won't take more then a month.
jilumasam posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 10:04am
Nicely done!!!
Sarah5 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 10:02am
Thanks for the new chapter a wonderful story. I look forward to reading your fanfic!
shadowtrey posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 9:34am
Help? I'm sorry Bob, I just can't do that. It would be awfully convenient to tell you to slide under your desk and through the plothole to the Virgin Islands. Oops! I appear to have informed you. Silly me.
Good chapter. However, using Firewhiskey to get Ron talking is a classic crutch that is played too often. He'll talk with or without the alcohol, and he's proven that he can't do anything but.
That said, there is one particular aspect that you did not cover very well at all that annoyed me. What are the girls' reactions to all of this? We see them hearing about the Vindetta, no comment. Apparently, Ginny was there when Harry's letter appeared, no comment. Seriously, we know it's a H/G story, but show some character development BEFORE they meet again, please!
I despised how JKR tossed the two of them together in the books, and I know how well you two write. Please don't disappoint me by just dropping her in with him without any further chara devel on her part. And don't leave Hermione out of this, either!
All said and done, it's a good chapter. Not up to your standard, though.
~Trey Miller
D Alford posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 9:25am
Dear Bob and Alyx,
I have to say I love this story. Given that it is the first to have moved me to review after a year or so of reading Harry Potter fan fiction you may take this as a small indication of how well it is liked. I have waited for some time now for an X-man / Hary Potter crossover and you have finally provided it.
I particularly liked the reactions of the Trio to Harry being a mutant but it is just what I have come to accept from authors of your caliber.
I am very glad to hear that your stolen story has finally been removed from FanFiction, given their propensity for removing fics for no descernable reason it seems like a very good thing that the rules worked for the deserving for once. As I did contact the idiots at FanFiction about removing the stolen work I feel I was another small cog in the machine that eventualy saw justice served.
I will be eagerly awaiting your next post of this fic, but of course I will not ask you to write faster as I understand that most of the fic will be written by now. Oh and I have no wish to be tied up on a spit over an open fire. On the other hand a session with a riding crop... perhaps I best not go there. Forgive an old Brit with his share of excentricities.
Oh, and you are on your own with that double barrelled shotgun Bob.
Warmest Regards
Lostinfantry posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 9:05am
Do you really have to make Ron better? Ah well, your story, your rules. Well, I would like to say that I am a big fan of your stories. Can't wait for the next installment.
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 8:48am
Excellent chapter. I think Harry's reactions seem perfectly natural for a child coming from where he came from. Good job.
I think Ron's rock bottom could be soon, maybe about the time Malfoy congratulates him for his treatment of everyone that trusted him, especially the prophesied savior of the Wizarding World. Just the fact that he made Malfoy happy should be a wake up call. Although, I suspect you have something even lower for his notice.
Thank you for writing.
Mike (MoA)
P.S. Here's some notes I made while I was reading. If you don't care to have corrections, don't read.
Notes (Again, if you don't want them, don't read any further!):
This sentence from the disclaimer would make more sense without "her said":
Alyx sat up straight her said and never noticed the glowing sign over her head which said "SCAPEGOAT" in fourteen foot tall neon yellow letters.
The following quote should say "you are here":
"Your word is sufficient for us, Mister Potter. However, if you would indulge us, I would like to send our London branch proof that you here and wanting to access your accounts."
I think in second year we found out Tom was in 5th or 6th year when he killed Myrtle with the basilisk. He did, after all, ask to stay at Hogwarts over the summer holidays.
Harry nodded. "That's right. Ginny was being controlled by a memory of Voldemort from when he was Head Boy."
Is August 2st what you call August 2nd before sunrise?
The Leaky Cauldron (August 2st)...
Rick D Gale posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 8:41am
What a great chapter! You always leave me wanting MORE!
As far as Ron is concerned, I think you should just let him hang by his... Well, let's just say that Alyx should see to it that Ron 'volenteers' for the next few Standard Disclaimer segments in up coming chapters.
Thanks again for a great read.
I look forward to your next chapter.
vl100butch posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 8:24am
as I'm along for the ride, I don't care where this one ends up....loved Harry's revenge on Percy...
I hope Chapter 4 will be out soon....
PS if you need a Kamakaise to face the FPIA for a disclaimer, I hearby volunteer...
Ezra'eil posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 8:05am
What's this? Sounds like Harry has a werewolf prejudice :P
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 8:00am
Hmm, didn't work too well, did it Fudge? And now you've got another embarrassment to deal with. Meanwhile, the Order needs to several punish Shacklebolt for his actions that cost them any chance of immediate cooperation from Harry & those with him as well as severely reducing the odds that Harry will be returning to Hogwarts in the fall. As an American Citizen, he's got every right and reason to attend Salem instead. *That* would be a major black eye for both the Ministry and Dumbles.
sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 7:53am
Please don't wait so long to update!!!!!!I've been looking forward to this for awhile :)
Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 7:46am
Where is Dobby and Winky when you need them?
Logan vs Lupin, the fight of the century. I pay good money to see that fight....
Looking forward to more chapters.......
DaZZa posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 7:45am
Logan as a children's birthday party clown - I love it! You guys just rock.
I'd teleport Bob some HELP, but Professor X has forbidden interaction with non-mutants and authors. Sorry. :-)
jakjakattk posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 7:45am
OK Alyx! would please to it that Bob gets the next chapter out sooner this time. I really don't think it's fare to make myself and the rest of you wonderfully dedicated reader wait a flippen month for the next chapter.
You remember the last time I got pissed off. I wouldn't want you to have to redecorate your house again.
Shayne Rich posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 10:44am