Content Harry Potter


Angel.of.Blood posted a comment on Wednesday 24th December 2008 11:04am

A really great plot..?
An (at times) real grumpy but clever guy..?
A cane..?
Sex-oriented jokes..?

Dear god, do I see a bit of Dr House in this fanfiction? ; )

Fic Chick posted a comment on Sunday 21st December 2008 7:24am

Why did Tonks need to swear not to say where HP is if the place is under Fideleus & she's not the secret keeper?

Revellyn posted a comment on Saturday 20th December 2008 7:39pm

I did enjoy your story; it had more twists and turns within its plot than most stories can dream of.

Your characterisations are not always spot-on - I did think that midway through, Harry and Hermione became merely a shadow of what JK Rowling shaped them to be. This may be because you took her characterisation and developed it to suit your purposes.

One thing that has always bothered me throughout the reading of this fic is something that is not directly related to the fic itself.

Your pet peeves shows that you have developed a keen sense of what you like, and what you don't like, but I find that you have fallen somewhat into the trap of hypocrisy. There are numerous syntax/grammatical errors - the most common being a confusion of 'you/you're' - and whilst I would normally forgive most authors for this, I find myself most unwilling to do so for people who profess to be strict about such things.

My apologies for any undue harsh criticisms - I did enjoy the story, and I think you have marvellous ideas and an unbound creativity. Perhaps, though, the ego needs to be kept a little in check.

AnnaTigg posted a comment on Tuesday 16th December 2008 5:50pm

I was just re-reading Sunset (er, again!) and thought I would comment on Dumbledore's utter idiocy in this chapter. After Harry is taken to the hospital wing, he says that the attack will convince him that staying in the castle is safest. Oh yes, stay in Hogwarts, where you have only 6 friends, maybe 4 staff members you can trust, your girlfriend is assaulted, and you get attacked by venomous spiders. That's absolutely the safest place in the Wizarding World! Oh, and way to get Harry on your side, Headmaster - don't expel Ron, but take points away from Harry for defending his molested girlfriend...OK, mini rant over.

Sankara posted a comment on Tuesday 16th December 2008 6:54am

So - just out of curiosity - am I the only person who thinks that Azkaban sounds a lot like Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay? And that the authors might well be attempting to make a subtle political point by having Voldemort and the USA form the same type of prison camp?

harrygaurav posted a comment on Tuesday 16th December 2008 5:28am

First I must congratulate U on such a great story. I for one really really enjoyed. I always thought people kept muggles totally isolated from wizarding problems, but U guys got that right in extremely detailed storyline. However is amazing, I really think Voldemort for one would never think of using muggle army etc for taking control of Britain. I mean he wants to destroy muggles and muggleborns, he hates everything about muggles, why would he start his goal with taking over muggle establishments & also Lucius seems to have far too much understanding of muggle world and army for that matter. This is the only point which I think is a valid one. I always thought Harry & Hermione would always be the first ones to go to war using both wizardry and muggle technology. But anyway it was ur choice for fiction that voldemort used muggle army for dominance and I may say U handled it extremely well giving us details of every action or event that was taking place, be it other countries' reaction towards Britain. I Loved It and looking forward to reading Sunrise... Great Work Guys

brock posted a comment on Thursday 11th December 2008 5:23pm

Have you ever thought that a person could slowly fly by levitating an object they hold, or are sitting on? Harry could fly by levitating his staff, and take weight off his leg.

however, since the story is written, that doesn't much matter now. plus, the leg is a major plot element.

I love your wonderful grammar and word choice. Excellent work.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Sunday 7th December 2008 6:59am

not even a flobberworm animagus?

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Sunday 7th December 2008 6:35am


kryptikk79 posted a comment on Sunday 7th December 2008 6:13am

avada kedavra.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Saturday 6th December 2008 10:03am

on the beta note.... yours needs some work as well. nothing quite so terrible as your little examples, but there are some things that really should be fixed.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Saturday 6th December 2008 9:33am

derka derka derka boom

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Saturday 6th December 2008 7:19am

lol @
epic failz thar.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Saturday 6th December 2008 1:52am

who ya gonna call?

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 4:20pm

while a cigar is sometimes just a cigar, it can also be a joint. or a grenade. or a lighter that just looks like a cigar. or a magic wand.
i think you get the picture.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 3:11pm

only thirty pages? (shakes head) and there are authors who have 100 chapter stories with 50 page chapters. I'm dissapointed.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 2:51pm

take over Colorado too while your at it - just make sure to put in a law about free season passes to all ski resorts. :)

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 2:33pm

Of course, we already know why Harry won't get a phoenix.
Grey aura and all that, remember?
Pheonixes are purely light ceatures.
Give Harry a badass animagus like a thunderbird... of course, being that this story has been out for ages, that probably won't happen.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 2:08pm

The sheer intelligence of this small community of authors amazes me.
I believe that the authors here should be published authors who make millions off their work.
By the way, are any of you published authors? If so, PLEASE send names and titles.

kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 1:45pm

/agree with the pet peeve