Content Harry Potter


slayersfan01 posted a comment on Saturday 20th October 2007 12:26pm

I have never hated someone more than I hate Dumbledore right now. I know he is just a fictional character but you did too good of a job to make a character that is so easy to hate.

I anxiously await the time the asshole is tortured and killed along with his sidekicks the Weasleys and the Order of the Phoenix.

slayersfan01 posted a comment on Saturday 20th October 2007 9:42am

Kill Dumbledore. Please. If you can please torture the bastard before you do. Thank you.

Kill that fucking rapist Ron too. Ground his BOYhood to mush before you do.

In fact, just destroy Griffindor Tower (Without Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Neville in it of course). Griffindor is the new Slytherin.

slayersfan01 posted a comment on Saturday 20th October 2007 8:31am

You know, I'm not even halfway through this chapter and I already hope that Dumbledore and Snape are killed later on, and soon. Seriously, I hate them. I think that the prophecy was not refering to Voldemort but to Dumbledore in canon. Why else would Voldemort have so much trouble killing Harry if only Voldemort and Harry can kill each other. They should be able to take each other out. Another plot hole! Dumbledore is not dead at the end of the 7th book, he's around somewhere and the dead body is a fake.

Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 17th October 2007 3:41pm

I have just finished your excellent story and I have enjoyed it greatly. You have certainly crafted a compelling narative. I am looking forward to reading Sunrise. I salute you for your considerable effort. I have enjoyed all of your efforts. Thank you for writing. W.

lucindahall posted a comment on Wednesday 17th October 2007 10:13am

I heard about your fics from Harmony Podcast and the summary to Sunset Over Britain sounded so intriguing that I immediately began to read the fic. I would like to say that I'm really enjoying this fic, especially the disclaimer ad pet peeves section, I enjoy your sense of humor. Thank you for writing HP fics.

Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 17th October 2007 8:30am

Dumbledore and Snape are fools to make Ron focus on defense, as he could become the next Dark Lord.

I love the duel between Hermione and Pansy. I like how Harry stopped Pansy’s spell. And how Hermione reacted when she thought Harry interfered in the duel.

I like the Board Meeting for Ron, I like how Esther Hampton reacted about a few things. I like how Molly reacted when she heard that Harry was going to kill Ron if it wasn't for Hermione. Shame he wasn't explied.

Mionefan posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2007 2:40am

Nice to see an author that does a decent job on a Harry - Hermione fan fiction

Wings of an Angel posted a comment on Thursday 11th October 2007 10:04am

this is a very good story. awsome.

Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Wednesday 10th October 2007 7:05am

A great story, keep writing.

Dragen posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2007 11:06am

Another great chapter, without knowing it Hermione hurt Harry's feelings.

Oh I like how Hermione’s eyes lit up, when she heard that the library contains a shelf that works like the Room of Requirement.

Shame Harry got those kind of nightmares...

I like that Amelia is trying to help Harry...

I'm happy that Emma’s idea of a dream journal is helping Harry.

So Vernon and his family finally got what's coming to them.

I like the gift that Harry give Hermione.

Dragen posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2007 10:12am

What a great second chapter, this is my second time in reading this and I have to say you have great and funny Standard Disclaimer, I would like much that I could come up with something like them.

Oh I like that when Hermione hums, it means she’s got a new project; so why haven't she done this before then?

I couldn't believe that Dumbledore got old 'friends' to spy on him , the a*s.

I do like how Harry reacted towards Ginny's letter.

I do like the idea of the Brotherhood. :D

Polkera posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2007 2:56am

awesome story! simply amazing!

jade_23 posted a comment on Friday 5th October 2007 5:35am

"There’s only one title you need worry about Draco, and that’s ‘boyfriend’," she said smiling sweetly at him. "Another day I’ll instruct you in other possible titles like fiancé, husband, father, that sort of thing."

The rest of the Outcasts watched in amusement as Draco got lost in Luna’s gaze." I love sweet commanding Luna and confused whipped Draco

jade_23 posted a comment on Friday 5th October 2007 2:37am

I love the authors notes. Especially the online sobriety test and the sober up potion. The story is great as well and I love the fact that the grammar isn't god-awful as well.

hogwartsprincess posted a comment on Thursday 4th October 2007 3:19pm

Again, great chapter, but I am a little confused on something I just realized, how can Hermione be a Seeress, a trait her Grandmother had, if she is a muggleborn. Also when Remus says Harry has spent 43 or 45 million galleons, did that take most of his money, or is he still one of the richest wizards in the world and the money he has spemt barely scratches the surface of his wealth?

hogwartsprincess posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 4:38pm

As I read this chapter I realized the similarities between the book Lord of the Flies, which I'm reading in school, and your story. Ron is definitly the Jack from LOTF. Anyway, I, again have to say I love Harry's shirts, but when are others besides his friends going to comment on them, maybe someone like Dumbledore or Snape. Also how many of these T-shirts does Harry have?

hogwartsprincess posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 1:37pm

When I read McGonagall threw her tea cup at the wall, I was like GO MCGONAGALL! She's totally awesome! In your A/N you said you thought about Harry playing the bagpipes, I must say that really brightened my bad day...Harry playing the bagpipes, LOL!

hogwartsprincess posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 11:56am

I love Harry's neon shirts! Fantastic idea, I hope he wears them in public ;)! OMG, I'm still laughing from it!

hogwartsprincess posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 9:21am

I personally am a Harry/Ginny shipper and love Dumbledore to death (he's my hero), but I absolutely love you story. It is such an interesting story which I can tell from only reading one chapter, I also love stories where Harry is super powerful, so your story fits into that catagory. I can't wait to read more!

Yamikeckley posted a comment on Sunday 30th September 2007 8:19pm

ok i know that you guys have pet peeves, i did not read all of the A/Ns you guys had. i just wanted to stop in and say that i loved the story. it has taken me a week to read, pretty good for being in college with classes and a job. i am off to read the sequel. loved the staff/wand part also.