Content Harry Potter


katelyn posted a comment on Saturday 7th July 2007 9:21pm

Oh, i read them stories on :]
i loved them, i could fond this story on, why is that?

GreatWarlord posted a comment on Saturday 7th July 2007 12:20pm

i've finished the story, and i just have a question, is it a coincidence that harry learns an IRISH instrument and escapes to IRELAND, or was that done intentionally?

Curlism posted a comment on Saturday 7th July 2007 8:05am

That bit about Old Crow...
It was VERY funny and did make me laugh for a few mins. However, it did kind of ruin the story a bit. I'll admit to missing that joke the last few times I've read this, and what is even more annoying is that I read Old Crows stories before I read any of your stories and have only now gotten the joke behind it.

Other than that, this is my 3/4+ read through of this story which I am now firmly fixated on (again) and have repetitively recommended as one of the best H/Hr I’ve read next to 'Always and Forever'.

Anyways, Good Job and thanks for writing.


thisgirlreads posted a comment on Friday 6th July 2007 5:02am


Stealing the HMS Victory? Priceless. I cannot wait for the fallout when Hermione finds out what they've done :D

I am enjoying this story immensely, and can only bemoan the fact that my writing skills are not as good as yours.

James13 posted a comment on Monday 2nd July 2007 2:08pm

"Harry," she started off softly, "everyone experiences that sort of desire at least once in his or her live.

I think this was supposed to LIFE. Also:

"In the flesh," said Gideon, smiling.

"Well, not really. More like, thanks to your smart, green eyed friend," countered Fabian.

I think you forgot to put the word "thought" or "memory" when Fabian counters Gideon.

LOVE this story, my 6 or so time reading it, I love it for the length as well as it's amazing plot. I could wish that everything I read was this well thought out and engrossing :)

TA posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2007 10:57am

Sorry to bother, but I noticed that you said Filch didn't have any family, and I remember that Arabella Figg is his widowed sister.

Faith1 posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 2:14pm

I really like the fact that even though you mostly focus on the main parts of the plot, you still have time to put in the relationship 'problems' with Hermione and Harry. Oh, and that they aren't auromatically like 'Let's get married'.

TA posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 10:01am

Hey, one thing wrong with the names that I noticed in another one too. It is Ginerva Weasley not Ginevra.

Bobmin356 replied:

Sorry, but you're wrong. Even the Lexicon says it's Ginevra, not Ginerva...

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 10:34am

You know I was wondering earlier on if Nevile's gran was still alive. You never mentioned her once until that latest chapter at the Haven. You didn't mention when she was transfered to the Haven like the others.

So you are now going to exhast Harry further by doing that ritual that Remus found about the Brotherhood. I'm surprised that Dumbles didn't ever come across it once in his lifetime. I guess that the book could have been enchanted to show itself when someone 'worthy' was found/available. Nice twist.

Oh for the fact that Hermione's parents now turned Witch/Wizard is definately new to me! You're the first I've read to ever do such a thing in their storyline. Congrats on that inovative twist. Huh. Now I'm going to start on Sunrise and looking forward on what other Potter character you're going to torture. I'm hoping it's still Snape or Umbridge next. Maybe even Riddle! *grins* Seeing Voldie in control of a pair of Muggle fanfic writers would be hilarious! Or maybe even Lucius! *laughs harder at images imagined* Thanks for this storyline.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 8:11am

I have a question that I know you can't answer in your AN's because this story is now 'complete'.

Here it is: How will Dumbles try to exert his 'control' over the remaining (if he can even FIND them) members of the Pheonix? Has Harry opened his 'Haven' to the remaining members who are hiding? Would Remus, Tonks and Author even know where these other members live?

I know that the Irish government will cooperate with the refugees any way they can. Did you pick Ireland for a reason?

As for your PP in this chapter...well I know of someone who did that on more than one occation to a TV show. They were Rightfully Banned from numerous sites when found out. When I did, I blasted them via email since they were on another continent and then blocked any returning emails from them. *heavy sigh* I hope they finally learned their lesson on that. Ja ne.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 5:27am

*smiles* You know you could have included that in your pet peeve. Or was it mentioned earlier on and I don't remember?

What should be your pet peeve? That reviewers and all readers alike DO take 'Fanfictions' too close to heart. Well I must say try to turn the other cheek and accept it as a compliment that they do take your storyline so seriously as some do canon. That's all I can come up with for now. Ja ne. PS: In one other fanfiction I've has to do with a Time Traveling Harry going back to his past in his 11 or 14 year old body and a Professor was talking about the Avada Kedavra that teens so young would not have the Magical Power necessary to have any effect but to 'tickle'. Would that help?

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Monday 18th June 2007 11:50am

You know this chapter raised alot of questions but also answered some previous ones from earlier chapters.

For the previous you know exposed it to be Dean Thomas to be the latest Gryphindor traitor. Now for the current, will that Git ever get a clue that he CAN'T change the current history? (Which git? I mean Dumbles.) Can't he ever be content he'll always have an animated portrait in Hogwarts to be a pest to Riddle? *look off to the nearby future* Dumbles portrait just calling up his and Riddles past in the Head Office trying to call him 'my dear boy' and how Riddle can 'still turn to the Light...' Then Riddle using Dumbles portrait in ways of inovative torture for his DE's. *laughs* I must say you two have me thinking. Ja ne!

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Monday 18th June 2007 10:06am

Hmmm. 'Testing Beta's' makes alot of sense. Also Thank You for whomever gave the idea of doing your 'time line' as chapter breaks. It helps alot for no longer guessing what the date or countdown for the 'big show' to start. There are some writers who say they are in college doing English Majors for some sort. (Two who are both Austrialian and Canadian. No British or Americans that I've come across as of yet.) Those who like reading the British Slang and such are not offering the fact that they are British and can help in some way. (Well other than 'google search'. Google does offer that in their website under 'Slang terms' for British, American and Canadian for those out there that 'read the reviews' of others on a storyline like myself.) Take care.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Sunday 17th June 2007 9:24am

You gave a HUGE clue as to Voldies 'spy' of the Order...but I must say I'm still clueless as to who it may be. I only know of three characters who are Black in the HP universe. Shack, Lee Jordon and Dean Thomas. Any could be him. As I stated earlier, I have not read any of the books. But I still love the fanfiction. The fact that the net is so easy to access sites that talk of the books helps alot as well.

As for this storyline, you really are starting to get things in motion for Voldermonts takeover. The Brits Wizarding Community is just plain idiotic. Known DE's elected into government. *Heavy Sigh* Just great. Hopefully the 'Brotherhood' can all come out of HW safe very soon. But you won't tell until you want to! *grins* PS: most of your PP's do have merit.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Sunday 17th June 2007 6:25am

Well to answer your 'pet peeve' of this chapter...for someone who has NOT read any of the books as of yet (yes I'm a nut for not reading any) but Fanfictions DO help keep up where the storyline has come up with. So for myself it does help.

As for the storyline, it's comming along very nicely. You continuously mention this is a AU and I for one understand that.

Tazspaz posted a comment on Friday 15th June 2007 1:15am

That was awesome, I love the super Harry fics, but it is so hard to find a good one out there. Keep it up.

shadowsqueenvx posted a comment on Thursday 14th June 2007 1:44pm

I really loved this story. Thank you so much for writing it. I'm looking forward to the next part.


Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Wednesday 13th June 2007 12:16pm

Well so far I agree with your 'pet peeves'. But for one, I myself may or may not read your H/G fics. I usually avoid them. Just like Ron/Hermione's...*shudders*. But that's only myself. You'll still have others who will R&R. *smiles*

As for this chapter, you had me laughing just like Remus was earlier on. You (both) have a flair I'm very much enjoying.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Wednesday 13th June 2007 10:04am

*laughs* You know at the begining of this chapter I found rather cute was Harry 'outing' Remus on his 'crush' on Tonks. As well as 'setting them up at house' at the end of it.

Whose idea was it to name themselves 'the Brotherhood'? Rather cliche` I have to say. Overall I'm still enjoying this storyline. So you're 'canon' fans huh? Well I must say thanks to your Muse for getting this story posted.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Wednesday 13th June 2007 8:34am

First and foremost, you have a intresting review box. This is a first that I've seen with the 'quote, URL, @ and image' as an option.

As for the canon part...PLEASE keep drifting as far as possible! (Unless Ms R decides to change things in her last book. I'm very much hoping she will correct that.) I love H/Hr pairing. You're also making Dumbledore to so-called-Light version of Voldermort. I myself would call Dumbledore dark grey. I'm going to enjoy this story alot I can tell.