By Bobmin
ella1983 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th May 2007 3:27pm
brilliant, bloody brilliant, thats the only way i can think of to describe this fic (although even if it was crap i'd probably have still read it just for the disclaimers and A/N lol) well it's just taken me a full 39hrs to read this story so i better get some sleep before i start on it's sequel as i can't wait to see what happens next :-)
ella1983 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th May 2007 7:28am
your disclaimer for this chapter cracked me up, it was hillarious, how on earth do you get away with calling them standard disclaimers? they're anything but standard. i would comment on the chapter but i haven't actualy read it yet, i just had to review your disclaimer :-)
ella1983 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th May 2007 11:08am
i really really really want those trousers you described in your A/N any idea where i can buy a pair????
ella1983 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th May 2007 10:02am
hey i've read (and loved) both Dumbledore’s Army and Spiritus Crystalus but i never realised that you two wrote them (how dumb do i feel? lol) i have too say i'm loving this story just as much as i loved those :-) btw just thought i'd let you know that even though some people complain about long A/N i actually love reading your's because while it is true that some peoples A/N are pointless and annoying your's are actualy really entertaining (as are your disclaimers) and they add more personal feel to the story.
ella1983 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th May 2007 3:19am
'That’s like those poor people that look at Snape and see Alan Rickman instead of the crusty thong wearing grease ball he really is.'
hey i object to this statement, i can't stand Snape in the films but i love him in the books.
insomniya posted a comment on Friday 4th May 2007 6:53am
Wowie! A fantalicious fic that is keeping me hooked! Keep on with the good work guys!
Just a couple of things to be clarified:
1)How can it be possible that The Grangers go to work at a place that is not protected with even the simplest of wards??? I mean its rather unbelievable that Harry would put them in such danger when he knows how much they mean to Hermione, yet he allows them to go to work like sitting ducks?
2)Well Harry apparates to save the Grangers silently in an invisibility cloak. Yet he does not cast the Lucerna judico spell when it could singlehandedly decapacitate all the death munchers in the room. And that too figuring he had cast it at a random attack on St.Mungo's whereas this time he knew for a fact what he was getting into...
Anyways like I said before, this fic is awesome, you two authors rock! Cheers!
James13 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st May 2007 2:49pm
Second time through reading this, and it's even more absorbing then it was the first time. I missed so many details! Good job guys :)
davidg posted a comment on Sunday 29th April 2007 2:27am
Fabulous. There is no other word that I can think of that will properly encapsulate what I have just read. Ron's dead...woohoo!! (sorry, just had to be done!)
Now moving onto the sequel and I have high hopes of it being just as good if not better. Keep up the good work guys - may you write fanfic of this calibre for many years to come.
Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Monday 23rd April 2007 12:01am
You can use me in one of your stories, please. If you want to read some of my stories, I am at the dreaded fanfiction dot net, under the author name donalddeutsch.
Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Saturday 21st April 2007 7:19am
I am impressed by this story. This is my first time reading this set of stories, and I like it so far. I like the DADA Professor, Romany. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more of this story, and the sequal, Sunrise over Brittain.
Damphir posted a comment on Saturday 21st April 2007 6:28am
Bob and Alyx, I reviewed mostly to say that I love your author notes (hehe). Strange? I thought so too.
"The butt hole is a poor source of inspiration."
Well, that statement struck me as particularly caustic and hilarious.
So keep comments like that coming! Love em!
petteyg359 posted a comment on Thursday 19th April 2007 1:51pm
Great so far, long chapters rock, and you're writing style is very appealing. 10/10 if you had ratings.
Aadarshinah posted a comment on Saturday 14th April 2007 12:23am
Wow. I ususally don't go for H/H stories, but this story was amazing. I've scarely been able to stay away from it the last few days. It's an amazing peice of "Mirror World" fiction and, were it not for publishing rights, would easily serve as an alternate HBP for those, like me, disapointed with the book.
And Harry's T-shirts are hillarious. I don't know where you came up with the idea for them, but 5 are too few for the hillarity they bring.
sinkingboat posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 12:12pm
nice chapter. I love the disclaimers. didnt hermione see him naked before.
lorddwar posted a comment on Tuesday 10th April 2007 6:59pm
A very well written story with a few minor spelling/wording errors that are mostly corrected while reading. I like Powerful!Harry stories and this is a great one.
My thanks to both of you while I move on to Sunrise.
Katar Jin posted a comment on Monday 9th April 2007 12:47am
wow your chapters are big looks good so far this fic may take me a few days. good thing im off all week
gdbessey posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2007 4:12pm
Another exceptional chapter, but I don't think that's too much of a surprise, is it?
Forget the cockroach, did you see Keith Richards?
gdbessey posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2007 10:54am
It's only been 13 it too early to say I'm in love?
Every chapter just gets better. I love the twists and turns; I love trying to figure out where you're going with the story and what will happen next.
Suffice it to say, I just don't see myself going to bed tonight until I read the rest of your stories.
Then, I'll look into the other authors you've mentioned.
gdbessey posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2007 9:27am
I would swear you're channeling my fanfic pet peeves. Thank God this isn't divination class.
tatsu.zzmage posted a comment on Thursday 17th May 2007 4:12am