Content Harry Potter


bratling posted a comment on Wednesday 28th February 2007 3:08pm

Hm. I agree with you, Bobmin... mostly. (And yeah, I'm responding to your, as usual, highly amusing authors' notes.) If you're writing a post-OOtP story you don't need to recap. But if, like me, you've taken off in the middle of book five, turned it on its head, but still had to include the prophecy, then yeah, maybe you need a bit of a recap in places.

I, too, am firmly in denial of HBP. There were a few little bits that I liked, but otherwise, well, let's say that I read it the weekend it came out and haven't had the desire to revisit it like I have with the others.

bratling posted a comment on Wednesday 28th February 2007 6:30am

hmmm, yes. Actually, they owe him two Wizard's Debts by my reckoning--they owe him one for saving Arthur's ass after Nagini bit him in the fifth book.

csktech posted a comment on Wednesday 28th February 2007 4:02am

Kill Snape... Kill Snape.. Boy that was subtle wasnt it. Liking the story, Hating Dumbledork, Snape, and of course, Ron The Weasel.

csktech posted a comment on Wednesday 28th February 2007 1:10am

I'm pretty excited with this story. I didnt say so before but you two seem to work better than any of the cowriters I have read before. With apoligies to Alyx; NO SNAPE LOVE YESS!!!!

sorry but it took me a long time to warm to the SOB in DA

csktech posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 11:56pm

Hi Guys, After reading DA and the sequelyesterday and this morning, I thought I'd give this a one a try. Boy do you guys have a hardon for Dumbldore in this one or what?

I wont preach about being out of character and I knowingly started it after being made aware that's its massivly AU.

Great start and thanks for the other stories as well... I'll leave feedback as I go.

Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Friday 23rd February 2007 3:30pm

Wow - Just finished the story and I can't wait to begin part 2. It's a good thing I can get an internet connection from my ambulance or I would be very upset.


Selma Flamel posted a comment on Tuesday 20th February 2007 8:45am

They repaired the Rosetta Stone! What else did they repair? (you have captured my interest again)
Caring and comfort speaks louder than the press.
Favorite lines: "A rude adult is a result of not being taught manners as a child" and "Hello, werewolf here! Heightened senses remember?"

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Monday 19th February 2007 10:15am

Draco comforts with logic. Excellent. Snape and Dumbledore as roommates...good I hope they drive each other even crazier.

You killed Poppy! How could you? (I know...I are the authors and no one is safe.)

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 5:08am

Gray Lord...Cool and logical.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 5:02am

What is a seneschal?

Arthur's fervent declaration was extremely well written.
Luna's protection for her diary was wonderfully thought out.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 4:51am

Favorite lines: "I'll peel your skin and use it as a rug." "I'd assumed they were going to have sex." Strange they both came from Draco.

Loved your Irma Pince--the consummate librarian. Look after the patrons, but always look after the books.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 4:38am

"Mutual entertainment" that's what they call it nowdays. This chapter was action packed. Great job.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 4:28am

Amazing chapter. Your portrayal of Queen Elizabeth was awesome. What is going to happen to Mrs. Norris?

::Mrs. Norris creeps into the Headmaster's Room. No one is around. She gleefully begins destroying his precious sock collection. Argus will be avenged.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 2:44am

Wow! I'm actually glad I found this late. That way I won't have to wait in suspense very long.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 2:19am

Excellent chapter. Descriptive without going overboard. Wonderful.

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 11:53pm

What about Harry's revelations should have been a surprise to Ginny? The writing was on the wall...and somehow it was ignored.

Yet she still acted like it surprised her....kind of strange and it definitely made my teeth itch!

Thanks for writing,

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 1:42pm

Just a comment....on Harry being defused so quickly following Ron's sexual assault of Hermione. Harry hearing Hermione curse and that startling him seems a bit of a stretch at best, especially at this point.

Thanks for writing,

animealam posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 1:37pm

Excellent chapter I'm intrigued.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 11:01am

I'm glad Arthur is not totally unredeemable. Just hen-pecked. The way I see Arthur...I figure when he finally loses his temper I want to be far, far away.

Is there any way I could get a "personal shelf of requirement in a box"?

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:51am

At last, an ISS with actual punishment. Excellent descriptions. I could completely picture the Great Hall.