By Bobmin
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:37am
"Harry...I...words" even summed up my review.
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:26am
I'm confused was it Harry or Ron tied to the X?
Is Luna hinting that the two of you have put in hidden meanings in the story? ...hmmm
Meaningless paperwork for Dumbledore...sounds like fun torture.
There go members of the staff thinking for themselves again. Glad to see they are not all under Dumbledore's thumb.
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:17am
Favorite line: "The two most important people in my life are book hounds, intent on bending me to their wicked ways."
Selma the book hound reassures Harry, "Our ways just seem wicked, but just think of the *interesting* things we learn." evil smirk
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:09am
"Afterwards we'll shake and cry together." Maybe I am a Lion after all. I'm usually brave, but then start getting the shakes afterwards even crying sometimes. Though the tears are usually because I'm truly angry.
Favorite quote: "The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances." Luna is awesome.
I wish Alice Longbottom could come along and smack Dumbledore and then get creative for being so dismissive of her son. Or even Neville's Gran.
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:00am
Awesome. I...I...just WOW!
Poor Millicent (never thought I'd say that) but even she can do better than a bad-tempered turncoat.
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 9:28am
I loved the image of "Tattoo Grim" checking out the new tattoo.
I get the feeling that Dumbledore will soon be having problems from Minerva and Filius (probably Sprout too when she returns from Borneo). Egomanaics should never hire talented people who can think for themselves.
Just what exactly is a "three-toed knicker."
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 9:05am
The Shelf of Requirement...I love it...and I really need one. The T-shirts are awesome. Samuel Splinch's remains on display... ::SHUDDER:: That would be a really horrible way to have your name immortalized for the ages.
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 8:57am
Thank you for making Neville as perceptive as I think he actually is. If people think you are weak or unimportant, they forget you are there and you can learn much. From personal experience, being able to pay attention to your surroundings as you read also allows you to learn much. Ginny's letter proves that she's in the House where she belongs.
I still don't think Ollivander is 100% human.
Dan's pronouncement...awesome!
{I'm reviewing a few chapters at a time until I catch up. I am WAY behind.}
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 8:46am
"A surprising number of books" which actually wouldn't be surprising for Hermione...or for that matter me. :)
If Ron ever came up to Hermione with the line "let's say get to know each other better" she would punch him.
Was there never a talk given about maturas? You could think you were dying.
Crabbe & Goyle probably had a 10 minute matura.
Great characterization of Amelia.
Dragen posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:06am
Oh I love your Standard Disclaimer, they are truly funny.
I have to say a great end to a great story, I love that Peeves is going to prank Voldemort and his Death Eaters. And that Bloody Baron and the rest of the ghosts are going to help Harry.
So because of the old witch-hunts, the Grangers block their magic, which meant that Hermione’s who have their magic block too, but somehow it didn’t work for Hermione, but his means that Hermione is a half or pure blood. Nice.
I can't wait to read the sequle to this story...
Dragen posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 8:07am
I love the amassment in the size of Harry’s ‘equipment’, with Emma and Narcissa saying that Harry’s ‘equipment’ made their husbands ‘equipment’ to shame lol…
The Weasleys are holding up St. Mungos, and loot is everyone and everything in the Hospital, lol. I love how the twins were acting about on this.
Voldemort is pissed that there isn’t anything in Hogwarts now. :D
I like the sound of the new school.
It’s a shame that Harry is doping out of school, but I understand his reason for doing so.
I like the speech of Harry’s to the people of Haven.
I think I can see the Weasley Twins going out with the Johansen Twins.
I love Dobby saluting Moony.
I love what Harry is planning to do, that he was talking about to O’Dalley
BlackPhoenix posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 3:23am
Nice story guys!
I just want to know how is it that molly is able to send harry howlers but in one scene tonks says that she doesnt want him to know that there are more than x00 howlers comin every day in the ministry, and even 24 people or so got arrested for sending him poisened/cursed mail.
gz blackphoenix
Berkeley posted a comment on Wednesday 7th February 2007 4:20am
If you guys are going to use something that exists in real life, you should research it first. Voodoo dolls aren't used in 'voodoo'. They're from a completely different religion that has come to be associated with Voodoo because American's are stupid, and incapable of doing so much correctly (I am American, so I'm ok with me saying that."
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. I don't think we actually mentioned anything about voodoo "dolls".
As for us using things from real life, we do that quite a bit in this story and if you're complaining about something we didn't even do, you're really going to hate what we've actually done. We twist myths into reality, and resurrect structures long destroyed. At this point, my friend, you have two options: sit on your fingers, or stop reading. In this work of fiction, we, the authors, retain the right to twist, tug, yank and stretch reality until it fits our needs, no matter who it may offend. You've been warned! *Grin*
On the other hand, there are plenty of other stories out there for you to read, including some excellent works by the other authors of this site. We're sure that you will find something to keep you entertained.
The GRIM posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 3:21am
Very fine story. I'm having fun with it. The characters are not as AU as you claim. You just played a little character roulette with them. Ron has become Draco (Seamus and Dean are skinny and small versions of Crabbe and Goyle). Draco has become Neville and Neville is now Ron. Dumbledore is Snape, Snape is Lucius, Remus is Dumbledore, Amelia is Mr. Weasley, etc. I like all-powerful Harry sometimes. I'm waiting for your version to really explode.
You have included in your story several of my pet peeves (but by no means are you even scratching the surface). 1. Blushing everytime someone makes a comment about relationships or hints at physical attraction. I think that eventually kids should be allowed to get beyond that; 2. Rolling ones eyes (why do all Potterdom characters do that all the time); 3. "Deepening the kiss". What does that phrase really mean? I've never seen it anywhere but in HP fanfiction. I think someone on the old Gryffindor Tower FF Site created it and everybody decided it was "cool".
Despite what I sound like above, I really am enjoying the story and the writing is quite good.
marcelhm posted a comment on Wednesday 24th January 2007 3:48am
well I just finished it in a 3day read (been ill so had enough time) and I must say. I officialy LOVE this fic. my compliments. the only note of critique I have is the fact that the entire start of the fic is about the criminal investigation and how harry can't do this or that because of it and then in the end it's all just forgotten because of the profecy. oh and loved this luna!
el_roberto posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd January 2007 8:58am
wow, you really know a story is well written when you start to get pissed off about the way some of the characters treat each other lol, great work
el_roberto posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 11:25am
Holy F**K you guys rock!!! this story is awesome, im lovin the random humor in this its great.
Sarah B. posted a comment on Monday 22nd January 2007 10:18am
Well, I have to say that this is one of the best novel-length HP AUs I've read since I got the chance to read some of LightningOnTheWave's massive AU HP series! I look forward to being able to read the sequel, once it's complete! I will definitely be coming back to this site off and on to check on the sequel, so I'll be able to start reading it when be complete. I hope you continue to write more in this fandom. By any chance, do you write in any others? (I ask because of references to other fandoms in the hilarious "Standard Disclaimer" headers.)
Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 8:02am
Who would have thought that Dean would be a spy for Voldemort, he is a Muggleborn, and we all knew how much Voldemort hates them.
Com e on, the only one who can kill Harry is Voldemort himself… no-one else. But ‘killing’ Harry is one way to really piss him off big time. And with the help of ‘Padfoot’, Harry tired down MoM. ïŠ
So everyone at Hogwarts are going to Haven.
Yeah, Harry is going to be a legend, whether he wants it or not.
I hope Harry will be ok
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:45am