Content Harry Potter


Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 7:28am

What another other great chapter, I do love your Standard Disclaimer; they’re truly funny.

Great, Harry got Ollivander on his side, which should help a lot.

Ron the fucking ass, I know he is evil but how could he do that to his own sister. But at least he is dead.

Oh boy, Harry wasn’t happy to see a statue of himself, I wouldn’t either.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 6:21am

The fools, trying to arrest Draco; whilst Harry is around, that isn’t going to happen. I like what Harry done to save Draco.

Poor Tonks and Moony, I hope they’ll be ok. Tonks is a fool to go out, and I understand why Harry acted like he did towards her.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 5:36am

Things are starting to get bad, with Amelia and Arthur on a wanted list.

I wonder what Harry done to the Dementors??

Cool, Hermione is also going to have a staff too, that is a great idea.

Oh boy, Giants attacking Hogsmeade, not good. :_( Poppy Pomfrey dead, she was one of Harry’s favorite people.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 4:37am

So it was Nott Jr… with Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, and someone named Anthony Goldstein, were attacking Harry’s friends. I like it that Harry turned the five in Muggles, nice done. And going himself the Gray Lord, the world really needs one.

:D Dumbledore found out that some people like Nott Jr, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy, can’t redeemed.

I like that Draco explained to Hermione that a free house-elf would go insane and then die.

Harry truly has managed to do what the Dark Lord could not; He’s chased both Snape and Dumbledore out of Hogwarts.

So Flitwick is helping Harry to make a staff.

Oh boy, Archibald Richfiel, as Interim Minister of Magic… that isn’t good.

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 19th January 2007 10:17pm

What another great chapter, I do love your Standard Disclaimer; I find them funnier with each chapter.

The fucking lying ass Dumbledore, saying that Arthur is going mad.

So Harry wants to barricade the United Kingdom, in turn keeping Voldemort and his forces inside, I do hope that it works.

So the Daily Prophet is destroyed, about time too, they never did paint the truth.

So the spells that Luna put on her diary, nicely done.

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 19th January 2007 2:28am

What another great chapter;

So Luna got herself and Draco effectively married, against Draco will, (against his will as he was out cold) whilst she was keeping Draco from dieing.

I don’t thinks it’ll take years for Harry to come up with a properly romantic proposal, a while yes, but not years.

Poor Terry, who attacked him

Oh boy, Dumbledore knows about the Prophecy that Hermione made, I hope he doesn’t work it out in time.

Trelawney truly gone mad.

I do love Harry’s shirts.

Kleo posted a comment on Friday 19th January 2007 1:35am

I really really liked this story! I am going to start reading the sequal right now!

I especially liked the opening scene and the lovely creative ways Ron and Snape got killed. Keep it up!

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 19th January 2007 1:24am

Another great chapter;

So Percy killed Fudge, (about time someone did) because he was controlled by a Death Eater. And then he was kill in his cell.

Poor Harry seeing Ginny and Neville naked.

Percy a Death Eater, I don’t think so.

Poor Harry not aloud to go to Percy’s service, because of Ron and Molly. How could Molly say that Harry murdered his godfather?

So Harry is a Viscount and Earldom.

:D Snape is in it now, for his bias towards his own House… and now he is suspended from teaching.

I wonder who attack Draco.

Mr.Zemme posted a comment on Wednesday 17th January 2007 7:16am

I have to admit, this is much better than most 'real' books I have read. Do either of your write to get published, I think you would do well.

Mr. Zardehar Zemme

Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 17th January 2007 3:07am

What another great chapter;

So the Royal Family is going on a grand tour, to show off the Crown Jewels… whilst but the Duke and the Queen stay behind. So they can escape the country, without causing a panic. Whilst the Prime Minister stays behind, to try and keep the country safe.

I’m happy that Dan and Emma are fine. I like that he called Dan and Emma, Mum and Dad.

Harry feels that he is a monster, but he isn’t… he done what had to be done to save Dan and Emma, and that doesn’t make him a monster, but a hero.

Dumbledore the fool; didn’t his time on the ceiling, and not being able to get down, show him that Harry is more powerful then him. And the ‘Brotherhood’ as done more, then his Order has over the war. Dumbledore truly is a fool. And why send Harry to Snape for defense, they hate each other, and would kill each other.

How embarrassing to wake up like that, and being teased over it at breakfast.

So Argus is dead, will a lot of children will be happy about that.

What did Harry do to have so many howlers sent to him?? I like it, Harry had snapped the wands of ten students, wandlessey… not many can do that.

nycginny posted a comment on Sunday 14th January 2007 9:16am

Absolutely loved it! Just started reading it a week ago and just finished it. Loved the A/N's section...bloody marvelous!
Keep on the good work!
Now to the sequel....


Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 3:07am

Yay! Go Harry/Hedwig, she's the best lady for him anyway. Okay, got that out of the way, but really looking forward to the next part, and how things will go with the Ministry and Dumbledore, as this may be the straw that has broken the camel's back, for which I'm glad to see.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 11:13pm

Really great to re-read this, as I enjoy Hermione and Harry ships at times, other I like other girls and Harry. Also like Super Harry as well. I'm not a big fan of Dumblydoor, but feel that in canon, he's less evil, maybe more apt to be a bit of a control freak that believes in his own publicity, not unlike Lockhart in a way. Really enjoy this a lot.

Mr.Zemme posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 4:30pm

Love the online sobriety test. There was only one problem for me, my mouse doesn't have a ball... what should I do now? ;-D

Third Time I'm Reading This :-D

Mr. Zardehar Zemme

Dragen posted a comment on Monday 8th January 2007 12:32pm

Another great chapter;

I love the idea of the ‘The Light of Judgement’ spell. Harry is right about the Light and Dark spells, there isn’t any, but for the Crucio spell… the only thing that matters is intent.

I think the Weasleys are right, Harry is probably the only person to succeed in pranking Dumbledore. Hermione and a circumcision spell, I wouldn’t want to piss her off. :D Harry truly is a panckster.

I know what the know prophecy means, and that is when Hogwarts fall, it’s time for Harry to put his plan into action.

Will at least Harry and friends as warned the Prime Minister of the British Isles, about what is going to happen.

And how could you end it with a cilff hanger like that.

Dragen posted a comment on Monday 8th January 2007 11:03am

Harry truly is showing his snake side.

Dumbledore would make out that the Brotherhood as an elite class of Death Eater.

I hope that everything will work out for Arthur and Harry.

I wonder what the ass of the headmaster is up to.

So Luna is a Child of Gaia… I like the idea behind that.

I understand where Harry is coming from, I wouldn’t know what to feel if I had to kill a man.

Remus is being a snake too.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 1:10pm

Another great chapter;

Before I say anything about your story, I have to say that I love your Standard Disclaimer, and they I like them as they get weirder.

I forgot to say that I like what Harry did to Snape and Dumbledore, hopeful that’ll teach them not to cross Harry, but I wouldn’t bet on it. They’ll do anything to control Harry.

:D Hermione really doesn’t know how much money Harry has, does she? If she does she wouldn’t think twice about it.

Hopefully, Arthur can get forgiveness from his family and Harry.

I do love Harry’s plan.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 12:22pm

What another great chapter;

I do like the start of this chapter when Peeves shout out "Oh, go bugger Dean Thomas, Weasel!" quiet funny if I say so myself. :D

I like how Harry reacted when he found the contraceptive charm on Hermione’s bed, and found out it was done by his mum. :D

Dumbledore is a fool to change Ron’s mood like that, in making him more in Defense could be a bad thing for the future.

:( The Gryffindor house as become a lot of wankers, to bet up one of their own.

Poor George, Fred and Bill, finding out that their family are no good, is not good. At least they don’t bream Harry and is willing to help him.

LoL… Harry really can be a Slytherin at times, no wonder the hat wanted him in that house.

What the hell is Harry planning?

I love the enchanted snowflake, nicely done.

Draco and Luna, who would have thought if that paring, I won’t have. Never under estimate Luna, as she’s more then she looks. :D

*sigh* Harry did warn Dumbledore, now he is seeing what Harry can do.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 11:23am

What another great chapter;

Poor Harry, there’s a war going on with his name on it, and there isn’t a thing that Harry can do to stop it. And he feels terrible that he can do anything, but stand by and let it happen.

There a few things that you shouldn’t do in front of Harry, the most important is never attack or hurt Hermione in front of him. And Pansy cross that line, and found out what would happen. The fool!

Luna really is a strange person; I don’t know why Rolling added her. But people do have fun writing her, and does it will.

I like how everyone reacted when they find out that Tonks is Harry’s guardian. And the Board meeting was good, where a few truths come out. As much as I like what happen to Ron, it was a lot, he devises more. And What Molly did after was uncalled for; she should feel lucky that Harry and Dan or Emma didn’t do anything to her. I said this once and I say it again; Dumbledore’s world is falling around him.

I wonder what Harry is planning.

I do like this new Malfoy…

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 10:06am

What another great chapter, I do like your Standard Disclaimer, I find them real funny;

Ginny can be real evil, when she needs to be. I don’t want to be on her bad side.

LoL… Dumbledore thought he had Harry, and the things he wanted Harry to do was outrages. But it’s not going to happen.

Poor Harry seeing Harry and Tonks in bed.

I love the latter from Sirius to Harry.

So Hermione is a seer, and her grandmother was too, which means she was a watch too. :D And made her first true prophecy.