Content Harry Potter


Josh5 posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 7:50am

Go Ginny! I'm glad someone finally decided to take action against the asshole! Sorry for the language! True Gryffindors Rule!!

Josh5 posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 8:26am

This seems as though it is going to be an excellent story! Well onward to see what else happens to dear old Harry!!

spurio23 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th January 2006 7:59am

"Besides, you’re grumpy one day a month, Tonks is downright frightening for five days each month."
You bad person. I'm at work and almost laughed like a crazy person. Course I am somewhat nuts working as a software engineer but hey! Probably shouldn't be reading this at work either but I'm addicted and its boring watching the software chug through its 30 minute test.

Robin Westerly posted a comment on Sunday 22nd January 2006 7:57am

why oh why can't I get to next chapter>?

Knight_Hax0r posted a comment on Saturday 21st January 2006 9:59am

SWEET!!! Lovely DARK story, and it is beyond excellence!

This story is one of the best I have ever read,( and is better than some of those written by JK Rowling! I can't say she droped the ball on OFTP (killing sirius) and HBP (I've only read HBP once so i'm not entirely certain on my opinion... however after reading it I was on a HP high and started reading Fanfiction *most of which shows the Dark side of Dumbledore, and has shaken my mental postion of him from good to border line evil*))

Anyway I look forward to reading Sunrise and posting reviews bashing you for leaving us with mouth watering cliffies! =P

starlightsuprise posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 11:49pm

Looking forward to reading your sequel

icmatinee posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 6:38pm

Great story, I like the fact that you stuck to the AU. I will start reading Sunrise as soon as I finish writing this.

Kaza posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 5:00am

dont forget spidy senses :D

ctao posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 2:14pm

man great book so far! cant wait too see what else happens.

Kaza posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 2:50pm

Why pray tell does seem to take some authors MONTHS to write a 3K word chapter? I don’t get that at all.

Some people have -jobs- where they work. some people also have kids. I have a friend who turns out 10k chapters every 8-9 months, He's a loyer(can't spell that word- too tired) He beta's his own work, twice, which is an outright bitch when the chapters are about 10k words.

Others dont have insipration like you do, I loose intrest in series quite quickly, and if I decide that it was good enough write fanfiction for, then I probably wont finish it, or continue it very slowly

People have legimite reasons for turning out chapters slowy.

ah, that was depressing. Love your story so far, but I'll wait till I'm caught up on the sequel to comment!

Kaza posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 2:17pm

What about a Canadain beta?

Kaza posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 12:44pm

Us canadians would pwn your ass :D

Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Wednesday 11th January 2006 4:41am

i have just finished sunset(which i found in a ron bashing thread at FA),took a membership at ur YG,and on my way to for ur stories there.
i just needed to tell u that i have enjoyed ur story very much(thank u for the pleasure of reading something good),but i enjoyed pet peeves even more.wish they take those and post as guidelines at every ff site.

(is there a reason for those adult themed,ill humored disclaimers?)

PS:to mods:Please don't mail me about my grammer,english is not my mother tongue,& i am depressed enough as it is abt my poor english.

Jasmine posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 4:19am

I really like how you are writting this. The organization and writting style is wonderful! Unfortunatly, I am off for an interview so I can't read any more for several days... :( I can't wait to get back and read more thought! Extremely well written and I admire how you are taking concepts you don't actually like and making them work brilliantly!

shion936 posted a comment on Thursday 5th January 2006 10:12pm

I really love that story.
I begin to read it in and then one day it was impossible to found (I'd read the story 'til chapter 15).
For weeks I didn't have any clue of where to find it.
Now, I can continue to read it.
I'm sure your sequel will be excellent too but first I have to finish reading this!

Thanks a lot for your story.


Chris Carter posted a comment on Wednesday 4th January 2006 1:31am

Wonderful story. I'm usually not a fan of super!Harry stories but I enjoyed this one because you offset some of his abilities w/the leg injury, and you didn't load him up w/a ton of gadgets and gear. The Weasleys' recovering and repairing historic artifacts, was hilarious. There's a big problem w/the voodoo/similarity thing, what would keep Harry from simply making a red-eyed Voldie doll and casting the killing curse on it, or lighting it on fire, running it over w/a tank, etc. Again, great story, I look forward to reading the sequel.

Tildessmoo posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 8:43pm

And now I must apologize for accidentally commiting one of my own pet peeves: double posting. I'll be more careful with my space bar in the future.

Tildessmoo posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 8:42pm

On the pet peeves:
Actually, I noticed a syntax error in the pre-error-ridden paragraph. Does this mean I can be a beta?
Just kidding. I'm good at proofing and fact-checking, but don't ever ask me to make plot or characterization suggestions; I can say if I think something is good or bad, but I generally can't say why coherently.

Tildessmoo posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 7:54pm

Dammit, you made me cry! No one kills Poppy!
In other words, extremely original and touching. I never knew how much I liked Madam Pomfrey until she died...

EricThorsen posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 9:34am

"Ahhhh!!! It's an Alligator! RUN! No, not the robes... Not the Hair, Not the Hair... mommy." That's is just a little of what I imagined. I like this story a lot so far.