By Bobmin
Chris Carter posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 12:40pm
I've enjoyed what I've read of this story so far. I like the continuity that you maintain in your story, such as Harry's leg injury being a persistent problem, in a lot of stories Harry goes from being practically on his deathbed to running a marathon in the next paragraph. I also really like the way you show what's happening in diffent places at roughly the same time to give a full view of what's happening. The romance is handled in a well paced and believeable way. The only (hopefully at least somewhat) constructive criticism I can offer is small nitpicky stuff: the characters must be very serpentine because it seems like EVERYBODY that's angry is described as hissing, while it's great Harry is letting his feelings out, if he cries much more he's going to need an i.v. to treat dehydration (its ok to hold some things in from time to time, Harry), and the Harry gets mad Hermione holds his hand Harry calms down, Harry gets mad Hermione holds his hand Harry calms down is a bit too repetitive a theme. This is a wonderful story and I look forward to reading the rest of it.
Amamama posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 12:11am
Interesting start... I have been avoiding starting this fic, as I know it'll eat too much time (when I get hooked, I just don't manage to stop), but... it's a quiet start to the year, the kids are out, hubby's reading Abraxan's wonderful story, so why not. I'll try to behave and not throw everything else over board.
That said, I must admit I love the start. I like the idea of H/H, especially when it means Happy Harry... And Dumbledore being a complete ass is about time, someone need to expose his actions. Thank you for doing that, thank you for writing, and thank you for satisfying my craving for Powerful!Harry. I sure look forward to this ride, and hope I'll manage to take it slow....
Hugs and Happy Harry New Year!
Jeremy3 posted a comment on Friday 30th December 2005 1:45pm
who's the President during all this?
Liam Gregory posted a comment on Friday 30th December 2005 2:18am
I am just reading this the first time now, after it was talked about on a Yahoo group I am part of...
I must say, I like this story very much so far.
However, there is one thing that I am confused about. The Idea of a silent Aparition. The pop is not caused by magic, but by the air rushing in to fill the void. The only way to do it silently would be to switch around the air that exists where he is going, and the area he was before he apparated, and instantly.
*Winces* Sorry, I'm a science nerd.
nurray posted a comment on Friday 30th December 2005 1:03am
Hmmm... just considering Remus statement on what harry can do, change spells already cast. Wouldn't that mean Harry could alter the lycanthropy curse that Remus suffers from into something innocous or disable it altogether.
uibristol posted a comment on Tuesday 27th December 2005 8:57am
I'm sure someone has told you by now that shite actually is a common british curses, and the author probably meant that instead of shit. Unless, of course, you were being facetious, in which case I missed the joke.
Great story to this point, very convincing plotting. The only qualm I have is that occasionally I feel that sometimes you hide behind the fact that it's AU to rationalize weak characterization. Perhaps Ron and Dumbledore are secondary or even tertiary characters, and Molly clearly is, and the reader doesn't necessarily need to know their motivations, but they seem cardboard cutouts of prejudice and selfishness w/ no real clear thought. Again, they're not main characters, and JKR often uses archetypical characteristics, but w/ all the wonderful characteristics you've added elsewhere, their lack of depth is even more striking.
Fred Schilling posted a comment on Thursday 22nd December 2005 2:04pm
LMAO, BOWEL-Movement
this is truly one of, if not the best fanfic i've ever read, and you two are the best authors. no doubt
callasandivy posted a comment on Wednesday 21st December 2005 7:19pm
very cool. I've read myself to exhaustion and am deeply impressed with what you two have accomplished. Thank you for exploring this story and sharing your talents.
Xyverz posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 3:47pm
This has been a *wonderful* ride so far! I'm looking forward to getting started with Sunrise. :-) Thank you for keeping me entirely too entertained. (reading at work, etc...)
startreknewf posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 11:48pm
EXCELLENT-I really really enjoyed your story.It's very well written and you have some excellent original ideas .So many Harry Potter fanfics seem to cover the same ground, whereas yours is totally different. Where can I find Sunrise over Britain? I can't wait to read it.Thanks for all your hard work.
black_wulf posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 2:32pm
Wow, I think I love you guys, make me cry and all that, was a beautiful ending. I can't believe I only just found this story, but I suppose that can be the blame that I am a slash shipper, rather than het, but this story intrigued me. You can thank your friends on for that. I am deeply grieved that my precious Sevvie is evil, but I suppose I would never read a whole lot of good fics if I never had an open mind about things... anywhoo, you guys rock in the fact that Albus is evil, I love you, or have I already said that? Oh, I have... anyways, you lot will have a hallowed place in my fic archive.
anonymous5 posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 1:02pm
"I'm going to chastise a few people."
Without any possible doubt, that phrase has the most amusing potential for understatement that I have [i]ever[/i] read in fanfic. :D
Gianda posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 6:04pm
I really loved the story
Sorry that I am reading it so late but I really just found it
The changes from humor and serious notes are really good and I like the line it is taking.
I will start reading Sunrise over Britain now
I can hardly wait
Rick Peterson posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 2:55am
I found this story recently and was intending to wait until I had finished it to review. However, I couldn't pass over the Weasleys 'fixing' all those priceless relics. That scene was... (wait for it)... priceless! And then stealing the Victory. I'm still chuckling over that one.
I'm glad that Mr. Weasley has come over to the good guys. Somehow, it was harder to see him as one of the bad guys than Molly or Ron. And I have to say that what you do to Ron in the disclaimers is just plain mean. Funny, but mean. BBQ Snape... hmm... I don't think it'll catch on.
smilingcat posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 8:48pm
wooohhh...what a wonderful story....I love this story...thank ´s for it....
reimanr06 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 7:44am
This is a great story, but I think your method of destroying Bristol is at the most impossible and at the least highly overstated. In order for gasoline to explode with force, as opposed to merely igniting, it needs to be vaporized and put under pressure. Car engines get their power because fuel injectors vaporize the gas and mix it with air, and the piston compresses the gas. When the spark plug sparks, the resulting reaction causes a release of energy in the form heat, causing the rapid expansion of the gases. This rapid expansion inside of the enclosed piston causes the force to be concentrated. A bullet works in a similar way.
In your story, the death eater ignites a large amount of liquid gasoline. While the outermost layers of the gas would vaporize due to the low vapor pressure of gasoline, the interior would remain liquid. Though in such a situation, a large fireball would occur, but the explosive force would be dissipated over the whole area. Furthermore, the reaction would be limited because all of the oxygen in the near vicinty would be consumed.
As for the natural gas, I am not as sure, as the gas would already have been in vapor form. However, as natural gases burn at low temperatures, it seems unlikely that the entire city would explode. A more plausible effect could be that the natural gas fire caught other flammable materials on fire in a nearby warehouse, and the fire soon spread to the rest of the city.
Maxennce posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 2:21pm
very very very very cool. I loved this story and all of the ideas that you've had for it, not to mention the disclaimers that you have at the beginning of every chapter. More often than not, leaving me in conniptions every time I read them, especially in regards to the death of either, Snape, Ron or Dumbledore. Especially in the most gory of ways that you insist on using. good on you, I hope you keep up the great work, and I am almost shaking with nevous energy with finishing this review so that I can move to your next installment of this wonderful, exotic and very very different tale. Can tell you for sure that does not hold anything even close to the realms of what talent and intriuge this has (brown nosing much hey). Keep up the great work, especially with the dislciamers hey
anonymous5 posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 2:28pm
Okay, I've been stuck reading this story for the last two hours, and it's a fun read - but do you have a beta?
"I’m warning you, Nott, I’m not going to put up with any of you Slytherin’s this year, baby Death Nibbler’s or not. If a group of student’s can take on Voldemort’s boot lickers, including your father, and survive, you pose no threat."
I spot three apostrophes used to make things plural in that one passage alone! What on earth?!
My apologies if this sounds tactless and rude, but cleaning up this sort of thing would make a good amateur story into something spectacular.
Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 11:49pm
i do love this story, and I'm reading it again for my own personal I get that added thrill of you using my humble summary as the official summary, that's so dope! anyhow, I dont know how you've done it, but you have made fudge almost likeable in this story. I mean yeah he's a bastard, and everyone knows it but he's been absolutley hysterical so far especially when he interacts with bumbledork and weatherbee of course.
ThunderGod posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 3:00pm