By Bobmin
Nyssa posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 2:15am
loved this story, can't wait to start the next one, but unfortunately work calls to me before i can start!!!
burtikus posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 3:19am
Just finished this, and I loved it. I liked your previous two stories very much, as well, but this was very different, yet great in a more realistic sense. Okay, realistic considering that it's about magic. Great job! Can't wait to read sunrise next.
Pet Peeves (i.e. nit-picking): the word is fidelius, not fidelis. And one has "another THINK coming", not another thing coming.
Nyssa posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 2:39pm
i am loving this story, but i do have one question. Ron keeps referring to Neville as a Slytherin. Is that Ron implying that Neville is as bad as a Slytherin, or did I miss something where Neville became a Slytherin at some point in this story? I think i would remember Neville becoming a Slytherin, i like Neville.
P.S - I love the author's notes, no matter how long they are, they're so much fun to read at the end of each chapter. It's like previews before a movie, it's stuff you don't need, but you want to make sure to see/read everytime you go
Youngpoet716 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 10:34am
This story was amazing my brother recommended that i read it and i liked it i liked all of your stories i was a little hesistant at first with a dark dumbledore but i loved it later
Michael Evans posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 10:09am
From what I've had time to read so far, it looks very good, congrats.
Nyssa posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:56am
loving this story so far, it's so much different from the ones i have read, but it's awesome, i'm hooked
Bethany1 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:31am
*mumbles to self "How did I not stumble on this before??"*
Bob, Alyx, you're absolutely fantastic authors. This story has kept me going since the first sentence. It's got everything I love in a good thriller (and I cut my teeth on Clancy, Forsythe, Higgins, Koontz, and Ludlum),action, adventure, suspense, and what's more, it was all believable. Whatever action you took, whatever direction was explained in a plausible manner. Plus you weren't afraid to show the not-so-pretty side of war, of the hard decisions that had to made and the effects that making those decisions had on the people making them. That I think is what made Sunset Over Britain really go from good read to absolutely spectacular find. You didn't sugarcoat the not-so-pretty or fun parts. This is certainly going down as one of the best HP AU's in my Rec's folder.
Oh and the disclaimers and AN's had me rolling in laughter (and I was pretty convicted reading some of the Pet peeves- seeing myself as a repeat offender in some).
So thanks for a wonderful experience...I'm going to let Sunset simmer for a hour or two, to give myself a better chance to fully process it all and then I'll be seeing you both over at Sunrise.
harry85 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:22am
Wonderful! This is the deign closure for a wonderful story. Now I'm gonna read Sunrise, hoping the updates will come quickly!
harry85 posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 11:13pm
Loved this chapter! Every moment of it, really!
harry85 posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 10:28pm
This was great, especially the teasing to Voldemort. It was just wonderful!
harry85 posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 3:33am
Well, Ron's dead, Romany's dead, Harry is NOT dead, I'm sure of it, but where ahve he and McGonagall been portkeyed to? That's the question. Although he'll be able to Apparate them back to Hogwarts as soon as he wakes up...
harry85 posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 2:44am
I liked this a lot. I guess when they'll find the enchantment on Ron, theyy'll take it off him, sohe'll sart going after Hermione again...
Schokki posted a comment on Saturday 3rd December 2005 12:08am
Wow!!!!! ^_______^
Definitely one of the best (and the longest^^)ff I've ever read! I enjoyed every chapter and couldn't stop reading until that my father cutted off the connection!-.-"""
It takes me exactly 7 days, so a week, to read your story!^^
Now I'm going to read "Sunrise over Britain" and I'm sure that the story is just as well! ;-)
So long,
harry85 posted a comment on Friday 2nd December 2005 11:05pm
This was sad. But war is war, and casualties will be there. Voldie has to take over Britain, and sooner he does that, sooner Harry can kick his ugly ass...
harry85 posted a comment on Friday 2nd December 2005 10:08pm
The changes in the Ministry are not good. Not good at all. Wonder what will happen to Amelia, and the investigation on Dumbledore, now that Dolohov has taken her place.
Well, I guess Harry could always go, kill them and come back to Hogwarts. This is war, after all. So one has to take down the enemies in war.
harry85 posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 10:57pm
Well, I think the stupid ones are the ones threatening Harry and trying to ambush him.
They'll end really badly, they will.
harry85 posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 8:37pm
Guess whoever attacked Terry is going to have his ass very well kicked...
harry85 posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 7:15pm
Poor Dray...that was to be expected tough. Maybe he shouldn't have gone back to Slytherin's quarters, after all.
harry85 posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 6:04pm
Ah, this is no good. Arthur under Imperius is no good at all. Well, I hope someone fixs that soon!
Tammy posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 7:43am