By Bobmin
harry85 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 10:46pm
Good one this was. Loved it. And Harry left the castle just as he said he would, even with Snape and Dumbledore's attempt at keeping him there...
By the way, I think Dumbledore is growing more deranged in each chapter...
harry85 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 10:02pm
This was good, but I really expected Ron to be espelled. Well, I didn't expect it, truthfully, I knew it would ahve been asking too much to relieve the school from the git's presence. But I think he deserved that.
As for relocating Harry and Hermione, well, this won't do. Dumbledore will still continue his schemes about the boy...but once again, taking them away from the school would ahve been too easy...
Justin posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 11:59am
WOW! I just read through that entire thing this week. I must admit this is definitely one of the best fan fics i have ever read. Great ending...especially with the Grangers becoming magical. I can't wait for sunrise.
Renee1 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 10:01am
I finally caught the Dan/Emma joke.Daniel Radcliffe , Emma Watson. Cute . Tee hee. I am so slow.
Nathalie posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 8:35am
I have only just found this and I can only say one thing! I LOVE IT UP TO NOW!!!!
John Burrage posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 7:54am
Why does the sequal have the exact same name as this fic? email me please with answer
harry85 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 5:30am
This was good as usual. I can't wait to finish this story, I'm so addicted to it!
But now it's time to go to bed for me. Tomorrow new chapters will be read...
allygator posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 5:06am
This story is awesome!!!!
I just recently discovered it through Jeconais's page on and what an amazing treat! I loved how you started the plot with canon from the end of book 5 and then created interesting and captivating plot twists with your alternative universe take on things. I think the best feature of this story was that you kept the AU aspect grounded, yes harry had superpowers but he still had real problems to deal with (his leg) that he couldn't just magically fix. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel to this story and reading more of your author's comments, the pet peeves were always right on and I'm going to check out your other stories.
Keep up the great work, and update soon!
harry85 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 9:07pm
Wonderful story, really! I love every chapter, even if they are quite long...but hey, somehow I manage to get through them.
By the way, I've written a story similar to yours, not knowing about this one at the time. It's posted on, my author name is Harry85, if you would like to have a look at it it is called "The Heirs of Darkness" and you would make me happy reviewing it! Thanx!!
TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 12:06pm
Wow. That was a fascinating and truly wonderful story. All on its own. It's doubly blessed to be a story of characters I already love.
How does one find Sunrise over Britain? Or has it begun as yet?
I commend you on your ability to not only weave a gripping tale, but to take characters and pairings that you freely admit to not liking and making them *the* pairing and redeeming hated characters.
I wish I had more specific comments, but I took two days to read your story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. For that, I thank you. I am an avid reader, but I find it increasingly difficult to find stories that capture my interest.
I look forward to reading more from you.
harry85 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 3:10am
This was ruddy brilliant! I loved every moment of it, especially the interaction with Ron and Dumbledore...
harry85 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 2:03am
Brilliant! I loved it!
harry85 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 12:15am
This was good, you know. I'm loving this story a lot!
harry85 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 11:20pm
My, this story is so beautiful! Maybe the chapters are a bit too long for my taste, but still, it's wonderfully written. Have you ever thought about publishing it?
After all lots of pamphlets have been pusblished about the DA Vinci Code too, so i think it can be done somehow...
Elfguard48 posted a comment on Sunday 27th November 2005 10:35am
Still enjoying the story {second time around}. Read your bit about authors with way to many stories and none complete. Thats why when my nephew showed me this site, and looking it over.I did a 10 minute happy dance. Looking forward to Sunrise over Britain. Take care.
Sean Li posted a comment on Sunday 27th November 2005 5:55am
I bow to you guys...for all time. This is a story I will keep with me when all canon fades in my mind.
Bravo, Madame and good Sir. Bravo.
Meg M. posted a comment on Sunday 27th November 2005 5:17am
I don't normally review as I can never think of what to say but I just finished reading your story and I loved it. Thank you for a very interesting read and now I have to go read the rest of your stories now. Thank you for sharing this with me and I hope you keep writing for a long time to come if this is an example of the creativity in your minds.
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 26th November 2005 3:22pm
Thank you for a wonderful read, Bob and Alyx. I'll jump into Sunrise as obsessively as I did into Sunset when I discovered its existence. All I can say is a terribly eloquent "wow!" and bow down to your brilliance.
Thanks again!!!
Sean Li posted a comment on Friday 25th November 2005 2:11pm
Godly, thou art.
harry85 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 11:40pm