Content Harry Potter


Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Friday 25th November 2005 1:36pm

I'm having so much fun reading about Luna's special abilities as an explanation for her weirdness. You've made her a very strong person in this fic--I think even more so than in canon itself. The same goes for Neville and Draco, of course.
Whether you like him or not in canon, I love Draco in this fic.

Sean Li posted a comment on Friday 25th November 2005 11:32am amazing.

Some of the best fanfic I've seen thus far, and I mean that in no way because I'm prejudiced in favor of Harry & Hermione.

Elfguard48 posted a comment on Friday 25th November 2005 6:40am

This is the second time reading this story. Sorry for not leaving any reviews. I've been reading it at work and in between checking in guests. I'm truely enjoying the story. I just don't know why I do. I do not care if it follows the books. Sometimes being a little different from them is better. I know I'm not expressing myself very well never could never did. Keep up the good work. Besides to me a real fan can enjoy {up to a point}Any or most fan fics. I's for enjoyment...Sincerly, Helen

Natasja posted a comment on Thursday 24th November 2005 6:05pm

With sated apathies we will soon retire.
Further annoUNcements can wait until laTer.

Professor Dumbledore sat down as the students rose to there feEt.

Ron, who had just wrestled his trunks to the bottom of the stairs, turned to see Harry effortlessly levitate his own trunk down to the living room.

He watchED the emergency personal trying to put OUT the fire.

daeshie posted a comment on Thursday 24th November 2005 3:54pm

hate to get this out in the open but
this was a pointless review
i believe that might have been one of your pet peeves
daeshie the boring and sugar-high

FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 1:48pm

You have some weird preocupation with the song 'Fly Me to the Moon', don't you? And Snape not being Rickman.In any case, i look forward to reading Sunrise over Britain.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 1:36pm

I love some of your details, guys. You have me cracking up almost enough to wake my little boy, who'd really be hacked off at this hour.

As much as you say you hate Draco, he's so likeable in this fic that it brought tears to my eyes when he threw himself at his recovering mommy. Maybe because I'm a mom myself? Or maybe just because you guys are fantastic writers...

FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 1:16pm

I like Alan Rickman. He's hilarious in Dogma. When will Dumbles die?

FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 12:55pm

You bastard, you killed Poppy!

FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 10:51am

book 6 i mean

FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 10:50am

i got disgusted with book 3 too. Only reason i found out Dumbledore died was because of spoilers in some fics.

FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 9:33am

He could have used magic to isolate the poison, then bleed it out. rehabilitation would come later. Also, " diabolical music"?! WTF is that?

Matthew Terlich posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 3:35am

Awesome story guys.
Couldn't stop reading... which can often be a bad thing, but hey! I enjoyed it thoroughly. Nice to have a harry that isn't continually getting more powers and abilities as the story progresses. A very believeable and provoking story.



Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd November 2005 1:11pm

I absolutely love the 'Who peed in Voldemort’s gene pool?’ tee-shirt!
And you actually made me feel sorry for Draco. I can't believe I'm hoping he'll be able to talk to Harry and that Harry will help him out.
I'm truly enjoying this fic! One note, though (grammar--sorry, I'm an English teacher), Dursleys not Dursley's. Apostrophes only appear with possessives and contractions...sorry, it's kind of a pet peeve of my own.

Harrypassion posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd November 2005 8:44am

I can't wait for the sequel to this story. Your stories have made me cry more than once. Can not wait to see when you start your new story how would be Harry's love interest.

damariam posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd November 2005 7:37am

a great story
thank you

SailorAlgol posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd November 2005 4:22am

Well thought, well written, well done!! It's authors like you that give me the will to keep looking for good writers on the internet. (I've only found about 7 so far...)
I look forward to Sunrise, but take as much time as you need. I've found that rushed equals low-quality...

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Monday 21st November 2005 2:03pm

I'm very intrigued so far. But it's midnight and I have to get up at 5, so I'll have to read more tomorrow. :-(
I am uncomfortable with DD being a bad guy, but am going with it because, as I said, I'm intrigued to learn where this is heading.

jalva200 posted a comment on Monday 21st November 2005 9:49am


Ive read so many stories i have lost count and out of all of them ive liked about half. But this, this one out dos them ALL!!!!!! Even tho i dont know what AU stands for :p it is the BOMB!!! HAHAHAHA... You two are i have to say EVEN BETTER THEN JK ROWILING!!!

I cant wait to read your other works but im mostly atm wanting to read the squeal of this one. Im going to go read your others right now and i know that if they are as good writen as this one is. They will also be great stories.

Thank you Bob and Alyx for this storie it is turly one of the greatest things ive had the pleasure and honour of reading. Im sorry if ive miss spelled somethings. Keep doing your wounderful work and i will keep reading anything and everything you ever publish.

Cant belive the queen die she owed me 20 pounds!!


Jake posted a comment on Monday 21st November 2005 5:25am

Great story, I wondered what happened when I stopped getting updates on this story from I'm glad it wasn't abandoned, if I may ask, why did the story get taken down? I can't wait to read Sunrise, keep up the great work!
