By Bobmin
B Nuhfer posted a comment on Sunday 20th November 2005 8:55pm
Bravo, I have truly enjoyed Sunset over
Britian and eagerly look forward to your
sequel. I have read all your other work
on fan fiction and your work is absolutely
some of my favorite fan fiction. Thanks
for all your hard work in bringing us this
story and the many others.
Sarah Hunt posted a comment on Sunday 20th November 2005 11:41am
I finally got a chance to read this and finish it! Most excelent!
However, I have but one bone to pick with you vis-a-vis Alan Rickman...I am a huge fan of his. I loved him in Robin Hood and adore him as Snape, but what really clinched it for me was a little movie called "Dogma".
I hope that I am not about to be sacrificed due to my devotion to this very talented actor. LOL
I can't wait to read Sunrise Over Britain. I look forward to all of your stories with great anticipation.
Lanthir posted a comment on Sunday 20th November 2005 7:30am
Hello, I am from germany. Sorry for mistakes!
Your story is exellent, very good. I hope that you ´will write a second part.
Bye Lanthir
n4zhg posted a comment on Sunday 20th November 2005 1:16am
Good story, look forward to the sequel.
One item: Amater Ham Operation is a creation of the Department of Redundancy Department. Ham Radio Operator or Amateur Radio Operator should be used.
potterhead posted a comment on Saturday 19th November 2005 1:51pm
I love this fic! It was awesome, even though it was totally different from the actual HP. you guys are very creative though, so good work. I hate the fact that it ends in the middle of the story, so please hurry up with sunrise over britain.
Bebop_5 posted a comment on Saturday 19th November 2005 2:54am
yo Bob and Alyx, great story been reading it ever since it was on u guys sould put it on portkey, it is a H/HR , R/L , G/N , and L/J site. dont no if u have herd of it but they wont delete your story for the reasons FF. net did. they have more freedome towars there storys. and as long as the main paring stays the same u can have any other paring u want on it. just thought i would give u a heads up and wanted to say your story is in the top 5 storys on my list.
well BBFN Bebop_5.
Ignoramus posted a comment on Saturday 19th November 2005 1:17am
My appreciation for your eloquent writings know no bounds, but you are not being very clear. Harry said that anyone wearing the Dark Mark would not survive crossing Britain. Voldemort does not carry the Mark; unless you are implying that he cannot cross because the Marks are all linked to him or some excuse of the sort, Voldemort should be able to cross into Ireland.
That said, I would like to congratulate you on a job well done, however hellish it may have been. You have survived, and I'm sure all us readers are ever more thankful for it.
Anna1 posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2005 11:32pm
I have just started reading your story and I think it's amazing. You have good style and believable characterisations (although they are obviously very far from the canon). I like the way you write, without wasting too much time on describing things that are not really necessary (like going on and on forever about how much Harry is suffering). Also cheers for Hermione's parents names...
Larry Fraser posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2005 10:47am
Excellent story. Can't wait for the sequel.
Kari posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2005 6:36am
Oi.. You two always leave me breathless after an update! Can't wait for the Sunrise, you two!
light fan posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2005 1:25am
The farther off canon, the better. I didn't like bk 5 and I don't know anyone who liked HBP. I love Harry having extraordinary powers, so I know I'll like the rest of your story. Thanks for sharing. All of your works were recommended by someone posting on portkey. I'd say he was right on the money.
Jimmy posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 10:42pm
YOU ARE AMAZING! SIMPLY AMAZING!! Very nice story. I can't wait till Sunrise over Britain. You are both better writers than even J.K Rowling. Your story hooked me so much I kept checking your site every half an hour to see if you'd update. Hell, I even put an automatic refresher program so that when I wake up I could see if you updated.
I can't believe Sunset is finished. PLEASE START SUNRISE SOON!!!
From Jimmy
jalva200 posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 4:03pm
*Squeals and rushs over to bob and grabs him in to a bone crushing hug and kisses him with tongue*
I love ya!!!!
I HATE HBP!!!! It disgusted me aswell bob and i would of throwen it away if i didnt pay the 26 dollars for it. Ive been trying to get others to see how much it sucked but ive only had afew see how right i was.
I swear JK is an idiot, she has now ruined all of her future books for me. I will read the last and final book just so i know what her most likly crapy ending will be.
If i was the WB guys id of had her change that book. No way id let some crap like that come out with my name on it.
And to me that book does not exist either.
anyway im tired its 2am and i have school tomorrow and i didnt do my homework. psh like i would have anyway :p
Thanks for giving me a good excuse for not doing it tho. Your storie was way worth not doing it. Now im off!!
QOShea posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 11:54am
This is probably the best dark AU fics I've read. Bravo!
Helen posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 11:46am
Great JOB!!!!! I have lurked for a while and I just finished SOB. "It's been a hell of a trip" doesn't even cover it!! You two are excellent!! Can't wait for the new installment.
One question, what happened to Crookshanks?
Keep up the good work. I love your witty comments as well.
Bryan Wiseman posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 11:42am
I really liked this story. The depth that you applied througout the story line is amazing. i hope that soon we will be able to learn what happens.
Lady_Readwolf posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 11:01am
What a wonderful story!
A friend pushed me in this direction Monday night, and I must admit, I've been willingly hooked since the first chapter--happily losing sleep to stay up (just that one last extra hour) eagerly rushing back to my desk between breaks to continue reading. It's been quite an interesting week--especially since I've been listening to the Book 4 audiobook in the car, too!
I was happy to try and predict the writers and immensely pleased when I turned out to be correct only approximately half the time. I enjoyed your characters and their development (and blame you for now being pestered by that same-self friend to read more HP and het-fics [sighs dramatically woeful]). Draco and Luna, for instance. While I'm more comfortable with someone being able to write Draco as a good guy, I've seldom seen him written in his I-might-be-a-Slytherin-but-I'm-still-just-a-human-being-capable-of-being-a-contradictory-ass-just-like-everyone-else. Many have tried...and tried... and tried... I think yours is the first story that really nailed it. Luna is a curious character to begin with. A problem with most of the characters in the potterverse is none but the three main characters are every really fleshed out--this is, of course, a result of Harry's narraration, and thus it's logical, but it leaves so much open. We are, afterall, left to the mercy of a young man's interpretation of the world around him. Luna was one of the side-characters who I always thought there should have been more about. Something blatant but completely obscure. something beyond the easy-labeled "Looney". Thank you for seeing beyong the label and fleshing it out some.
I was rather sad to see Percy kick it--and yes, he was one of the ones I guess correctly. I'd always kind of held out hope that maybe he'd reconcile... big giant prat that he is. You successfully made me cheer over one of my favorite boys' death. And may I just say: spiders, and how I adore irony (as long as it's not playing with me. :\ ). Dumbledore. My goodness. I think this is the first fic I've read where he was more than just a manipulative old coot. Ninety-five points for successfully manipulating my feelings towards the old coot. Ginny and Neville---I actually rather like that idea. I was surprised, as well, by how taken with the idea of Harry and Hermione I've become. I know it's beginning to sound trite, but I must say, kudos for writing a wonderfully complex and believable relationship built between the two friends. Kudos also go to the Weasly twins. I do so hope we get to see more of them, their twin girlfriends, and the miniturized toy warfare crafts sometime in the near future. Oh, and five points deduction for the near-heart failure I suffered when Fred was hurt. Although, I'd have to add five points for making me go back and reread the Granger-kidnapping again [Andrea's reactions: OMGs, they killed the Grangers! No... wait... that can't be right. {goes back and rereads} Oooooh... well, shit, that's still not good.]
Dean Thomas. Hn. You caught me on that one. (granted, after everything else that had been going on, I'd kinda forgotten about the spy.)
The Weasly men. Fixing stuff in the museums. .... I believe I actually *moaned* with laughter. Hermione's reaction was also great.
Super-power Harry. Apparently this happens often in this fandom? Have I mentioned I like how you've added some limitations--a bum leg, a forceful girlfriend, and a conscious, just to name a few.
Oh, and Hermione and her SPEW. Nice touch. Really enjoyed Draco stepping up to the plate there.
I also appreciated your criticism on writing. Thank you for taking the time and consideration to write such an involved and developed story.
And, with that, it is *so* time for me to get back to work. AGain, thank you for the read!
AK posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 10:46am
Aha! Finally finished!
*Summons a platter of cookies using his shwarts ring he found in a cereal box, gets himself a Dark Helmet heml, and a computer called Mr.Coffee*
Well I don`t know about what the others think (and don`t really care either) but this a nice story but did you really have to make it so that only 2 of the Weasleys were evil? Tsssk couldn`t keep your resolve? Oh well... And now Harry is the Boy-Who-Lived-And-Then-Lived-Again-And-Also-Blew-Up-The-Ministry-And-Summoned-A-Volcano... okay i think thats enough, but really he is just an attention seeking rich brat *Laugh evilly and calls Ron from the dead to share his point of view with someone almost as stupid as he is*
Okay but I do really digress... Now as to a real review: First I really whanted to note the quality of the story (if you need a beta just email me but from the looks of it you don`t)
Second I do have to agree with many of the reviewers your stories really are good, but i did notice something rather disturbing you insist that two authors are writing this story ( and I believe you since there would be absolutely no point in lying) but the disturbing thing is I can`t sense any transition or style variations, are you sharing the same brain? (No offence Alyx, which is the british spelling for offense btw! )
Oh and I have one question Now Hermione was always said to be a muggle born, but now we find that she is not? i mean she has two magical parents (both half-bloods) that makes her a half-blood... was that intentional?
jalva200 posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 10:08am
Damn i swear this is the best storie ive ever got dag read!!
I love everything about it!!!!
Well all i wanted to say :D
Re Nee posted a comment on Monday 21st November 2005 1:26am