By Bobmin
japanese_jew posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 5:12am
god, Harry is SO boring. If I had been tackled by some girl I would've screamed rape. *nods decisively* definitely.
Quizer posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 3:50am
"In the second world war, fought by the muggles, the Germans were killing people of the Jewish faith by the millions."
Being a German myself, I feel I must object to how this is phrased. I think we all know that it was ol' Adolf and his little clique who orchestrated the mass murdering of the Jewish people. I'd appreciate if you changed the above sentence accordingly. :)
thank you
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 2:44am
Oh YEAH! Bob and Alyx, this was a wonderful story from beginning to end! A compulsory read for everyone disappointed with HBP and the normal fare of HP fanfiction.
I could talk about the brilliantly-written action sequences, the believable romantic interactions or even the comedy. However, in the end, it was the plotline - never pushing the boundaries of credibility and showing a real understanding of the fantasy universe and the people therein. All in all, this was a masterwork in HP fanfiction, at least equal to the best I have ever read.
The conclusion of this first part nicely sets up the second book.
There will doubtless be some trouble with Dolohov's forces in Ulster. There may also be some trouble with possible magical infrastructure links between Britain and Ulster (secured Floo links or some kind of teleportational magic) that may not be affected by Harry's 'line of death'.
The Brotherhood will return in fact as well as name. Given the non-causual behaviour of some magic, I wonder if it was the fact that they will be the Brotherhood in the future is what made Harry and his friends choose the name in the first place.
I also expect the Dumbledore will quickly become, first an irritant, then later an active obstacle to Harry's war.
No doubt, Tom will get a boost from Snape's research. However, no power comes without a price. I strongly suspect that if he boosts his power too much, it could make it unusable ("I tried to use a levitation spell on my teacup and I put it in orbit!").
I can't wait to see your sequel and the conclusion. If it is half as good as the original, it will be an unmissable read.
Once again, well done!
BenRG's Rating: 9/10 - Near perfection!
tru posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 11:09pm
Wonderful story. I am very impressed, and I usually don't like Harry/Hermione stories but you pulled it off. Looking forward to the sequal. I have visions of the weasley's sailing up the Thames in the Victory.
Again thank you for this it was a pleasure to read.
Ana Maria Fernandes dos Santos posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 6:46pm
Even though is the first time I post I've started reading your story in when it was on the 7 chapter and then move to your group. I would like to say that your story is the best I've read. You two belong to that special group of writers that is worth reading. The last chapter was fantastic and I can hardly wait to read what you two are ploting for Harry in the sequel. Enjoy the break recharge batteries you deserve it. Keep the excelent work!!!
Phntm-Phnx posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 4:28pm
Awesome, well written story. By far the best of your three far. Keep up the good work.
jpotter posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 2:58pm
this entire story was phenmomenal from beginning to end and I can't wait for the sequel
jalva200 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 2:36pm
I have found such a wounderful storie and i am prying to you to keep it comeing. Its such a wounderful exciting storie and i have to say addictive!
OMG!!! This is so awsome of a storie it aint funny!! That Brotherhood stuff is GREAT!! I hope that you go and have someone from the brotherhood go and scare the shit out of Albus.
Anyway LOVE IT!!
Man i need a smoke after somemthing so good like that.
MattD posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 9:58am
Even though I've read the whole story, I still itch for Harry to just vaporize every Death Nibbler (as you call them) when I read this chapter. Just kill the bastards. =)
MattD posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 9:05am
Well, I was going to stop rereading the story after this chapter, but the fucking cliffy!! prevented that. Oh well...must read on...
B Nuhfer posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 7:55am
I am a fan. I have read other works of
yours at fan fiction and I have had nothing
but pleasure when reading your amazing
stories. This story is once again a truly
pleasurable reading experience. I hope
when I get to the end of this one I will
find that you will have started a new one.
Thanks for the story.
MattD posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 6:10am
Finally, Wormtail meets his maker. Another excellent chapter.
Sidenote: 'The Stand' is a brilliant book (the Uncut version, that is; the cut version is a ghost of the real thing)
daeshie posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 5:17am
hey! i was wondering if i could put some of the shirt quotes on actualy t-shirts? if so...could you please email me some at ? thanks!
i must read on....this is too good
MattD posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 4:52am
I love the 'Ghostbusters' quotes...and this chapter as well. Continues to impress me.
Paul6 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 2:56am
That was great
Beowulf posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 1:21am
I really love your stories.
The themes and plots just put a smile on this old face.
i really like the weasley commamdores.
i have and ideal that you mght like,
a short brigade- made of elfs, gnomes, drawves, and goblins.
but again thank you for the time you take to write
these stories
from Beowulf the gnome
jalva200 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 7:35pm
Hehehe damn your going to make me die of pure bliss!!!
So goood so fucken GOOD!!!!!!
This is the first time ive ever reviewed more then once in a storie! you should consider this a complament by the one and only GREAT TEDDY!!! :p :P :P :P
Back to reading nows..... I wounder if i have some cheese in a can.........
Nika posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:51pm
That was great!
I can't wait to see the next story!!!
I can only wish that more people would take writing fanfiction in such an interesting way and with brilliant plots.
jalva200 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:34pm
O also the ( scene where Dumbledore and McGonagall are bathing in Lime Jello, drinking Tequila shots and playing saxophones while Lemon Drops wearing Cowboy hats dance in a chorus line. Just kidding. Well maybe. Never can tell) thing give me one hell of an orgasam :p and i tell you know i aint kiddin.
Those dancing lemon drops got me so worked up!!
Crazy TeDDy
real names josh tho so yeah :p
PruePotter posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 9:05am