By Bobmin
verhausen posted a comment on Wednesday 26th September 2007 12:53pm
You have done more than a halfway decent job! Very well written and am looking forward to the sequel. Thanks for a wonderful read.
verhausen posted a comment on Wednesday 26th September 2007 12:24am
Great story! It's great to find a story where the adults are actually acting as adults and have finally realized that Harry is being manipulated. You have done a wonderful job with the writing and the imagery.
zero0000 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd September 2007 4:47pm
I dunno. Something about Dumbledore being manipulative seems to me should have been pulled off with more subtlety and guile. I mean hey, he's one of the most brilliant wizards in existence. If he does turn Dork Lard Dumblemort, shouldn't it be more of a behind the scenes chess games with the guy?
I feel as though evil Dumbledore is highly underestimated, is all.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 18th September 2007 4:59am
Harry's characterization is just a little too uneven for me to follow completely at times. He is far too emotionally fragile to be the person you have him at times and there is no reasonable predictive factor to what will set him off at one moment to the next.
Now seeing as how I've read the rest of this and the sequel already, I do admit Harry does even out some as we progress, but the beginning of this story suffers as a result.
Yes he is abused and has had his trust taken advantage of, but on the flip side he forgives far too easily (Arthur) and is way to amicable despite everything that happened to him. Poor Harry and the idealic characterizations authors force upon him (JKR included).
Thanks for writing,
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 18th September 2007 3:14am
Probably the only little writing habit I've found in the reread of this story are how often eyes widen with pleasure or some similar facial expression involving pleasure...
How does one's eyes widen with pleasure exactly....eyes widening with surprise I can understand...but pleasure...well you lost me.
Thanks for writing,
dpritchard2170 posted a comment on Saturday 15th September 2007 6:01pm
wow i read the whole thing in one go you need to write something original you are very very good
HHrfan17 posted a comment on Thursday 13th September 2007 8:36am
i have red this story before it is a grate story and i allways love a good Dumbledore/ron\molly bashing story there so much fun
kutekess posted a comment on Wednesday 12th September 2007 1:12am
Random idea - if you and alyx both had different fonts (for a/ns and disclaimers ecetra) you could literally have conversations together!
I don't mean for the actual fanfiction though, that's different
Great story!
ily_thecat posted a comment on Saturday 8th September 2007 3:32am
I Love it!
Sorry you got kicked off fan-fiction-those jerks
nimistar posted a comment on Thursday 6th September 2007 8:43am
hay you cut off Old Crow’s feet, thats just rude. besides that i must say that this was a great chapter, had me laughing so hard i could not breath.
Christophe Thomas posted a comment on Thursday 6th September 2007 1:37am
like the ideas :) looks like its going to be an all nighter again
Melferd posted a comment on Wednesday 5th September 2007 1:56am
Hee..still enjoying my re-read while I'm getting better. Please advise Hermione and Harry that the next time some helpful person advises them not to let the other "get away" of the following replies:
"Oh, I'm not too worried, I'm using all the standard precautions; handcuffs together in bed, long rope tied in the kitchen" or "Thanks, but I've got one of those collars with a buried fence around the house, so it hasn't been an issue."
At least that will shut them up until after they have kids....
Y'all are even more amazing this time around, and no I'm not scary stalker!Mel. Besides reading this I'm rereading DH, and watching Dead Like Me season one. See, heathy mental outlook here!!
Tia, Mel
delta16669 posted a comment on Tuesday 4th September 2007 9:44am
Even though you have already finished this chapter and this story I feel I must disagree with you. I dont think that there are any limitations to magic. ITS MAAAAAAAAAGIC! Why should there be any limitations to what it can do? Certainly there are limits to what certain people can acomplish with their imaginations and power levels but if you're strong enough and with a little bit of imagination anything can happen. Plus how else do you account for a skinny, short english kid with glasses transforming into a 6 foot tall hunk with the most piercing green eyes ever?
If magic can fix eyesight, add height and muscle mass, then I think he can repaire some damaged tissue.
But then again. This is your story. And its finished already. So I dont actually see the point of this.... hmmmmm.
Alex Tremaine posted a comment on Monday 3rd September 2007 1:42am
I have taken your online sobriety test, but I got stuck at step two...
The bright red light from the bottom of my mouse kept me from finding the ball you mentioned.
I think this is actually the third time I've read this, and it is still every bit as captivating now as it was the first time I read it.
Lillith Desiree posted a comment on Sunday 2nd September 2007 11:05am
Regarding your pet peeves.... It is one of my own but I also get horrible writer's block or don't like how I'm writing something, or I get distracted by something else. I hate losing ideas so I sorta just go with what I think of at the moment. I have a very short attention span but I love writing. Mind you my chapters are longer than 3K, short chapters annoy the heck outta me
dolia posted a comment on Saturday 1st September 2007 1:44am
this is one of the best story i have ever read.i stayed up till 4 in the morning cause i didn't want to stop.great work.
dolia posted a comment on Friday 31st August 2007 9:02am
i realy like this story.can't wait to read more.
LuckyBitch posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 8:00pm
"Oh, Merlin! The last time I saw a look like that was the night before James, Sirius, Remus and Peter put a Fidelis charm on every bathroom in the school, then sold the locations to people for a galleon per bathroom," exclaimed Minerva.
your fantasy is... i dunno how to describe it, but its GOOOOOOD.. really good :D i liked that.. btw i like the improvment in h/h sexual relationships :}
Ask posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 10:28am
Wow this story is turnig out great and i have no problems understanding it. But there is one thing that has me woundering...the brotherhood...what if the real brotherhood comes out or something?
Utopia posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 7:42am