By Bobmin
LuckyBitch posted a comment on Saturday 25th August 2007 6:01pm
haha ron is a pervert :)) and i guess that its not ron who instructed a spider to bite harry, cause that would be too simple, or not? :] anyways, this story rox! :)
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 3:53pm
I think I have two words which are sufficient right now: Holy Shit! Having said that, I am thoroughly enjoying these two fics. I just hope it all works out eventually.
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd August 2007 9:53am
I'm glad to see your reasoning for the use of those Author's names, although I was pretty sure it was something along those lines. Either that, or a private joke you and the AUthors were sharing. I will also state that I agree with your opinion about each of those authors. As for this story, I am loving every second of it, even though there are times when I would like to strangle some of the characters, or even you. But I still love it.
LuckyBitch posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2007 6:48pm
this story is just not the same as all others, it has something very attractive and i even cant tell what it is. btw the idea of dumbledore bad doesnt sound really good :] anyways, after the first chapter its my favourite story ;] good job
AngelaB posted a comment on Sunday 19th August 2007 1:17am
Just ready this in one go. My neighbors must think I'm nuts. Did I mention it's 11:11 am and I think the clock said 11pm when I started.
Could have done without the exhaustive author notes at the beginning, but only because I desperately wanted to find out what happened next. So desperate I stayed up all night, and resisted commenting on each chapter.
Should I tell you that at one point when someone was discussing what Harry did to Voldi I had an image of Harry dressing him either as a clown or Dame Edna? I know you finished these stories ages ago, but I wonder if the image is enough for your very creative muses to sink their very long teeth into?
Absolutely awsome story, and I have the sequel to look forward to, but I've been up over 24 hours, I deserve sleep. My mother also taught me not to gobble my treats, savoring special treasures like your stories is it's own reward.
I just know I'm going to be dreaming of Voldi in Dame Edna's glasses and red sequin dress.
I am in awe.
writer'sblock posted a comment on Thursday 16th August 2007 10:34am
That was amazing.
Simple as that.
phoenix_phyre_4 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th August 2007 6:32pm
wow. you know, for such a long time, i didn't want to read your story. no matter how many times it was recommended, i refused. why? i have no idea. none. i finally decided to give it a shot...and loved it. it took me a couple of days to read it, and i couldn't stop until i had finished..i cannot wait to read the sequel...which i'm planning on beginning now! keep it up, you have some real talent =]
slashslut posted a comment on Saturday 11th August 2007 9:47am
thank god theres a sequel!!!!!!
Clell65619 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th August 2007 8:40am
Lord you can write. This is easily the most powerful first chapter of any Fic I've ever read. I'm sorry I came to this one so late, but at least I don't have to wait for the next chapter.
drt0xic posted a comment on Wednesday 8th August 2007 4:38am
I really enjoy your stories and your writing style. I am wondering if you would explore Harry having a relationship with some of his other, lesser contemporaries. For example, Harry and Padma, Harry and Daphne, etc. Something that isn't very common (like Harry/Ginny, Harry/Luna or Harry/Hermione).
As for Harry/ you I don't really care for May/December stories, but after reading some of Bob's disclaimers, I admit to being curious re: what he could do with it...
joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 8th August 2007 2:08am
You cruel bastards!
After "Harry's Life, The Musical", how much more can Harry do for an encore?
After a few years and a few kids, he's going to be so screwed... (by divorce attorneys, not Hermione)
joeBob posted a comment on Tuesday 7th August 2007 5:39pm
One of the many things that bug me about canon in HBP and DH is the totally gratuitous way that JKR killed off Amelia Bones.
I wonder if it is partly your fault.
Your wonderful stories keep casting her in the role that JKR NEVER seems to write... A COMPETENT, caring, justice-seeking adult.
The canon Amelia's death violates Checkov's law and other good story telling tenets and logically makes little sense in the light of DH.
Do you think that JKR did it as a slap to the excellent fan fic writers that try and inject a believable/heroic adult into her world?
Misato Katsuragi posted a comment on Thursday 2nd August 2007 12:02pm
The story is great, but I feel that you use the capital letters too often.
frozendream posted a comment on Sunday 29th July 2007 1:56pm
This was an excellent story Thank you. I will read the sequel in a day or two thank you very much again.
Lahmikhara posted a comment on Saturday 28th July 2007 7:18pm
An amazing story I must say ^_^ It took a bit getting used to an evil Ron but it worked well for the story so no complains there.
The disclaimers cracked me up they where certainly a refreshing change from the usual.
The story itself is well written I wasn't able to find any glaring plotholes and only noticed a few typo's troughout this entire epic length story.
Seeing as I'm itching to read the sequell you've written I'll refrain from turning this into a lengty detailed review. All in all it's a great story and I'll move on to the next part now to find out what happens there.
AzraeltheFallen posted a comment on Saturday 21st July 2007 11:00pm
Loved the first chapter, and really liked the length of it. In the beginning I wasn't very keen on the entire Dumbledore is evil idea, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense.
Great story, and with it finished and an other one to follow I know I have allot of hours in front of me:P
Idiot977 posted a comment on Saturday 21st July 2007 2:01pm
Your story is awesome already. I totally agree with you on the pet peeve. Thank god you aren't one of those people.
Jenniboo311 posted a comment on Monday 16th July 2007 10:52am
"...then looked at Remus, who was stirring his coffee like a madman."
I laughed really hard at this image for some reason, so I simply had to sketch it. I haven't drawn a picture for probably 3 years, so, sadly, it sucks.
Good show!
Bowman4678 posted a comment on Tuesday 10th July 2007 10:28pm
Hey, sorry I havent replied untill now, but I just wanted to say that I love this story very much, and you two are both highly gifted writters. I have no doubt that if you wish to persue a professional career, you will have many devoted readers, me being one of them.
I noticed in this chapter however a typo
"The birth then sprang aloft and flew back out the window."
Surely this is meant to say bird?
Ask posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 8:02am