Content Harry Potter


Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 8:55am

So another great chapter, I’m happy that Mrs. Malfoy is helping Harry out.

The ass taking fifty points from Gryffindor from Harry and a week’s worth of detention with Professor Snape, is uncalled for. Has Harry didn’t do anything to stop him from going to the village. At least Harry sorted Snape out before hand. :D

LoL… Neville and Ginny are having the same problems that Harry and Hermione had over the summer.

I like the talk with Minerva and Harry, I do hope that Minerva would side with Harry, but it’s a hard thing for her.

Ron is a real ass in this story, how could he attack Neville. I know why, because he is a jealous asshole that’s why.

So that’s the ass plan, to take Harry’s Emancipation from him. And it worked, but at least Tonks is going to be Harry’s new guardian for nine months, wrist of time if I most say. I don’t see the point. Dumbledore thinks that he got Harry, how wrong that is.

I think that Minerva is going to side with Harry over the ass Dumbledore,

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 8:05am

Another great chapter, how dumb can McGonagall, the news leaked out so quickly, because Dobby went and inform Moony and Tonks what happened. And so things began there.

LoL… Hagrid wanting to keep the spider for his Care of Magical Creatures class is just like him. I like the idea of swimming in the Room of Requirement. I do like Dan’s idea of gut the bloody git and spread his entrails throughout England. Very good idea indeed! Yea… Dumbledore’s world is falling around him.

So a spy in Gryffindor for Voldemort, attack Harry, so who is the spy??

What is the git Dumbledore up to, with getting control over Harry again?

I like the idea of Harry transfiguring his cane into a metal shield… and I like what he can do with the auras.

Poor Ginny, find the truth about her family like that. :( I like how they reacted about the rest of Harry’s news.

Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 4:27am

LoL… Dumbledore plan to use Hermione to spy on Harry back fired. The fool Snape tried to Obliviate Hermione, but her Occlumency shield were too strong for that to happy, now Snape is going to pay.

What was in the latter that Harry sent to Moony, to make him and the rest that he got it bad for Hermione?

The fool Percy; keeping things an important as meetings in a journal, and leaving in his disk… where someone can read it; the fool.

Dumbledore I don’t know what I can say about him, without saying things that young people that are reading this… so all I’ll say that he is a fucking ass.

I love the music that told about Harry’s life. I like the jewelry/music box that Harry gave Hermione. The fucking ass Ron, I can’t believe that he would a force a promise ring on Hermione, which only he could take off. And then to grope her. I really don’t want to be in his shoes now.

Dumbledore and Ron are showing there true colours, but like sheep, they won’t believe what they are see but what they are told.

Why would Dumbledore send someone to attack Harry with a Jordanian Glass Razorback Spider? (Maybe as he said, ‘Ah well, at least this will convince him that staying inside the castle is his best course of action if he wishes to remain safe.’ But it could have been Ron alone, trying to get Harry back for dating Hermione. But we all know how much he dislikes spiders, but he could ask someone else to do it… but why go against Dumbledore’s orders?

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 5th January 2007 11:50pm

So another long and great chapter;

I do love it when Harry can show Snape up, and I do hope that Harry press charges on Snape. I know what the hat meant be Brotherhood arising, legends of yore, as I think that the Brotherhood that Harry and friends pretend to be over the summer are coming back, on Harry is meant to restart it.

LoL… Now I see what Harry did, Harry swapped Millicent and Hermione’s drink around, very nice indeed.

LoL… Nice, only Harry could do the impossible and Apparate in and out of Hogwarts. :D

The ass of a Headmaster shouldn’t have tried to read Harry’s mind… I wonder what the vision that he saw meant.

Am I right in thinking that Romany Blackthorne is in the Brotherhood? Oh by the way I like this character.

I love that Harry put Dumbledore down, when he tried to talk. Also putting Dumbledore in his place too.

Draco’s father is a real ass, how could he do those thing to his wife and son… no wonder Draco went to Harry for help. Harry is willing to help him on two conditions, the first is a new handshake. The second condition will be harder for him, but its try and learn that full bloods aren’t the best of the Wizarding world.

Ron is a fool to try and get into trunk, in the end it could hurt him.

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 5th January 2007 10:29pm

What another great chapter, I love the idea with Harry and the music…

Dumbledore’s plans really aren’t going his way. :D But going to Rita, that’s not good.

LoL… Sirius had another last trick for Harry, a tattoo of his dog form, I like. Harry getting a Celtic Knot WOULD drive Dumbledore barmy, which I’m in for.

I like Harry speech, and he was right like Emma said, and she was right in what she said too. At long last, Harry and Hermione are a couple.

I’m happy that Hermione done the Ritual of Amplification.

How dare Dumbledore say that Harry’s ‘family’ raped him.

At least Harry knows who his true friend are.

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 5th January 2007 7:37pm

The fucking ass Dumbledore, first how could he not left the Quidditch ban, and to think that Harry will let Snape supervision the DA, I don't thinks so.

That's our Hermione, when something new happen, she does a project, this time its Harry himself.

I'm happy that Ginny as warned Harry and Hermione what is going on...

I love what Harry and Hermione did to Snape... (Sings for what to come :D)

I like the meal with Amelia and Susen... a few good things did come up. And some good things come out of the dinner

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 5th January 2007 8:09am

What a great and interesting chapter... the low down no good Weasleys, the only good ones are the twins and Ginny by the sounds of it. And Dumbledore the ass, I hope he barns in hell.

So Hermione learns a few home truths about the Weasleys and Dumbledore, also about Harry.

So Amelia is looking into what Dumbledore been up to, and about Harry's past. And that someone is using Harry's money.

Oh boy, one piss of Tonks, not good.

So Hermione has got feelings for Harry.

Moony should know that with Harry, nothing is impossible.

(deleted) posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2007 7:47am

spells for personl enjoment? heh heh
sounds more like a dildo spell to me

mordanne posted a comment on Tuesday 19th December 2006 10:46pm

By far, this is the best. Thank you.

asianya posted a comment on Tuesday 19th December 2006 6:22am

Noticed a few discrepencies in this chapter dealing with Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy. You Refer to their relation to each other twice as being cousins, when in fact Narcissa is Tonk's aunt. Other then that, I am loving your story and hope you two continue writing.

For reference I included the following quotes from your story to help you find the discrepencies easier.

"Stepping over to the healer, Tonks watched silently while the healer assessed her cousin’s condition."

"Leaning over Narcissa, she took her cousin’s hand and they vanished from the room. "

Tracy0652 posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 12:35pm

This was a great story. Forget the critics - you changed some areas of the canon into truly unbelievable scenarios, and then proceeded to write so well that they became believable. I think my favorite part of the entire story is Sirius' grim tattoo. Thank you both for a wonderful, enchanting (although dark) fiction that was enjoyable from first word to last!

cream435 posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 8:37am

LOVE IT! again, i'm not a constructive reviewer, but oh well... great story, plot details, EVERYTHING! i love your stories, they're just so believable!! ♥

mekareami posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 4:15am

I loved this story and can't wait to start the sequel. Thank you guys very much for writing. Most of your pet peeves were things I myself get miffed at. It was nice to see I am not alone ;)

KenF posted a comment on Saturday 16th December 2006 1:04am

It took 3 days, but I've finally managed to go through this. Good story, and rather unique, which is hard to come by in fanfics.

I enjoyed the disclaimers, and the "I'm thinking of breaking up with Hermione" was just delicious.

Oh, and Harry's animagus form should be an amoeba. :)

Thanks for the excellent stuff, now I've got to dive into the sequel.

cream435 posted a comment on Sunday 10th December 2006 6:48am

still a great story.... i finally finished DA and SC, and you guys are just AWESOME authors! i know this isn't a helpful review or anything but oh well. Your writing ROCKS my socks. and the Patriots just lost so i'm all unhappyish.... but anyways, love your plots always! ***cream***

Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 1:38pm

Bob and Alyx --

You are truly talented authors. You compliment each other through your writing. It is well thought out, well planned, and extremely well written. If all fanfic authors were as good as you, I'd never leave my computer. And then, my husband, my boss and even my grandson would be very mad at me.

I look forward to reading the sequel to this story and thank my son for showing me where you moved to after


Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 10:31am

What took so long for me to find the story here? nuff said. My son told me about your new site -- and I'm quickly making my way through it.

Thorfinna posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 4:29pm


Humorous disclaimers, fantastic storyline and oh so familiar pet peeves!

Glad I followed the bread crumbs.


Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:13am

A cliffhanger????? Since when did you start leaving cliffies??????

HarbringerLady posted a comment on Saturday 25th November 2006 5:15pm

Can say that it's cool story!