By Bobmin
AJ4 posted a comment on Monday 6th February 2006 8:28am
"Hi, Tommy! shouted Harry Potter as he waved cheerfully at the Dark Lord. Hermione just flipped him the bird." that sentance is absolutly wonderful!!! I love that very much. it's my favorite line for this entire story!! --AJ : )
Pleather Boots posted a comment on Sunday 5th February 2006 7:22pm
That was a very marvellous story! You had me blushing with embarassment because I am guilty of some of your pet peeves, but you are quite right. The advice may seem harsh, but it is only an ignorant person that would take fault rather than learn. So with that, I bid thee goodnight.
Pleather Boots posted a comment on Sunday 5th February 2006 6:29am
I am so confused about the is not just a tattoo? Can you please explain it to me? How can a tattoo walk off of someone, take a bite from food, and return to a body. If you say magic, I think I'll be slightly annoyed, but I really would like a little clarification about it, unless it comes up in the rest of the story. --K
Pleather Boots posted a comment on Sunday 5th February 2006 6:01am
I want to say Ron is the spy but that's too easy, and I think you're more clever than that. Great work
Pleather Boots posted a comment on Sunday 5th February 2006 3:27am
I am so in love with this story! I would have reviewed before now, but I stopped to grab some lunch (the only reason I stopped reading ^_^) and I wanted to say how brilliant this is! I'm not much of a H/Hr fan, but hey, right?
simons_flower posted a comment on Saturday 4th February 2006 10:51am
I've been completely enthralled with this fic for three days now. And now that I've finally finished, I can move onto the sequel. Unfortunately, I can't read that all in one sitting yet because it's not done.
I think what I enjoyed most about this fic is not so much the super!Harry part of it, but the way Muggle Britain was involved. Voldemort wasn't content with just taking over with Wizarding world, but descended upon the Muggle one as well.
But I can't believe you nuked Stonehenge.
AJ4 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 12:03pm
I really gotta say that i love his shirts. the whole voldie being stupid thing is great! i find all his shirts tobe very entertaining! Great work so far! --AJ : )
AJ4 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 9:51am
I'm glad they are stuck on the ceiling of the school! That is awesome!!! Great chapter!!! --AJ : )
AJ4 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 8:53am
Gotta say that i found it very intereting that draco and luna could get together. loved the shocked expressions when dumbledore found out who harrys guardian is. glad ron was severly punished for his horrid actions. and my fav part of this chapter was without a doubt the portable swamp. that was an awesome ending to the chapter. the title was great and i didn't understand the chapter title until the very end. great job!! --AJ : )
AJ4 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 5:51am
Go Harry! Loved his speech against Dumbledore! --AJ : )
AJ4 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st February 2006 3:46pm
I loved it when Ginny kicked Ron in the balls. I've always wanted to do that to an arrogant guy i know but i havn't worked up the courage to do so. but next time he ticks me off, i'll think of this chapter and maybe consider following ginny's idea. it's a bit harsh, but it'll get the message across. --AJ >: )
AJ4 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st February 2006 1:02pm
Like the story so far! Really liked DA and SC from I must read more! --AJ : )
Torrey posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 7:43pm
Um, isn't it three prophesies now?
1: Professor Fraud (as I can't remember how to spell her name.
2: The Hat's song.
3: Hermoine's.
Lillith Desiree posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 9:31pm
Lovely chapter good god i hate Snape the greasy git
Lillith Desiree posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 9:19am
Yes another amazing chapter congrats!
Lillith Desiree posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 8:58am
Well kudos! another great chapter you guys! I bet the rest of the story will be amazing as well!
Lillith Desiree posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 8:20am
Wow this is another amazing chapter that i greatly enjoyed and is giving me ideas for my own Harry Potter fanfic with the good old classic Harry\Ginny shipping though i do enjoy H\H shipping as well keep up the good work!
Lillith Desiree posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 7:38am
I love this story it is amazing so far! I give a good old fashioned round of applause for this chapter considering it's all i've read so far but i do love manipulative basterd Dumbledore stories because as of the moment i'm rather pissed off at old Dumble for his actions in the past 5 years and book six is rather unrealistic. I mean Harry just lost the closest thing he had to a parent he wouldn't just get oer it and forgive Dumbledore for his excessive manipulations and the fact that at the end he went into a deeper period of grieving than he did for Sirius is highly unjustifed.
demos12000 posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 1:31pm
This has been one of the best stories I have read in a long time. It is well written, and well thought out. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of viewing your talanted work.
AJ4 posted a comment on Monday 6th February 2006 9:27am