By Bobmin
steph155 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 4:16pm
hi. æˆ‘çœŸçš„å¥½çˆ±ä½ ä»¬çš„æ•…äº‹ thats chinese for I really love your story. i first started reading sunset at and took a while to find this here. to say i was relieved would be putting it lightly. so thank you both for making me laugh and cry as the story progressed and i cant wait for sunrise.
OrionHR posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 2:14pm
Well, what a long strange trip it's been. The story looks fantastic and I can't wait to start reading Sunrise.
In the mean time, while you are writing Sunrise, perhaps you can post DA and SC, your 'Light Albus' stories.
Dagaz posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 11:24am
You've done an excellent job. I look forward to Sunrise.
One of the aspects that I like most is that y our chapters are long. I hate short chapters that give you just a taste of the story and then leave you hanging for a few days to a couple of months. Also, you are updating on a regular basis. Much appreciated.
Once again, I'll state, ignore the nay sayers and those that feel that the only way to tell a fanfic is to follow cannon. Your story is very well written and has exciting plot and characters.
Joyce Caldwell posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 10:50am
Congratulations and well done! I'm looking forward to Sunrise.
Tim2 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 9:45am
I started reading this fanfic a while ago, before it was halfway finished. This is the only fanfic that I have ever liked enough to wait for the updates, and check back to see if they were up yet. It is an amazing story... so please... hurry with the sequel :D
Nick6 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 9:38am
Das war sehr Prima!(That was very first rate!) Absolut schoen!(Absolutely beautiful!) This is posotively the best Harry/Hermione fic I've ever seen, and the funniest Dumbledore and Snape bashing fic I've ever read. I especially love the diligance in which the story was updated, most authors lose interest in their stories about halfway, don't try to make time for them, or totally forget them and leave the readers hanging. Can't wait for the sequel.
Kristina posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 9:31am
OHHHHHH i loved this story! are you gonna have a sequal, like you did with Dumbledore's Army and Spirius Crystalus? cause i relly loved this tory!
keep up the good work! im sad now, causw it's over! WAAAAA!
Michael Henderson posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 8:38am
Thanks for the story and hurry with the next one. I'm glad you found a venue that the FF nazi's could not shut down and I look forward to many happy hours of reading the story
Malaskor posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 7:26am
Excellent work, and a (at least to me) novel idea to make Hermione's parents magical. And supplying Peeves with "toys" a great idea, I wonder how much the Deatheaters like it to visit their master's throne room...
I wonder if (and how) the ritual could have changed if for example Dobby had been part of the coven... Maybe a thought for the future?
I'm already looking forward to seeing what you have planned next. I guess it will begin with removing the DEs from Ireland and then go on. But the aftermath will be hard to sort out with (presumably) all those who gave in to the pressure to take the mark.
Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing.
MattD posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 6:51am
Congrats on the quitting of smoking. And congrats on another great chapter. I still want to see Harry vaporize Snape, but oh well, such is life...
Jennifer Moffett posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 6:29am
I am impressed.
noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 6:24am
Do you like Musing_of_apathy's story or did you two get into a squabble? Except for overly slow updates (IMHO), I have enjoyed Cracked Reservoir so far and am curious about your opinions.
You guys are great...
cmzanna posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 6:06am
Thank you Bob & Alyx :) I've recently discovered your work, since you've made the jump to FFA and I truly enjoy it! I'm looking forward to the next story.
The bit about the coven and the orgy cracked me up, a wonderful bit of imagery and sly silliness. (As a person who has as one of the one-click hotbuttons on my computer, I have to gently point out that having desert sounds a bit dry and may not taste so good in that paragraph ;) my personal mnemomic for that one is: dessert is like Strawberry Shortcake (ss)
Thanks again for a marvelous journey & I'm glad it isn't over!
MattD posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:58am
Harry and Hermione get a bedroom convenient...*winks*
garvan3 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:35am
Good work you two, I hope after you finish part 2 you write something origional so you can get paid for the great work you do. I would be first in line to buy your book!
exar posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:03am
Wonderful story you two. I really didn't like what you did with Dumbledore as he sounded like a complete moron but as I went on I liked this more and more. I enjoy a bit of super harry time and again. Bravo.
My only diappointment, well two rather, is a) I didn't get to read about the gore and mahem that met the DEers when they hit the ward around England b) I didn't have another chapter to read.
I can't wait until the Sunrise.
Karla Greenawalt posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:02am
I love this story, can't wait for the sequel!
Thanks for your time and effort writing this
slinky_jinx posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 4:39am
YOU ARE GODS!!!! I worship at your literary genius' feet. It has been a helluva ride and you're awesome. Please, please start writing Sunrise Over Britain as soon as possible!
jedithistle posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 4:17am
I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful story. I have enjoyed this story from start to finish and look forward to Sunrise over Britain when you are rested up from this endevor -- hopefully it will be soon.
jalva200 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:30pm