By Bobmin
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Thursday 23rd November 2006 12:13pm
Great beginning. I'm glad my son told me about this story.
Splotchphantom posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 12:15am
Love this story!! I am reading it for the third time.
Darke Gray posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 1:28am
Hey, just thought I would let you both know that this has to be one of my favorites if not my favorite HP fanfic. This is the third time I've read it and I still love it. Also I have been reading the sequal and love it as well. Some of the plot ideas have been great and there seems to be just enough humor in it. Great job and I look forword to you completing the sequal.
chris13 posted a comment on Sunday 12th November 2006 7:43am
this is the first time that i have finnished sun set, i have thurally enjoyd it and cant wait to start sun rise. i have sat hear 4 3 days, i need to trim my beard and take a pee b4 i start on ur next book. you should offer free refreshments with your storys! :)
Arkantos posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 6:30am
...Mindspeakers, beastspeakers, stereospeakers...
i actually fell off the chair.
keep up the good work!
Arkantos posted a comment on Thursday 9th November 2006 5:07am
off with a bang!
wonderful story.
love you two always,
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 3:51pm
...ok so I didn't make it before falling asleep, which I did while sitting at the computer 0_o....
I've just re-read a few of my reviews and you guys are really going to think Im crazy or something...its all very strange.
So Arthur is now being used for evil deeds, hm? and the plot thickens *cue creepy music*
overall this isn't one of my favorite chapters, not that its bad or anything like that, I just don't care for it.
So whats going to happen to our favorite WonWon? (can you believe a teenager actually used that word in reference to this boyfriend? *shudders* if my name was Ron I'd have cursed someone if they called me that.)
Hermione and Harry have some real issues going on don't they? LoL
Poor Snape, he's going to be killed for that giving them all that info only to have Harry kill everyone...tut tut he should've thought out his plan better.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 5:58am
hmmm...capturing te grangers? nice touch.....
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 2:07am
ever get that feeling that you've been up too late and need sleep? yeah its 2:02 my time...and I've been up for about 28 hours....and its all your fault! lol no not really.
I too hate it when an author does that. 14 stories and none of them passed chapt ten and it takes her forever to update because she keep writing a paragraph for one story, then get an idea for the other and rush over to write for that one (lather, rise, repeat).
So what's Dumbledore up to, hmm? I think Harry's going to kill him (that was done in a singy-song voice. with the story unless I fall asleep in the middle of it...0_o
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 1:12am
""Hermione shook her head at him and vowed to have a serious talk with him about money one of these days.
Harry chuckled to himself and promised he’d have a talk with her about money one of these days."" *raises brow* <thats all i have to say.
You guys never fail to amuse me with your Pet Peeves.
Poor Snape. Now not only is he ugly and greasy but he now has another part of his nose broken!!!!
I really feel for Harry. I mean to *know* that all those people you see in the street today are going to be dead in four months has got to be heartbreaking. And I know some people probably look at Hermione like she's cold or doesn't have a heart b/c she isn't as...visially? upset over all this as Harry is. But I think its more that she looks at it logically. She's upset that it would have to come to this but she also knows that there *is* no way they can save all those people and its better to save what you *can* then try to save everyone and end up saving no one.
I like the book boxes. Can I use it in my story if I find a way?
...on to more story.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 12:14am
I feel you there. I'm not reading a story where the Author wrote out 15 chapters before posting. Which I thought was a really good idea but b/c of that he didn't think he need to write any more for a while. She he updated every mon, wed, and fri until he ran out of chapters. It then took him 3 months to get the next chapter out. The first 15 were between 10-20 pages long but the next one was only 4 pages. Which I could understand...I mean he hadn't wrote it in a while and I waited for the next update, which took another 2 or 3 months and BAM! a 2 page chapter. I mean seriously? that's just bad form.
I love it love it love it! next (I know the stories already complete really I do) Harry should make Snape run through the halls ass ass naked! hehehehe....
ANYWAYS I've been reading your stoy for 13 hours, give or take. I will not sleep until I finish it...or pass out from lacks.
Its really a great story I your biting humor, in the disclaimer, the actual story, and the A/N make it a very interesting read. I really like that someone(read both of you lovely people) could take a story and make it so much more just from a thought.
...I like everything that happened at Yale. Neville showing he was more than man enough for Ginny and Luna showing she was more than woman enough to stand by Draco in all the times he will need her.
Dumbledore and Snape got exactly what they deserve...I think perhaps you should give them a serious case of the flu and make them dance around in grass skirts singing "I love you" in the Ministry Office entrance...and I just gave myself the perfect prank...*grins evily*
Harry kicked major bum...Ron fell into a pit of firey flames, when will the boy every learn?
CHRISTMAS!!!! Wonder day of the year really. All the snow (that never falls were I live) and all the coldness of weather..and I'm forgetting something...major..oh yeah presents!!!!!! LoL
So Harry's going to make his own little countrY, uh? Well I hope so anyone. Like make it under all kinda of unplottable charms and what-not and then send people there, just don't tell them where there is. sounds like a reasonably perfect plan to me....
on to the rest of the story!
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 11:10pm
I'm almost going to stop reviewing! I thought the suspence was killing me before but now we've really gotten into the story and I want to read
anyways really good, I liked the trail, when are they getting their new rooms? When are you going to cut Ron into little piece and feed him to a grim-er I mean when are you going to make Ron fade into lala land? ...on to the rest of the story...
...did that seem rushed to you? yeah me shortest review for you yet!
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 9:59pm
*claps* WONDERFUL!!!! Only sixteen more chapters to go! By the 30 page min that means I have a min of 480 pages left! WOOT! Then sleep. I love your A/ns, are insane if they think, like you pointed out, that a 30-40 page chap with less than five pages of A/Ns is 'chatty' then they can't have much of a brain. Did you get removed?
Too bad you won't be throwing Ron into jail right away, that would be cool but I'm sure what you have in store for him will be so much nicer *smiles sweetly*
So...leaving England to be taken over by a megalomanic with delusional of grander uh? I don't think I've seen a story where Voldemort takes over England...well not one that's light-based anyways.
Harry's an idiot if he thinks Hermione's going to stay out of the fight, she'll worry too much about him. Hermione's an idiot if she thinks she should join the fight, he'll worry too much about him. Quite the predicament they have there, ain't it? <know what cartoon thats form? Well neither do I but I know I got it from somewhere...LoL>
The tee-shirts rule! I really like the everyone's allowed to be stupid but Voldemort abusing it one. Great stuff. How that popped out I don't know. With it I just flow...sorry I wanted to rhyme there. I'll never do it a-puroose again.
Let's see...dp the two professor know how to shield their minds? If not I don't see why Harry's telling them all that...rather strange...
I haven't said anything about the tat but its very cool. I like how it jumped off Harry's arm. So all the Black heads-face cream anyone?-are now going to have the tat?
...and yeah I want to get to the meeting so I'll leave off here...
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 8:50pm
hm....I want to comment on so much but I want to continue with the story even more...I even considered, for a moment going ahead then coming back to write the review...but that wouldn't be fun b/c I couldn't make all my comments on what I think/want to happen. And where would the fun be in that? Oh am I found the word even if I don't need it b/c I'm under the age to drink....
Poor Dumbledore, once again he's been beaten at his own game. And after telling everyone that he'd gain control over Harry again. How disappointed they'll be in him...Such a shame.. *chackles maddly*
I really don't have much to say right now *shocked gasp!* I think this'll be my shortest review for you yet, probably becuase I'm so tired. I'm determined not to sleep until I read this WHOLE story!!!! LoL
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 7:54pm
"Besides, if he’s that strong, why bother with a spider? Let’s nail the little green eyed bugger with Kryptonite and be done with it." its a great thing. I've started reading your A/Ns now and I'm half tempted to just going back and read the others...You know reading your A/Ns is almost as much fun as reading the actually story...thats knida weird...
Ron is going to jail! (repeat three times) It good the little bugger is getting what he deserves, and no I don't hate cannon Ron, but your Ron is AU Ron Sunset Over Britain and I hate AU Ron SOB<really I didn't even realize what that was until I read over my review *grins sheepishly*
So I suppose that Dumbledore entered a law about people being in school having to be a ward of their headmaster or something like that? What a bunch of rot, as if people didn't know he was aiming at Harry. Bah!
So Narcissa is going to be a 'good' guy, uh? I like her in cannon so I'll like her in your story as well. I *love* Luna. I mean honestly she is the *only* person who went to the MON in 5th year that DID NOT get hurt. The girl has to have some skill beneath that...lovely exterior.
Poor Dumbledore, losing complete control over the situation like that...tut tut, he must be losing his touch. Such a shame....*holds out for a minute with a striaght face before busting into unstoppable snickering*
And I really have tried to make the reviews shorter but you just write so much...I mean really what do you expect when you write at least 30 pages? It so much info to comment on and I have to force myself to stop...ONLINE SOBRIETY TEST love it.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 6:30pm
Is it too much to ask for some kind of separation between story sequences? No it absolutely is not! We should start a club...that comment is largely Sarcasm, but not all the way *winks*
Anyways I really like this chapter a lot. Its got romance, its got 'hes going to die!' and angst and all kinds of other stuff. You know I've just noticed, well not really but I'm pointing it out now, your chapters are as long as most peoples stories (you know the short ones that are over before they really begin?). One chapter is almost a complete story in itself, if you don't count the overall plot...if that makes any sense to you (both) at all...
I like the spider. I can't really figure out who the Death Eatter wannabe is...I don't think its Ron, that would be too obvious unless you did it to throw us off...which is worth thought, and you really haven't gotten into the chars of Dean and Seamus so all I have to go by is cannon, which this *is* not. I *know* it isn't Neville. He's not that stupid and I don't think he'd join the same group of small bites that killed in a sense killed his parents (b/c what do you call what they are? I mean they really aren't alive anymore, they can't really even function on their own. So I think of them as being dead for the most part.)
Dumbledore really has to be a complete idoit to say...let me find it..."I would hazard to say this was a deliberate attempt on Mr. Potter’s life. Ah well, at least this will convince him that staying inside the castle is his best course of action if he wishes to remain safe" I mean seriously he can't be that stupid (which he obviously is or he wouldn't have) he had a person who he *knew* at some point or other worked for the ministry standing near him (insert Blackthorne). The ministry has been out to get his arse for over a year now. Surely he would think they'd use everything in their power to pull one over on him. Or is he just so use to people worshipping the ground he walks on that he just doesn't think anymore?
...And thats it for the chapter review...until I hit submit because it never fails to trigger something in me that want to continue the review...weird that.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 5:19pm
Oh I love it! This chapter is really great!
About the last comment I made before I hit the submit buttom...I hit me that I hadn't mention Ginny owning Ron. That was great but I can't see her mom and dad taking it too well.
On this chapter. Because of that artical should the Broad of Governors investigate the charges made by the Daily? I mean I'm from America,I don't know where you two are from (I don't really read your A/N..expect the PPs) but if a newspaper made those kinds of accustions the teacher would be suspended 'until further notice' and the charges would be fully the police as well.
Lets see...Snape is a greasy bastard *nods* I like stories when he's a 'good' guy and its realistic and I like them when hes...cannon because its so much fun to hate him!
As for little ol Ronnie boy? I think its time for some serious pay back. How about the rest of the House? You keep saying that the whole house has turned against him, but what do you mean by the whole house? I can't see Colin Creepy or his brother...the Other Creepy turn against his Idol nor do I see some of the Seventh years, like the Team, turn against him on the say-so of Ron who's known to be a jealous, spoiled (despite his lack of...funds) brat. Until (and I just realized that I've been spelling that with 2 lls....) Dumbledore stood up in front of the whole school and said "Harry Potter is Dark!" I just don't see them believing that...
Yeah I think that's it...(and yes I know that the stories finished, really I do, I just say what's on my mind and what I think will happen.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 4:02pm
M1A2 Abrams Battle Tank.??? LMAO!! Oh its so great! Really I love your pet peeves! I agree. I mean I don't care how much you study (unless you make it some weird magic thingy) you *CANNOT* learn to use a sword or dagger or anything like that (CORRECTLY anyways) without someone showing, teaching, and generally beating the crap out of you until you learn to do it.
I can't believe I haven't commented on the 'ship yet. I personally, I'm not a shipper. Unless you count the fact that I refuse to read chapters that are less the 500 words long, and refuse to read something that's just thrown together. That's my ship right there. Anyways...I don't read a lot of stories where Harry has gone against Dumbledore and kept *Hermione* as a friend...I don't think anyways. So this is an interesting twist for me and I really like it. *grins*
As far as the whole artical? I wonder, really, why you did that? I mean you have Dumbledore saying that he wants to gain the trust of Harry and that you-I mean he-wants him back under his tumb but you have him offer an interview with the Mosquito..*cough* I mean Rita that is doing the *exact* oposite of want you have him saying he wanted...which I sure you'll explain in other chapters.
Let's see...I really don't see why you had Seamus say all those things about Harry. I mean they are true if you take them in only the strictest of context but there are very good reasons, which Seamus and Dean both know, and doesn't make Harry a bad person...I'm rather confused on that....
I really can't think of any of questions or comments I can make as of this moment....which will change the moment I hit the submit buttom....0_o...
I love your story.
Happy Writings.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 3:01pm
I love your pet peeves because their so true and they're mine as well. A/Ns are all to the good but you're right if you have to explain something in the middle of a chapter then your not writing the story well enough and if you find you can't explain it inside the story you have two options. 1) don't write that or 2) don't write. Simple as that. As for your other pet peeves, I completely agree with them and I've been meaning to mention them..I just forget because my minds swimming with your story *smiles sweets at you both? or is there three of you?*
I like the whole Brotherhood thing being introduced. Its funny watch the Order run around trying to figure out what to do with these new people...speak of: Snape, your not going to have him suddenly become this nice guy that really does wash his hair and reads poetry on the side while really rescuing all the people he's suppose to kill for the Dark Lord are you? 'Cause that's just bad form LoL.
I agree with all the comments on Dumbledore, both in and out of the story. Wrong doesn't mean Evil just as Right doesn't Good. I mean I'm sure that Voldemort had to have helped someone in his life. Like a teacher who...fell down and broke her arm and he wanted to score brownie points. But that doesn't make him good! So why would Dumbledore being all...eckie make him evil?
What else?...Oh yeah the Dursleys! That's great! I love the whole last prank thing by Sirius and I love that the Dursleys are getting their due but what happens to Dudley? hopeful the fat little jerk gets put in a *strict* group home that'll let all the kids he tries to bully beat him up and...oh the possiblities...
As for the Order? I mean seriously who follows someone so blindly that they allow him to talk of kidnaping a LEGAL adult? And the whole 'it's for his own safety'? that's just crap and anyone with half a brain could see it. I mean *they* can't find Harry so what makes them think that anyone else can?
And again this review is getting rather long so I'll stop...I know chapters in some people's stories that are shorter...0_o...
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Friday 24th November 2006 9:36am