By Bobmin
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:38pm
I've just started reading your story and I only joined this site, to begin with anyways, because of your story. I don't know how the review system works or even if your still writin but I want to tell you how much I enjoyed the first chapter.
I think that you've got a really great handle on the story and I'm glad you didn't make it 'suddenly for no reason at all, after Sirius dies Harry starts getting horribly abused' type things. I've never seen where Wizards have a magical maturation during their *tenth* year, only their sixteen or seventheen and I thinks it a really great idea.
I'm glad you haven't-yet-made Fudge a bumbling idiot. I mean I know if was the first pick of Ministers and he only got the job because Dumbledore turned it down but he has to be a pretty decend politican-either through brown nosing, blackmail, sheer brains etc.-to be in a postion to even be *considered* the Minister.
I like the Bones in this story. Most people either don't have them or have Amelia as this...well not a good person and it's annoying. I mean she's smart in the cannon and she is said, by Arthur Weasley, to be a fair just person.
I couldn't find anything I really didn't like about this chapter. You didn't move things too slow, nor did you take things so fast it would be completely unbelieviable.
I love your story.
Happy Writings.
Gianda posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:41am
I cannot help it but after reading this story for the 5th time I still think it is fantastic.
well I am now going on reading sunrise as i love that one as well and start from the beginning again
Superdd posted a comment on Monday 23rd October 2006 6:23pm
That is, undoubtedly the most intelligent, witty and well written AU story I have ever read - Bob/Alyx, words cannot express just how much I have enjoyed Sunset - I have been glued to my PC to finish it! Thank you so much for finishing it - I can't wait to get my teeth into Sunrise!
Cheers and keep up the marvelous work,
Superdd (Steve) posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 7:37am
I can't wait to read Sunrise Over Britain. You guys really do deserve to be on the same webpage as Kinsfire and all the rest you guys are awesome writers. Keep up the good work:):):):) posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 3:36pm
Hi I've been reading this awesome story since monday and I figured I would review this chapter because some of the things you said made me laugh like when the Weasley's take the: Scotland Yard, with help from the Royal Navy and the Coast Guard, were unable to locate the 2196 metric ton sailing ship anywhere in the area. that made me laugh so hard I bout pee'd my pants, some of your Author Notes have also almost caused me to do the same thing, I know its supposed to be a Sirius story but I don't think I actually know how to be serious. I did however take your advice and I did join your wonderful yahoo group, such helpful people on it. Do keep up the good work, you two are great writers, you should think about writing your own book, just a thought.
Amber Dragon posted a comment on Sunday 8th October 2006 10:40am
Harry, Harry, Harry. How many wands will you break before the end of the fic? I think people are starting to get mad at you...
fawkes21 posted a comment on Friday 6th October 2006 4:03am
I must say I first found your other stories on I was impressed. Now that I found this site and can continue to read your new stories I just had to say something. In the words of another great author, I can continue to expect great things (stories) from you.
Stormselena posted a comment on Thursday 5th October 2006 3:08am
I found this story by accident and I fell in love with it. This is my 13 time reading it and I have finally left a review.
Duane E. Peters posted a comment on Wednesday 4th October 2006 9:24pm
I just found this story, and just spent the last nine hours straight reading it.
You both have done well.
Olaf Rammler posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 8:52am
You just wrote an absolutely marvelous Chapter. Please try to continue the Story very soon.
Bobmin356 replied:
Your kidding right? Or is this just a canned review that you've saved and paste into a review box?
FYI. Sunset Over Britain is completed, 25 chapters long. It's sequel, Sunrise Over Britain is still a work in progress.
fx posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 1:22am
what?! after all that you don't hate Ron? Ok..ummm..I guess I don't too then ;)
Amber Dragon posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 12:16am
It took me a god three or four days to read the entire fic, and I have to say, that it was one of the best I've ever read, and I have read a good hundred or so. I really enjoyed reading this fic, and I think I will reccomend it to some of my friends. Keep up the good work!
la13 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 11:53am
I just found this story, and really, really enjoyed it. you guys have done a fabulous job of making a funny, witty story with an actual PLOT that's just fascinating to read. this is just an amazing story, and i'm so excited to go read the sequel!
frat posted a comment on Monday 25th September 2006 9:15am
I love this story but I just wanted to say that acording to my memory RITA SKEETER'S article about Harry and Hermione happens in GOF
if i'm wrong sorry
Zoe Elizabath Farnell posted a comment on Tuesday 19th September 2006 12:38pm
Great story.
Matthew Blair posted a comment on Tuesday 19th September 2006 2:20am
I wouldn't say this is very dark however it is really good cann't wait to read the next one, actually I am not gonna, I am gonna start reading it right now.
ladyimmortal posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 12:10pm
What an absolutely AWESOME story this was.
There are so many things I loved about it. Well plotted, VERY well written, and extremely enjoyable. When I started it I had to read the whole thing at once! You really went all out on this one and I love the many ideas you all incorporated into this story.
I loved your pet peeves list too! You rock!
ladyimmortal posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 7:04am
Snape isn't Alan Rickman?
::cries bitterly::
(BTW, AWESOME story - you are one HECK of a story writer, Bob and Alyx!)
Ravi posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 10:10pm
I've been enjoying this story greatly since I started reading it, but there has been one thing that's been bothering me. I hate to be niggly, but if Voldemort could replace Wortail's entire hand, then why can noone replace the few mucsles in Harry's leg that prevent him from the full range of motion in his leg. Other then that, this has been an entirely enjoyable experience. Please keep writing! Far too few good authors are.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 1:46pm