Content Harry Potter


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 13th August 2006 6:56pm

Excellent chapter & author notes. Both amused me greatly. Wondeful story too & yes, I agree regarding chapter names.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 13th August 2006 6:34pm

I like the Draco / Luna pairing provided you redeem him a bit first. As he is she's much too good for him. As for the Weasleys, you made the reasons behind them accepting the money from Dumbledore reasonable and believable. I could see your version of them doing it because they believe it would be good for their children and at the beginning they have no idea what Harry will be like - he could have been another Draco for all they knew. Dumbledore is just plain daft though - why would staying in the castle where he'd just been attacked make any sense to Harry? It clearly isn't secure. Good chapter.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 13th August 2006 7:38am

"There were times he wanted to kiss her until her toes snapped from curling" was such a great line. Dumbledore is clearly completely nuts. Good chapter though. Ginny kicking Ron was probably my favourite part.

Jeff Macleod posted a comment on Friday 11th August 2006 7:10am

lol, Pet peeves? Gosh, I hope that one doesnt become a poltergeist... i'd just like to say, that I've read most of your stories and love them! The characterization is simply fabulous, and the plot is always a joy. No matter if its AU or not. Keep up the great work!

Cu posted a comment on Monday 7th August 2006 8:29pm

So, right after a rant against betas that don't spot errors I find this sentence in your story:

Suddenly a machine barks and killing all on the stage.


I have also found several "his" for "this" and "to" for "too" and, AU as it might be, it still is a Potterverse fanfic where you consistently misspell "Fidelius" or "Occlumency."

It is not that I don't agree with your criticisms, but this fic is far from free of those flaws you claim to hate. Straw in another's eye, and all that.

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. First, the Disclaimers aren't beta read. Neither are the AN's. They are the last thing added to the file before it's posted.

As for the "rant", we loath mistake laden stories, even our own. We've never said our stories are mistake free. We realize that they happen, no matter how many betas read the file. Hell, there are mistakes in the works of published authors! They're a fact of life that authors and readers learn to live with.

With that said, we do think there is a difference between a file with 14,710 words that contains a handful of mistakes, versus a 2000 word file that contains 50-60 mistakes. Big difference there, and that's what Bob was peeved about.

I hope that helps to clear up your confusion.

david johnson posted a comment on Sunday 30th July 2006 5:30am

Hermione saw Harry naked in chapter 1, but you repeatedly deny it in this chapter. Just wondering if anyone else pointed it out.

Christian Grotti posted a comment on Sunday 30th July 2006 3:59am

Sorry because of my bad english, but im realy happy to find this story (thanks also to Obelix72, his link had taken me to your side). The beginning with Dumbledores betrayal is very good. I hope the next chapters are all like the first chapter.
Bye Christian

XxTriGuNxX posted a comment on Thursday 27th July 2006 8:28pm

It was a hell of a trip, A three day long non stop reading trip. This is probaly one of the best Harry fan fictions out there ( i cant honestly say the best as i have no read them all ). You did an amazing job of combining romance, angst, horror, adventure and even subtle humor ( i enjored the passage with Fred and George playing with minituarized tanks and the HMS Victory lol ). You did all this and more and it has been a pleasure and an honor to read it. You truly are both amazing writers. I would start on Sunrise Over Britian right now but alas it is 8:30 am and i havent slept yet.

Battleaxe posted a comment on Thursday 27th July 2006 1:30am

Nice one, I like your style, in particular your disclaimer.

Battleaxe posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 7:39pm

Now it's Dumbles I want to brake the neck of!
It's becoming more and more intresting.

Battleaxe posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 5:11am

That bloody fucking asshole, sorry for that, but if I were there I would take Ron, cut off his balls and stick them in his mouth.
Wuuusaaaahhh "rubbing the rage into the desert"

Battleaxe posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 12:28am

You're not the only one hating Malfoy, that's for sure, but I think in this case it's been a good choice to make him a good guys.

Battleaxe posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 9:35pm

FINALLY!!! I really couldn't have waited one more of your enormous chapters to see them coming together.

Battleaxe posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 6:49pm

Wow, it's going better and better. I just hope Harry ander Hermione are coming together soon.

Battleaxe posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 2:58am

Wow, fucking good story, I like it when Dumbles is an asshole and Harry supernatural, go on with it!

Rhilaewial posted a comment on Thursday 20th July 2006 2:52am

Well I've just finished reading Sunset and I have to admit I had to go find a bucket to cry into. This is an amazing story, I have one point and one question though
1. I think the spell for revival of the unconcious is 'Rennervate' not 'Ennervate'

2. Where is Kreacher?

The second question is cause Kreacher comes with the whole black family package doesn't he and what with Harry being Lord Black (well Potter-Black but still) one would think that Kreacher came in somewhere. Otherwise amazing story. I loved the redeemed Draco, evil Albus and Ron. Time someone put a fresh persepective on things.
Glad I read it once it was finished other wise you probably would have killed me with the suspence, your characters are real and vivid and man i have to print this and sunrise out to finish it. I warn you now i'm no mad reviewer I'll review once or twice on a story oftentimes after I've read the whole thing, but when I do review I prefer to ramble on a bit.
Your A/N: so funny, had me crying with laughter at them
Disclaimers: Hilarious, and yes Bob I don't think Snape is Alan Rickman, Alan isn't greasy enough
Pet Peeves: Couldn't agree with you two more though.
Harry being an Animagus: Agrees totally, bit worn out but I suppose still plausible, glad you didn't ruin an amazing story with an old old old idea, nice way of dispelling the idea
Characters in general: Amazing, top hole old beans. 10/10. Believable, realistic and plausible. And those were the evil guys. Albus, misguided and wanting fame. Yeah I can see that. Ron, jelous, misguided and totally in love with Hermione. Another believable and fresh thing. I likes how you downplayed him before a nice exit, well not so nice actually, I mean Rons scared to death of spiders and being savaged then killed by Acromantula's was probably second in his 10 Worst Nightmares, beaten only by 'The spides they want me to tapdance, I don't wanna tapdance'
'You tell those spiders Ron'
'Yeah tell them.....tell them...zzzzzzzzzzzzz'
probably. Neville and Ginny, Draco and Luna, Harry and Hermione, Remy and Nymph, all awwwwwwwwwwwwwww or jelousy cases.
Hope the review was long enough for you, it was a pleasure to type
Best and keep writing these amazing stories
(Psssst I'm the 5th Marauder, the one no one knows about so shhhh)

pam doyle posted a comment on Wednesday 19th July 2006 12:35pm


pam doyle posted a comment on Wednesday 19th July 2006 4:57am

Well I've gotta say I am enjoying the story. But I think I enjoy the author's notes just as much! Oh by the way-I seem to have destroyed my mouse with some ill-advised sobriety test. Know where I can get one fast? You see I'm reading the most facinating story.

jrb1501 posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2006 5:31am

Hey just a friendly note, most european boxers do not have a flap. :) I have enjoyed the company of maby men from that area and can say that with confidenct.

Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 5:49pm

Excellent, Excellent. Now, where are my nits? I have a sudden rge for picking them. X|