Content Harry Potter


Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 5:16pm

First ever Pomfrey death in a story ever!...I think. But I am still gonna stick with you. Keep me updated on the Godzilla attack. XP

Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 4:37pm

Do you think they'll let me have a couple war heads for my birthday?? XD

Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 3:59pm

Do you accept payment in Twinkies? XD

Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 11:15am

Filchy dead. Me so happy. XD

Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 8:35am

OH! I know! Harry is gonna be...Spider Man!!!

Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 7:53am

The other bother for me in this story so far is Harry's leg. But I-I'll live...I think. I still think you should castrate ron XD

Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 5:07am

Castrate the little wanker!

Cky Raes posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 4:39pm

Hmmmm, Harry/Hedwig has me intrigued...

Cky Raes posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 4:02pm

Wow. The story is awesome AND you respect other people's favored ships. I mostly like obscure ships but you pull off H/Hr with aplomb!

cruiser8 posted a comment on Saturday 8th July 2006 12:34pm

i like where this is going

Xanatos_ posted a comment on Tuesday 4th July 2006 12:42pm

Bravo, that was one of the best fics I have read in years. I have read both DA and SC and I must say that you are the greatest authors I have come across!

Ken Barker posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 8:33pm

VEry nice development of the charachters (sp?) I do like the plot development. Your creation makes it seem that I am actually in the story...not just reading it.

Z3US posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 4:00pm

Just one word:

brilliant !


Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 6:13am

I thought you did a great job setting up for a Harry/Hermione story. I loved the little bit about Dan Granger serving in the Navy and the bit of history you gave on the Matura Magicus. Ginny chewing out the Twins was great!! And Ron! ugh! What a jerk.

fasianjoe posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 1:05pm

another great chapter, better be careful or it will become expected.

fasianjoe posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 12:26pm

quite a long first chapter. I like it ^^

can't wait to read the rest.

Greg2 posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 12:24pm

Ah, The Stand. A Stephen King classic; and a freaking long book by the way. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Great story you guys, I just felt the need to but into a husband/wife argument. Keep up the great work.

Grukal posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 9:08pm

You know, i like this story. It has something that made me read it to the end. I like that. Keep up the good job

Z3US posted a comment on Wednesday 28th June 2006 5:25am

"This is low, if you’re writing fan fic for reviews only, don’t bother writing."

So as my english is not the best, I'll make this short:

Just after the first chapter, I like to say, I love it!



Jadzia7667 posted a comment on Saturday 24th June 2006 10:49pm

This is wonderful! I love seriously AU fics, and I'm rather fond of Harry/Hermione. The sequins and feather boa for Snape were marvelous, too.

I'm really glad I found this site.