Content Harry Potter


Janeth posted a comment on Tuesday 30th May 2006 12:13pm

Thanks for the wonderful read. I truly enjoyed it.

bjon66 posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 5:39pm

LOL,, this is a great story... Also, i like your authors notes, it gives me something to read while this slowass dial up loads the next page... lol...
I also like the way you make most of the women When they are stripping Harry, they are witches you know, all they have to do is wave their wands to do it... But i guess manually doing it releases some sexual you film it, put me down for 2 DVDs...

SpiderLily posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 9:51am

I think I know who the Gryffindor spy is! But I'm not telling you who I think it is because if I'm wrong, both of you will tease me about it for weeks. Believe me, I'm quite sure you would...

DaddysGirlForever posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 1:24pm

i love when Draco becomes good or kind of good. YAY!!!
I am in love with you'r story and so happy school is out so i can stay up all night and read it!

haroon hameed posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 9:01am

classic fanfiction guys keep it up this one is he best of the best

DaddysGirlForever posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 1:25am

i love the durselys geting arrested. funny!

DaddysGirlForever posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 12:45am

why would asking about the matrina (did i spell it right) be rude?

DaddysGirlForever posted a comment on Wednesday 24th May 2006 11:03pm

wow i love you'r story the twists amazing. I really love how everyone wants to use harry not help him except hermione and moony and hermione's parents and director Bones.

Padfoot posted a comment on Wednesday 24th May 2006 1:01pm

*stands up and cheers*
This has to be officially one of my all time favorite stories. I normally don't read fics by H/G shippers even if the story is H/H. But this simply took my breath away. I am adding all this at the end instead of each chapter because I know it's complete, therefore no advice or spurring along is needed. I was simply amazed and your ability to create a realistic AU. Yes some parts were very far fetched but feesible at the same time. My utmost congratulations for a highly sucessful story. I sincerely hope you continue to write Sunrise and go quickly, because lets face it, I wanna know what happens!!


Elizabeth Garcia posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd May 2006 6:51am

Well, hello. Okay as a fair warning, I apologize ahead of time for any incorrect spelling (Sorry, I'm not the best speller in the world). Anyway, I just wanted to leave a review, duh, saying that I absolutely love your story. I probably would have writen reviews as I read, but this story was already completed and it wasn't until recently that I found this site, and your story. Sorry, didn't see the bread crumb trail, my fault. Normally I copy and paste the stories onto a Word document and then read the story, that's also why I never reviewed before. At first, I just wanted to see if I would enjoy your story, had nothing better to do. So as I was coping and pasting, I started reading the disclaimers, and I would just start to laugh my ass off. I knew at that moment just by reading the disclaimer that I was going to enjoy your story. If you can put that much creativity into the disclaimer, I could only imagine what the story would be like. So I just finished reading it yestarday, I must say you have kept me on the edge of my seat. You two are rather talented. But you must of heard that a million times by now. I really did love your Harry T-shirts though. I would be reading the story and then you would write what Harry' shirt would say and I would start laughing. I started reading them to my friends and they absolutely loved them. Oh, by the way, thanks for some of the historical background. It just made the story sound more sound proof. If only... Anyway, I am going to start reading the squel...and will read some of your other stories as well. I have enjoyed this one thus far, don't see how you two will be able to disappoint me in another. Well, I better get going, I made myself promise to leave you a little review, and now that thats done I can go back to reading. Bye!

knellst posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 6:06am

At some point in this chapter (Theivery, Surprises and Noodles) you refer to Prince Philip as the 'Prince Consort'. While this is a pretty accurate description, it's not his official title. Camilla Parker-Bowles, who married Prince Charles, will have the official title 'Princess Consort', but that's only because people objected to her one day being the Queen when she was Charles' mistress and broke up his marriage with the beloved Princess Diana. It's more usual to call Philip the Duke of Edinburgh.

Ltank687 posted a comment on Tuesday 16th May 2006 10:17am

great story, absolutely loved it. On to the next one...

Jimmy posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 11:17am


Cyborg posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 6:12am

very fresh and original. i was getting bored of the same fanfics in different costumes. ;)

n4zhg posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 6:09am

I've read far beyond this chapter by now, but I'd like to help out with the acronyms for those of you who don't read my third-favorite SF author Tom Clancy.

CINCLANT = Commander In Chief, Atlantic Fleet

STU = Secure Telephone Unit, a hyperencrypted telephone used by senior government drones, though these days anyone using Skype or GPGPhone has better security on their conversations

NCA = National Command Authority (The President)

Jimmy posted a comment on Friday 12th May 2006 11:59am

Um.... Pettigrew harmed Harry in book IV not V! Otherwise keep up the good work... I've got a short memory that's why I'm rereading this story:))

Calanthe Aisling posted a comment on Monday 8th May 2006 7:51am

I haven't reviewed yet, so I thought it was about time.
First of all your author's notes are hilarious.
Of course I also really like the story.
I guess I'm stating the obvious, but Ron is really a git.
But this sure is a fun story.

sandstar08 posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 3:08am

you know? i think i read that story that you mentioned in your pet peeve. ...

it was loads of fun to make fun of

kittykatluver posted a comment on Friday 5th May 2006 7:26am

That was wonderful! I just recently found about your all's story from my sister. It was a load of fun reading it. Oh, and I have to tell you, I liked your story line loads better than the original Harry Potter books. There was one thing, though, that I would have to mention. You both are wonderful writers but I noticed that in many places you miss used commas and the different forms of "to". I just thought thought you might want to be aware of it. Ok. Well, I had a WONDERFUL time reading your story and am now off to read Sunrise Over Britain.

Tammy Slark posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 10:31am

One thing I don't understand. Why didn't Arthur, Bill, George, Fred, or Ginny contact Charlie about what was going on?