Content Harry Potter


Jay G. posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 1:18am

Liked the story, loved the disclaimers. I really enjoy a "super" Super!Harry fic where he's powerful, gears up, and just kicks ass. But I really liked this one. Reading the sequel in a little bit.

Em posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 4:48am

You don't hate Ron? Could've fooled me...
Read. Consider. Repeat if necessary.

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Friday 24th March 2006 1:23am

Uh, the chapter's all in bold.

Highschool Nerd posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd March 2006 10:48am

Great chapter!

chapps posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 11:17am

I love your disclaimers... they remind me of freshly cut grass, pink lemonade, warm summer breeze, and peach snapps flavored condoms.... such wonderful memories...


Obliviate posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 4:29am

Voldemort, watch your back!
*walking on towards "Sunrise over Britain" yay!*

chapps posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 3:58pm

What do you have against rainbow colored, glow in the dark, condoms? I think they are an important part of every healthy relationship

chapps posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 10:39am

Great fic, I really wished harry and done more though to snape and dumbledore... like put fidelius charms over both of their offices, strip then naked, snap their wands THEN stick them up there... or leave them locked in the cell all summer and send dobby to give them food once a week... or take photos of them naked in what appears to be an intimate encounter with each other then accidently send Rita a xmas present of a typical day at Hogwarts :)

chapps posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 5:30pm

I hate being chased by those pesky Gnarled Footed Twitter Bugs... they live in my uncle's hair and they are scary when you sneeze...

chapps posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 2:59pm

Go Dobby YEAH! Hopefully now the Brotherz will open up a can of whoop ass and take old dumbley down a notch or 300. great fic :)

chapps posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 1:43pm


chapps posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 10:03am

I loved the disclaimer :)

chapps posted a comment on Thursday 16th March 2006 8:40pm

yeah !!! Great opening, wow... how quickly you've set the chess board... very nice, can't wait to read more :)

Mike14 posted a comment on Thursday 16th March 2006 2:27pm

You guys did an excellent job with this story. It was one of the best stories that I read so far. I appreciated the non-existent grammer errors. I can not wait to read the sequel. See you there!

Obliviate posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 5:04am

Nooooooooooo.... *cries over Poppy*
You evil people!
Let Harry kill Voldemort now, please..
*cries more*

((On second thought, please do NOT kill Voldemort just yet, that would shorten the story too much, and I couldn't survive another week of school without this to look foreward to every time I come home. Thanks!))

Dahlias posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 4:48am

aahhh, so there is a sequal. for a mo i was frightened that it would all end there, lol. Well, off to see if anything about the sequal was written, if not I'll wait patiently, it's taken me a good week.... amybe even more to read this WHOLE fic with my schedule and I thank you for writing something that's so real it's scary - I could actually picture this happening although I'm surprised that nothing more was mentioned of Molly, why the fidulous(sp?) wasn't placed on Har's property, and some other questions but I guess it'll all be answered in the next chapter.

Blessed Be.

Obliviate posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 3:42am

Still loving the story, althought I have to admit that I laughed when Harry made that comment about being "a Grey Lord" *mighty background music* xP sorry.
But the story is really good, and I had to re-read the books twice to convince myself that Dumbledore in the books is a good person. In other words: this is working as the sixth book, instead of a fanfic based on the characters of the book. Thank you!

A. Austein posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 12:48am

An absolute breathtaking piece of fiction! Unfortunately I am inept at writing a worthy review and it's at times like this my lack of appropriate vocabulary is obvious and very much mourned. Just know that I think that you as a team are unbeatable and am looking forward to reading the sequel. I also applaud your ending chapter comments to other authors (just hope that you have reached a few) and would love to have Harry's t-shirts! Many thanks for such an inspiring story.

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 9:34am

Amazing!!!! I have to finish the next one fast- My work and sleep are suffering!

Sam3 posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 12:41am

really great story, i'm a bit pissed about Harry's leg and you cahnge Harry from weak to super that often it doesn't fit, just leave him super. Apart from that I loved the take over of Britain and laughed like hell at the mental image of Fred and George Weasley standing at the front of HMS victory doing a salute and listening to rule britania, I'll go read the sequel now, ta ta