Content Harry Potter


Dahlias posted a comment on Wednesday 8th March 2006 1:50pm

For the end of the chapter and the mysterious person i would say our dear Ron.

ShadeHawk posted a comment on Monday 6th March 2006 5:31pm


Step 2: Remove ball from mouse. Place ball in secure location.

It would be difficult with modern optic mouses.

Bobmin356 replied:

You'd be surprised by how many drunk people actually try it, however :D

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Monday 6th March 2006 1:05pm

God,you huys are great!!!!!

Dahlias posted a comment on Monday 6th March 2006 11:58am

*sigh* I'm sober and I failed the bloody test *scowl*

Dahlias posted a comment on Monday 6th March 2006 9:48am

I luved your pet peeve, lol.

So let's see... It couldn't have been Ron who put the spider in the bed but if it was Ron then he must be a good actor in those [revious books... for Some reason I'm thinking Neville because it's so out of the question but at the same it would be a hell of a twist, Dean... I'm not feeling him but I can see it in Seamus though. Maybe he's the traitor or is it some unknown Gryff?

I feel bad for Harry, Though if I were him I would wait 'till the dead of night and plot my revenge...

Dahlias posted a comment on Monday 6th March 2006 8:10am

ha! you know, not only do I adore your fic but I look forward to your AN's and that's strange since i tend to skip them! :) *g*

You said what happened to the Dursley's but didn't mention Dudley? Is he trapped with Aunt Marge or are we left to our imagination?

You know, when Ron called Hermione a whore I expected her to to do something like growl and scratch his eyes out...

as for Ginny... well, my only *thing* about it, and don't get me wron, the kicking to the privates is more than acceptable but I guess I assumed Gin would use her infamous 'Bat Bogey hex' or something.

Ooh, ooh! Can Harry have the *sex* talk? *cackle* I've been dying to read one and I think *wink wink* that it would work beautiful into your plot line - a little flashback there or here... plz?


Dahlias posted a comment on Sunday 5th March 2006 11:17am

*sigh* you make me wanna be there to give Harry a hug and then pull out my machete and start cutting people... *grr* well, can't wait to read what happens to the traitors!


Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Saturday 4th March 2006 7:49pm

If it weren't for Bobmin, I wouldn't be hooked on fan fiction like I am. I loved Dumbledore's Army and it's sequel. I've always loved the brother relationship between Ron and Harry & liked Ginny with Harry and Ron with Hermoine. The Weasly's should be considered untouchable, but I am going along with you. I really enjoy the story so far. Thank you for the many hours of reading pleasure.

Pokey1984 posted a comment on Sunday 26th February 2006 3:37pm

Yes, I liked it. I'm on my way to "Sunrise Over Brtain" here in a few moments, but I wanted to stop and say 'Hi' first.

That's it. I really don't have any intelligent comment at this point, other than I've really enjoyed your story and thank you for writing it. Oh, and you better have written the sequel (I really should have checked before I started...) or I may never recover from the psychological scarring. (grin)

Pwn Master Paladin posted a comment on Friday 24th February 2006 5:57am

Dang...Nope not enough.

Freaking Awesome...STILL not enough.

HOLY FREAKING FLYING APOCALYPTIC DAMNATION! Finally, a correct expression t describe the gloriousness that is Sunset.

I originally read your stories on FFn (DA and SC), and when I read that they had removed this story, I decided to check it out. I must say that Thank GOD I did. Original, moving, angsty, dramatic, fluffy, smutty, smuffy...the list goes on. I think you have covered every genre of literature in this piece.

I must say I agree with you about HBP. I liked it, but felt there could be a better telling. You have proved it with this story.

Peace and Out, as I head for the Sunrise!

Pwn Master Paladin

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 11:25am

This has been a brilliant delight to read. So many things about this work, AU, bad Dumbledore, good Draco, and more are NOT my cup of tea. And yet I have enjoyed this immensely. It had been wonderful and thrilling.

My enjoyment of these things I generally do not care for is a testimony to your fine imagination and storytelling prowess.

Truly and rightly very well done indeed!

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 5:39am

You had to have a comparison match - embarrassing Dan and Harry - castrating Lucius in the public square after ever female on the planet laughs at him is not too much for him. (Grins)

It is heart warming to see people who have gone back and forth on Harry - good or bad - to finally see they owe there very lives to him. Will they finally believe in him and not believe the stupid press in the future. Doubtful.

Just a great tale. Just so well conceived and executed.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 4:44am

The Ministry destruction and the face off at the Hogwarts wards were brilliant.

Nice use of the Grim named Padfoot.

Marvelous house-elf tactics.

Just grand all around.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 3:56am

Tom Clancy books switch POVs on a regular basis from third person perspectives. Now, he opens new sections when he does so, and never changes within a section, but I have seen small sections of two paragraphs or so where he switches back and forth.

Changing POVs are common activities in romance stories - not just lust in the leaves romance or gothic novels. Jane Austin changes POVs quite often in close romantic moments, but does so subtly in those close times, and even more carefully in her less romantic moments - but she does it.

I am not sure there would be a more fitting way for Ron to die than by spiders. That Millicent did it is also quite clever and poetic.

Can we please hurt Dumbledore really bad? How appropriate that Snape be betrayed by him. I hope Snape knows it.

Just excellent!

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 2:48am

Based on your disclaimers, I have the feeling you two make a living writing horror tales to scare children to sleep at night.

You are creating a scenario where Lord Potter-Black may be a world wide, Muggle and magical hero - the man who save England.

Can't wait to get to hurt Ron, Snape, and Dumbledore. But let's embarrass Snape and Dumbledore first in front of all the magical world.


Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 1:24am

That was a novel idea for dealing with a giant, throw him up in the air - very clever and simply elegant almost.

I like the staff idea.

Wonderful characterizations.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 11:03pm

The Tower punishment was clever. Using it to fell Dumbledore was even more so. Delicious.

I would love to see Harry slice Dolohov to shreds, but Hermione doing it casually woul dbe even better.

Fine fic.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 9:58pm

Dumbledore is wearing out his invitation to existence on this plane.

Luna as a charms genius warms the cockles of my heart - nasty sounding things, heart cockles. I love what you've done with Luna. HBP marginalized her at best, completely discounted her basically.

Just a FUN read.

Alan Johanson posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 3:17pm

As always, I enjoy your writing. I must admit to having misgivings, since I really don't fancy Harry/Hermione, but you do not disappoint.
Well done - keep it up.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 6:18am

The bit with Trelawney rearranging the colors, and furniture to the original positions, was a bit of inspired madness.


Please Harry hurt some people.