By Bobmin
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 3:11am
I know you have a plan for Snape from Voldemort, but I hope it includes the wrath of Harry.
Nott Jr should be interesting as he becomes cannon fodder for the next Harry-does-it-again.
Poor Mr. Weasley.
Great writing.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 2:14am
I have changed my mind. The only reason to save Molly is if she sees she is going to die and Harry saves her at the last minute after Dumbledore gives her over to the Ministry or Voldie to save his own skin. Then let her work being Dobby's house-elf.
I cannot believe you've written so well that I am angry at a woman in fiction I love.
Well done indeed.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 9:48pm
Great end for a Wormtail with NO redeeming values whatsoever.
I like what Ginny is trying to do. I am torn between wanting Molly and Ron to begin to see the error of their ways and making overtures to Harry and having them go down with the ship of England. Only thinking of Ginny makes me want good to happen. Otherwise... AK away.
Marvelous AU masterpiece.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 11:44am
I am a big Dobby fan. What you had Harry and Hermione do with the two elves on Christmas morning was wonderful.
Thanks for letting there be some reconciliation between Arthur and his good kids.
Just excellent work!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 10:57am
I am amazed at the mercy Harry showed Snape. He deserved a majoe headache for the entire holiday - and to only be able to speak Swahili and wear pink footsie pajamas.
Dumbledore should have ben a place where the owls roost just above him - and relieve themselves.
Proof you two are excellent writers - I want bad things to happen to Dumbledore, and I am a big fan of his.
Great AU!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 10:02am
You guys are great authors, but your disclaimers are seriously twisted.
The hearings went well, and it should raise some eyebrows to see just how much the Weasleys had if Hermioneonly got half.
Fun chapter with the portable swamp and the alligators.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 9:17am
It is sad that the scene with Dumbledore assuming he had Harry's guardianship occurred. But that is the theme of this story - the major plot bunny - so I must say that it was EXTREMELY well done.
The Ron-Dean-Seamus thing was great, and your A/N states there are no pranks.
The tee shirts are billiant!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 8:29am
It is very encouraging that you have McGonagall & Flitwick supporting Harry & Co.
Ginny going for Ron was choice.
Fu, fun, FUN!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 6:35am
I should have mentioned it earlier, but the Shelf of Requirement is just brilliant to the max.
I love your Luna.
So enjoyable.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 5:28am
This was a fascinating chapter. Once again, not trying to add to a completed story, I just giggle over the idea of Ron's ring going on Millicent. This Ron bites.
It kills me to say, but I hope Dumbledore goes down big time for the funds manipulation. The no-punishment-for-Ron thing tears it.
Great work.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 4:21am
Ron cannot possibly be that stupid, but I am sure he will prove me wrong in this AU of yours that I am enjoying so much.
Not trying to make a suggestion, but I find myself hoping for a formal duel betweeen Harry and Dumbledore in this fic, maybe Snape also. This might be a different type of fun than say a Dumbledore dueling Harry for Harry's training.
Just excellent!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 3:02am
Ginny dealing with Ron was about the best way I can imagine. Even better than Hermione, which would have been bery fine.
The snapping of Snape's new wand was brilliant. Perhaps he should open a revolving account at Ollivanders.
Thanks for making Neville a good guy.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 1:55am
The ejection of the Order from Grimmauld Place was very well done.
I like what you've done with the Brotherhood.
That may be one of the cleverer 'get-the-Dursleys' I have read.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 12:31am
For some reason I don't like the fact that Fudge may be trustworthy in this tale. You've not mentioned him in this chapter, but he is a factor in all things Amelia Bones as things exist now.
Great Amelia though, perfect head of a law enforcement division.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Monday 20th February 2006 11:05pm
This is a frightening AU story concept. It shakes me to think about a Dumbledore in this light.
But, it is an excellent start for a story.
goddessa39 posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 12:14pm
Love it. Question: What does "pax" mean?
PamelaC posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 12:18pm
Well I've caught up at last - I'm just one of the slow ones obviously. I had idly wondered where you were for a bit but got distracted - I use alerts rather than checking. I only looked yesterday and I have to just say that on re-read I like this as much as I did before. I'm really glad to be back. Cheers Pam
Quizer posted a comment on Monday 13th February 2006 9:34am
"Gasping, they watched as first the Fidelis charm, then the wards..."
And here I was expecting that you of all people would be able to spell the Fidelius charm the right way. Honestly, if I got a dollar for every time someone spelled 'Fidelius' wrong, I'd be richer than Rowling. This looks BAD, in a way I really doubt you actually want.
Otherwise great job on this chapter. I liked the ejection sequence of 12 Grimmauld Place, especially the cats ;)
I also like the how the off-hand remark on the Brotherhood develops into a real ruse. Did you know already at this point that it would be such a central part of the story later in Sunrise?
AJ4 posted a comment on Monday 6th February 2006 10:52am
cool story!! I really loved it! Excellent work and my fav line is without a doubt the one about hermione giving voldie the finger and harry calling him tommy. that was just wonderful. i gotta read the sequal now!! --AJ : )
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 5:28am