Content Harry Potter


DaZZa posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 10:54am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

You guys rock, as usual. I've been looking forward to this one, and I'm not disappointed. Looking forward to new chapters as eagerly as I have anything since "Sunrise".

Glacialis1 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 10:53am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I'm hooked already! I promised myself I would never get myself hooked on an uncompleted fic...but I am hooked. I must say I almost didn't bother reading this after I read your warnings...I have rarely seen anyone do a good crossover fic, but I think you have laid the groundwork for a fantastic fic! If it wasn't becuse I have loved almost everything you have written I wouldn't have bothered reading this work in progress until it was finished and I saw some reviews. But you have made connection here that I never dreamed possible. Lily Evens and Jean Grey/Summers Twins separated at birth? Brilliant! Harry a power Magical Mutant...Another possible spin on "The power the dark lord knows not" Fantistic! I hope that you are so addicted to writing this that you can't stop, because after reading your other fics and can't wait to see how this develops. The writing is clear and responses of the other characters to these developments seems to be true to what I would imagine of them. Fred and George walking out on the order meeting. Sweet!!! Can't wait to see you get Ginny involved.

kb0 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 10:49am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

So, Jean is Lily's "unknown twin sister". (I hear the voice of Darth Vader saying that for some reason. :-) I had wondered how you were going to make the connection. And magical mutants? That could be interesting. Well, I guess we'll have to stay tuned to see where you take this. Hmm, Logan will be a good person to train Harry, as Logan can take all the destructive magic and still survive. Oh, do we get to see a Logan -v- Lucius battle eventually? Or maybe Logan -v- Bella would be better. The verbal part could be quite amusing. :-)

igotbannedfroma2k posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 10:43am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I can't wait to see the next chapter!
Yay! You've restored my faith in fanfiction.


Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 10:37am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Very interesting idea. I hope to see more.

Arvin Betancourt posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 10:25am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I'm addicted to this story!!!(and it is only the first chapter)

But please, let Harry have some revenge on his so-called friends in the future!!

kellygreenpassion posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 10:19am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I love it. I think you get better with each novel.

mathetes01 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 9:56am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

This is a great start. I like the liberties you have taken with the canon of both fictions, this is one of the few readable XMen crossovers I have come across. Making Ron mutantphobic is a nice touch, but I must confess that I would like to see Ron and Harry reconcile I still like the redheaded goof. Thanks for the good work and I look forward to reading more.

James Barber posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 9:51am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Oh cool another story! And Hey Alyx what you forgot, well that's easy, you forgot to post a nude picture of yourself on the internet!!! hehehehehe just kidding, so you can put down the gun....

Hey you know at first I was going to say that Jean was his mum, then you came up with the ideal its his aunt, his mum's twin sister. I seen this done before, but at least you seem to be doing it better and of course you'll more than likely finish it, where as that other author didnt!

If I was Harry, I wouldnt go back to Hogwarts next year, if I went back at all it would only be after I spent at least a year getting over my problems, getting help from Charles, Jean and of course Logan and Scott. Training in physical as well as magical and mutant powers too is a big plus and a must! just spending a couple of weeks during the summer isnt going to be enough to get him past all this and start to heal him, he'll definitely need at least a year or more.

Lynn2 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 9:42am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Aswome start :)

I've read x-overs with X-men before but never this way and i have to admit it's so far the better of them all. I'm a huge X-man fan and a big Harry Potter you can guess how happy i am :)

I can't wait to see more, the relationship between Harry and Jean will be interesting and so would the Harry and Logan...I think those two would get along great...(Logan's canadian so i have to support him, we candians eh :)

black_kitten34 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 9:40am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Intersting. sounds very good. I like it!! looking forward to the next chapter. Very very good

DukeBrymin posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 9:35am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Ooh, new story!!! Yeah!!! And thanks for shipping Harry/Ginny, my favorite one!
I've got questions about the chapter (which, of course, you don't have to answer, as I'm sure it will all become clear).
1) Which other red-head was being trained? I'm assuming it is Ginny, but it never spells it out.
2) Did Ginny write Harry too? Harry vowed to ignore letters from his "friends", but maybe Ginny wasn't one of the ones that caught his wrath. I always hold out hope that she's more understanding of his situation.
3) Molly's hugs are stifling? Interesting take on that.
4) Remus should know better than to support Dumbledore against Harry--hopefully he'll come around soon.
5) When do we get Ginny into the story?
6) How much angst between Ginny and Harry will we have to deal with before they can be together?
7) Where are the llamas?
Okay, that's off my chest, looking forward to your next chapter!!!

FireFairy posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 9:25am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

WOW! When I heard that you guys were doing a Xmen crossover i was a little doubtful but I LOVE THIS! The two parts i liked the most were when Ron was so disgusted by Harry's Heritage and when Harry seemed on the verge of killing himself (I only liked this part not because I'm morbid;) but because I think that after OoTP something should have happened, he couldnt go on like everything was for the most part OK especially after what Dumbledore has just told him! Also it seemed like a good reason to have the Xmen come get him. Great Job! and i cant wait for a update!

miriellegrey1 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 9:25am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

As I don't know much about X-Men lore, I didn't expect to be interested, but I am completely hooked. I've reread this chapter three times, slowly, to savor it. The only things that jar me are: Ron's quickness to condemn mutants and Dumbledore's apparent humility in admitting his mistakes and even more, making them public. I would have thought The Great Man would simply brush aside demands for explanations as everyone else is so much lesser than he...but then, that's my prejudice talking. I deeply enjoyed this chapter and will be very happy to read more when it is released.

Howard C. Shaw III posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:56am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Excellent! Wonderfully written, as usual from you two.

I have a story where Harry gains a similar ability to turn invisible and phase through things, so I am interested to see how you handle sight. Theoretically, if no light can hit my eyes, I should be incapable of sight, but you've already made it obvious he can see, no biggie there. The interesting question to me, is if he has phased *into* a solid surface, such as rock, can he see through it?

Don't bother answering, just something to think about.

David Stanley posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:50am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Wow, nice start. So Harry is a phaser, teleporter, and at least a minor telepath. Will Kitty and Kurt show up to help with training Harry? Anyway looking forward to the next chapter.

larry freshour posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:47am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

love the story line. keep it coming. p.s. hope you use my favorite x-mem rouge.

icedisc7 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:43am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Incredible. As always you have delivered with the utmost of a well written and entertaining story. I very much look forward to learning more of Harry's skills as a mutant, as well as seeing his interactions with the other mutants. I will admit that I am rather curious as to how you will tie Harry back into a relationship with Ginny, especially considering his current loathing of the wizarding world. At the risk of seeming impertinent (and possibly getting my review deleted), I would like to express a hope that any ties into this new world, as well as his old wizarding world, be a long time in developing. Admittedly, this could largely be me wishing that you would just have more to write (and more disclaimers, yay!), but your character development is usually very good and I am hugely hopeful that this story can take Harry et al. into truly interesting realms.
Thanks for writing,

scott2 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:36am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Haven't been impressed by other HP/Xmen crosses so I'm looking forward to what you do with this (especially with your track record!)


goblin214 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:35am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I can only hope that ron won't be a total butthead about harry being a mutant and I hope harry does forgive hermione eventually.