Mutant Storm
Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
By Bobmin
Katherine Summers posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 10:48am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
OMG absolutely awesome! best of both worlds right here!
RNCybergate posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 2:54am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
Interesting plot line.
Extremely eye catching.
Unique in the Harry Potter series.
Well written.
I can hardly wait to see the next few chapters.
In short...I absolutely love it!!!
Keep up the brilliant work.
Jarvey posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 9:06pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
I'm very interested in seeing where this will go.
CheddarTrek posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 4:26pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
This is great so far, I'm really enjoying it looking forward to reading more.
So far I've especially liked the characterizations of the X-men, as well as your choices on which X-men will be working closely with Harry. The back story is also quite plausible and is probably the best for the crossover I've seen.
In my opinion most of the Harry Potter cast seems slightly more OC than is believable, but depending on where you go with your story that may be your intention.
Thanks for writing!
Jimbocous posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 3:06pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
Hmmm. Interesting start, for sure. Normally I'm not much for crossovers, but when they're well done they can be great. This looks promising. The twin sister tie-in is certainly unique. FYI, you may want to check the chapter links; they seem to be a bit messed up. Thanks for a fun chapter!
Zarz posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 9:56am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
I love this story! It's incredible how much you've managed to work into it in both universes! I really hope we get to see Kurt/Nightcrawler soon - he's definitely my favorite character after Harry. He could probably help Harry with being seen as a freak, and it's possible his strong faith would also help Harry. Will Ginny end up having any mutant powers? I can't wait to see the next chapter of this! Great work!
Heather Goodhart posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 6:19am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
So far so good! I can't wait to see where you're going with it.
Jadzia7667 posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 6:10am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
OMG. This is brilliant. Interesting, easy to follow, despite my complete ignorance about all things mutant, plausible, and very my IC for the characters I'm familiar with. I hope the muse is pushing y'all to focus on this story, because it rocks out loud.
Malachite posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 6:10am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
I really liked this story. it blened xmen and Hp together in a way that is believable. Harry's change is also believable. good job and please update soon
with all due respect and bubble gum,
Sandra Neigenfind posted a comment on Sunday 8th June 2008 2:01am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
I really like the story. If I were Harry I would probably react the same. I am very intretsted in how this story continues.
All the best Sandra
Wolf550e posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 8:52pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
The crossover is awkward. Wizards are a kind of mutants - the next evolution of homo sapiens. I'm waiting for more.
Hiroki_Prowl posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 3:28pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
x3 heh heh, wanna hear what I said to my friend [who was reading it with me] after I read this?
"Me: omG!!S sewd40985735gys
Me: Nooo!!! I want another chapter!
Me: ; O ; Give me more!"
xD yeah, I'm not good with words unless I work on them for a while so I'll just say this; this chapter blew me away, it's just...amazing, truly amazing!
I've read a lot of fanfiction over the years, but this will be the first that I will religiously check for updates! [And also one of the few that's affected me enough to comment on it]
I can't get online every day but whenever I can I will check back here hoping-against-hope that this fantastic story has a new chapter waiting for me to devour it! *triple_heart*
gothfeary posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 11:49am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
A well written, wonderfuly thought out X-Men/HP cross over! I had no idea this existed! My perceptions of reality have been shattered. It's like being told that they have perfected cloning and you guys made me my very own Jonny Depp! Please keep going, I look forward to the next chaper.
Carol Layland posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 9:36am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
Hi, My name is Carol and I am a retired English Teacher who loves Harry Potter FanFiction. I would like to say that I am most favorable impressed with the first chapter of this story and do hope that as you continue to post to it that you let me know when each posting occurs. I think that your interpretation of Harry's talents is quite unique and very inovative.
webdoc posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 6:13am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
Fan-Damn-Tastic. When I first read you were doing a X-men HP x-over I was trying to wrap my mind around the idea, and wasn't sure it would work. Well you have conviced me it will work and I eagerly await to read the rest.
Oh and I do hope you have some comeuppence for Snape in the future the greasy haired butt nugget bandit.
Jack B Nimble posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 12:20am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
I have to admit I was a bit annoyed when I read the intro. The ship doesn't bother me. I was annoyed that you did not let on as to which X-Men universe you were branching off from. AU is one thing, but we still need a starting point. :)
Remus seems a bit uneven -- unwilling to go against Dumble, but then he does when he tells Ron and Hermione to write to Harry. Also, things seem a bit shaky on the justification for training everyone but Harry. Almost seems like it was actively done to upset him. A line like "We cannot train him where he is, but he will be brought up to speed later in the summer," would make it seem less so.
Plot-wise, you have a very interesting start. I look forward to seeing what other characters you bring in. You have some great options. If this is in fact branched off the movie-verse, Hank would be able to help Harry learn about dealing with life as a public figure, could teach him some diplomacy or politics, and could certainly identify with Harry's life as a "freak." From the abilities Harry has shown, he could learn a great deal from Kurt and Kitty, as well as from Jean and the Prof. Other students appearing in his off time will make for an interesting read, if you go that way.
Further down the road, I am also looking forward to how Harry deals with his 'friends,' and maybe re-sorts the wizarding world in his relationships.
Great start! I look forward to the continuation.
corwalch posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 11:02pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
I have only one word to say: Intriguing. I look forward to reading more soon.
carmz_supremacy posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 10:17pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
Is there any chance that the beginning of the chapter was fashioned after Dune, when Paul's father found out someone had tried to kill his son?
Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 9:55pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences
Interesting chapter, looking forward to more. X-Men is one of my favorites and rarely do I see a x-men crossover of this type.
Hope to see lots of Dumble Fumbles aka dumbledork bashing. :)
FrequencyQueen posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 12:14pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences