Content Harry Potter


tthief posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:13pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Woot, new story! this sounds like a fun one, in amongst all the angst and drama. I am a fan of x-men.

looking forward to more. I feel spoiled with jeconais's new story and yours. :D :D :D

Paladin11 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:51pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I love the direction this is going. I've read a few Hp/Mutants crossovers and haven't really liked any of them but for this one I'm hooked after one chapter. so much so that i'm willing to suck it up and read on with a harry/ginny pairing

morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:15pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I've read a few X-Men/HP stories, and most of them were either horrid or mere shadows of what they could've been.
This promises to be an absolute scorcher!
Even the threatened Harry/Ginny 'ship won't put me off - so please put the gun down, Alyx. I would prefer it was someone else - like Luna - but I'll suck it up and tolerate Ginny.
Fab start, logical splicing of the two universes, smooth to read, excellent characterizations.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:03pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Damned! That was a glitchy next. It goes nowhere but back to the top of this chapter! No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!

Mike (MoA)
P.S. Bob, no using those o's from "no" as doughnuts. You know they're bad for you.

Okay, but just one.
.' ___ '.
/ (___) \
|'._ _.'|
| `'----- ' |
\ /

If that doesn't come through right, it was supposed to be an ascii doughnut.

darthloki posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:02pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences


Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 1:54pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Very excellent. I like the angles of your the plot arcs. It begs wonder how some of the difficulties will be resolved, but I have great confidence in your abilities to overcome the problems. I am actually very interested to see how you will resolve the betrayal of Harry's friends receiving training and lying about it, of which you have included Ginny, the stated future paramour, as having received the training. Will this be a case of lucky she didn't send him any correspondence, as that is the only reason she didn't lie to him like her brother and Hermione? A dubious distinction, but if the greatest sin is lying, in this case, then she is currently not guilty. Good for her. I think what will make this interesting, on the romance front, is the difficulty of the relationship coming together. This isn't a common fanfic (such as mine) where the romance falls together altogether to easily (again like mine). You've embraced a difficult task.

Thank you for writing this and sharing.

Mike (MoA)

Now I shall hit next.

yelena Kushnirova posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 1:20pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

this fic is starting out wonderfully--I really can't wait for the next installment(s). I hope you'll update this one frequently

NateGold posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 12:47pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Excellent as always. This, so far, is the best fusion of the 2 canons I've seen yet. Jean and Lily, twins...a truly unique idea. I also see a major split coming between Harry and Ron, who's showing himself to be a small minded, bigoted prat as usual. I look forward to see where you'll take this. After all, a Bobmin fanfic is a treat to be savored!

greenansatsu posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 12:34pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I was skeptical at first, I'm not a big fan of crossovers fics but given your track record I had to give it a shot, and I must say you have made a convert of me.

*hits my knees and screams out* I believe I believe!! that this story is wonderful just like everything else that your hands have deemed to type.

I can't wait for the next update. Though I do ask, I'm not up to date on the X-men comic books, I've only watched the movies. Will I have any problems later on understanding this fic or will I be good with just the knowledge from the movies?

Elizabeth3 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 12:31pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Oh yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! New Story!!!! I literally just finished re-reading Sunrise this afternoon.... I am thrilled to see a new story to occupy my boring work week!

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 12:28pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Wow! More than I could have imagined. I love the way you wove Jean into the story as well as the consequences of Dumbledore's rash actions towards her parents. Though, I think he should have at least thought of her with regards to where Harry should be raised... after all he actually had a choice between two relatives that share blood, and one would think, from a magical standpoint that a twin would offer more protection for blood wards.

So even his justifications of the aborted kidnapping attempts falls flat since he actually had other options if he were only willing to ask for help. Harry could have been raised by Jean and grown up at the institute. He would have been well socialized and grown up well educated, and most importantly, loved.

I feel a bit sorry for Hermione. She has had the opposite upbringing than Harry and because of it she trusts those who are in authority over her. I do think it was stupid for her to lie, though. She could have just as easily avoided any mentions of actual activities in her letters. She could have focused on time spent with her parents and her support of Harry during a difficult time in his life.

He would have still been hurt by her lie of ommission, but would probably have been far less hurt by it than he was by her and Ron's outright lies.

I agree with Harry that Dumbldore has far more in common with Voldemort than he himself is willing to admit, even to himself. He has followers who will listen to him to the point of foolishness. He is willing to break the law and hurt, or allow to be hurt, others in the furthering of his goals. That his goals is justified in his mind as the 'greater good' is not that different than the enemies goals... Voldemort himself may lack humanity, but many of his followers seem to believe in the goal of a 'purer' world.

That Dumbledore could do such terrible things, with his humanity intact, almost makes him worse since he lacks any possible excuse for his actions.

I like how Charles accepts his part in things and does not try to justify or white wash the wrongs he allowed. Though the misake was Albus', Charles did allow the obliviation of the girls. One would think that the girls could have remembered each other. At least Jean would not have felt so alone... and if Charles had revealed what Albus had done, and with a near identical child standing there as proof he most likely would have been believed, the parents would have been far less likely to allow Lily to attend a magical school... though that would have drastically changed the course of history and Harry would never have been born... at the time those considerations were moot and Charles also had options regarding the situation.

Total kudos to the twins. I wonder what Ginny is thinking/feeling. She did not write Harry and so did not lie to him. Her two older brothers said a lot of stuff and I wonder how it has affected her perceptions. Coupled with the additional revelations and confirmations that Dumbledore finally shared with everyone, I would think she is in a bit of shock.

Ron is a prat! Other than his willingness to be hurt on the giant chess board in their first year and his willingness to follow Harry into some dangerous situations, i.e. Spiders and the ministry, there is really nothing outstanding or redeemable about him. He is a hateful, judgemental, tempermental, foolish, lazy child. He has added little to nothing to Harry's life other than as a way to access the other, far more worthy, Weasley's. I mean over all he doesn't even out.

First Year: Chess Board, a positive .
Second Year: The Chamber, null as it was his sister that motivated his participation. Standing by Harry when he learned he was a Parseltongue, a positive .
Third Year: His over the top reactions to Crookshanks and the Firebolt, negative . His involvement in the shack, null as it was Padfoot seaking Wormtail that forced him there.
Fourth Year: His jealous rejection of Harry and refusing to believe him regading the cup, a negative.
Fifth Year: I see nothing extrordinary here except that he followed Harry to the ministry, but that was his own choice and was against Harry's stated desires. So null .

Over all, Harry is better off without him.
Hermione will be missed, but her support for so long and unwaivering belief only makes this betrayal hurt Harry all the more.

I eagerly look forward to Harry achieving some semblance of normalacy and to experience love and healing this summer.

Snape worries me, and I wonder if it wouldn't be better for Harry to skip his sixth year at the school and simply be trained by those at Charles School.

Great job, both of you... hurry and post more, Please! (insert begging and pleading here)

Carlos posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 12:13pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

really good, I cant wait to

simons_flower posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 12:00pm for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I've been looking forward to reading this story ever since you mentioned it in the notes to Sunrise Over Britain and you've met expectations so far. And, yes, even though I'm not a Harry/Ginny fan, I'm still reading this (and I won't complain!) because I want to see what you do with the crossover and how Dumbledore meets his end this time :)

Chiyo posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 11:56am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Here me out before deleting this and/or not reading it.

I honestly despise the H/G relationship as its entirely out of canon. I've probably read Sunrise/Sunset and Power of the Press more times than I can count and loved them each and every damn one of them. They're AU but they were more like what should have happened.

That being said up front just b/c I had to get it off my chest this story has the potential to be the one H/G story I'll truely enjoy mainly b/c I know you'll finish it. Its AU with OOC characters so that helps me out a lot since I can differentiate. Others I've read were never complete or in the end just didn't measure up (Hearts and Heroes - DNF, Final Reckoning/Book of Morgan Le Fey - complete but kinda meh after reading other works, After the End - the fic that started me on fanfiction... again good but doesnt measure up now).

So I guess in a way I'm saying that you guys are the two that could make a H/G fic that I like and can enjoy. If for no other reason I'm loving the concept of Jean being his aunt and am REALLY looking forward to the interaction with Logan in particular (and scott too I guess lol).

Steve Stephan posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 11:36am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Good start. I am disappointed that you didn't have Ginny in the confrontation involving the twins considering that she is part of the pairing for this story. Also I notice right off of the bat that you have Harry having the power of Kitty Pride and Kurt Wagner, aka Nightcrawler, but I'm curious as to what the total of his powers will be. Good combination as it's complete useful, but at the same time a bit disheartening as it's power of two pre-existing mutants.

However you did hint to the possibility of him being a telepath, which leads credance to the story as well. I'm curious what you will allude to his magical powers to be? Considering Phoenix and Dark Phoenis it would certainly help on an animagus perspective if Harry was a phoenix animagus. Just putting it out there, although in the comic the dark phoenix was never Jean but an alien taking her form. Update soon and I hope that you take my review to heart.

Geovanni Luciano

Infin1x posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 11:23am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

You wont here any complaint about the pairing because I have faith that if anyone can do the pairing without it coming off as badly as canon did it. Still it feels kind of like you guys gave Hermione the shaft so far compared to your other stories.

James Kennedy posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 11:22am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Pretty good. It seems a little forced to me and doesn't flow as well as well as your earlier works. I also wish you wouldn't go with Dumbledork references. They're stale & make the story seem too juvenile.

taxzombie posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 11:10am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

Wow! I do mean WOW!

This be some heap strong stuff.

I'd say Dumbledore has found out what the path of good intentions leads to but first he would have to have had good intentions. Considering what he allowed, even with the four kidnapping attempts.

I'm trying to figure out why Harry would want to go back. If he passes on Hogwarts he'll miss out on an old fart that's favorite pastime has been screwing with his life, his two best friends that lie like rugs, a werewolf that seems to have a slight problem with standing up to morons, especially ones that like lemon drops, and lets not forget a wonderful school where the favorite annual event is someone or someones trying to off him, or at least abuse him. Heck, who'd want to pass up on all that?

So I'm curious just how you're going to get him to go back, it can't be for love of wizarding society, bunch of sheeple. Can't be for friends, course there still are Fred & George. Looking forward to reading your plot twist.

Just a thought, seeing as Jean is of Potter decent, might she be able to access the family vaults? Don't know what would be in there that could be of value to the storyline but hey, who knows.

Thanks for posting this.

By the way I want to let you know that knowing this was up nagged at me all day at work, especially when I realized I didn't have my password at the office and I had to wait till I got home before I could read it. Finally relief at last.

Killedbykarma posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 11:10am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I like. Didn't expect you to put Jean as his aunt but if we didn't know otherwise it would make sense. And since it's (very) AU that's alright.

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 11:02am for Chapter 01 - Aftermath and Consequences

I must amit that your story plot works or I like 'lamas R us'. All joking aside your story has life that makes me want to read more of it.
So Thank you for the start of another big hit.