Content Harry Potter


marrymaria posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 8:00am

I like this story its really good and I like how u combine both universe. keep it up and update soon!!!!!

Robert Malley posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 4:08am

I love this story. I don't like Umbridge. I hope Jean gets to have fun with her. Keep it coming.

Robert Malley posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 4:05am

Love it. I notice not to many X-men. Keep it that way. I love Harry Potter stories.

Robert Malley posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 4:04am

I am enjoying this very much. I hope it is as long as some of your other work.

Robert Malley posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 4:02am

I like the concept. Jean and Lily sisters. Will Ginny be a mutant also?

snapemustdie9008 posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 3:27am

not great at this review thing, just wanted to let you know im enjoyin the fic a great deal. keep up the great work... i didnt think xmen and HP would work together but you pull it off very nicely

powellt posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 2:38am

I am enjoying your newest story with the greatest of delight. Heck sometimes I feel like I ought to pull out a hand mirror for some of the corners that you keep throughing up for surprises to jump out at us from around, and that just makes it all the better.

and just because I'm rotten

Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon Update soon

Shamsheer Bali posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 11:46pm

Nice chap boss... Though havnt u brought ron Up a li'll too soon?? Oh and Is cynthia creevy important?? And isnt Dumbledore neing given a little too many shades?? Aome of the lines Still make it as if he'z not interested in Harry's good... But some say he's repenting??
Oh and its pretty hard to believe that Dumbledore wud agree against Snape So soon....

Oh and ya .. Do ::Update soon::!!! ;)

Kim Griffis posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 9:57pm

Excellent chapter in an awesome story. I like the characterizations of the Harry Potter characters and the their interactions with the X-Men. Logan's threat to the headmaster and Fawkes was totally in character and brilliant. Looking forward to where you go from here.


Tanydwr posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 9:01pm

You are aware that the department of homeland defence can do eff all to your reviewers in another country, right? Although I suppose they could pass on the information to their equivalent in other countries...

Anyway, I love it. I love that Dumbledore was using Snape in order to keep Harry close to him, but actually had no idea of the extent of the damage that was causing. Your explanation of the 'cult of Dumbledore' as given by McGonagall worked beautifully, and I love that Jean and Madam Pomfrey have struck up a friendship. That you've managed to make things better in the wizarding world than Harry believes works very well to show how drastically his mind has been damaged - and the effects of 'mind rape' (no matter how much that term manages to irritate me - personally I like 'mental violation') on Harry were well explained.

Ron's idiocy is annoying but bizarrely understandable. He's suffered from feelings of inadequacy most of his life because he's had five older brothers. So despite becoming Harry's friend and taking part in those adventures, he ended up making himself feel overshadowed by Harry, and blamed him for it. Now he's starting to understand the truth of what has happened. The fact that he was pissed out of his head when he talked to Rita helps - it was done out of bitterness and anger, but not necessarily actual maliciousness. I do look forward to his sort of reconcilliation with Harry, and a public acknowledgement of his stupidity and jealousy.

Ginny and the wand - brilliant.

Luna's article - that was wonderful, especially when you consider Jean's 'Phoenix' side! It's very sweet of her, really. And I liked that Rita's article decided the Ministry was being an idiot, although you have to wonder if that's more to do with fears about Voldemort than any actual acceptance of mutants...

The Creeveys have a little mutant sister and she's coming to Hogwarts! She one of the early-starting mutants then? What's her ability? Will she meet Xavier and/or Jean?

Oh, and I'd love to see Jean and Madam Pomfrey discussing Muggle and magical medicine. That would be brilliant fun. And possibly the decision to put an actual sign above one of the beds, to declare it Harry's. Also, I loved Madam Pomfrey's explanation regarding wizarding child abuse and such. Another factor to consider is that a child's magic might 'accidentally' flare up to protect themselves from abuse as well. Although it took Neville's long enough to manage it... I imagine that was more because his great-uncle Alfie was a fool than anything else. I doubt his grandmother would especially approve of 'scaring' the magic out of him, although she'd want to see it...

Keep up the awesome work, I look forward to reading more.

Lol, Tanydwr

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 6:05pm

Wow! This is a great chapter. I really enjoy all of your stories. I don't care what ship you write in they are all great. This is very well done and I am glad that it is mainly a Harry Potter story with a few Mutants thrown in for fun. I like it and I really like your long chapters. They are always worth waiting for. I don't want the Homeland Security Bunch coming after me. Take your time. Write the stories you want to write and I will be waiting for your next update. Thanks so much for your willingness to entertain those of us who really appreciate your efforts. pms

Rexnos posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 2:16pm

Update soon!

Just Kidding.

Looks like everything is going great so far. I'd kinda like to know what Ginny did to Ron with Hermione's wand. You're making a convincingly bastardly Ron and I hate him appropriately. It makes me sad that you'll be redeeming him, so couldn't you at least blow him up a few times to compensate me?


slashslut posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 1:31pm

id put off reading this story every time an update alert hit my in-box as XO fics so rarely do justice to either verse is being featured. well shame on me. this story is a perfect blend of both worlds, imo. it's extremely well-written, the depth of detail is impressive yet it doesnt bog down the plot or action. greatness on all counts! read ya later:)

fyrecat posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 1:12pm

I love this story so far!
I liked that Jean threatened to send Harry to Beauxbatons instead on Hogwarts. Frankly, I'm surprised that he is even willing to return to Hogwarts at all when the rest of the world's Wizarding schools would bend over backwards and do tricks to get him to enroll with them instead.
I usually try to offer constructive criticism about spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, but you guys don't have any! Thanks for being the most literate authors out there!
Oh and "Update Soon!" (Hehehehehe) ;)

IamNotawriter posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 12:45pm

I like the concept and its treatment so far.

I need to point out a minor timeline glitch. Jean tells Minerva "In his fifth year, the wizarding world turned on him, believing the smear campaign run by the Ministry. After the article appeared, we had to have Gringotts screen his mail. This past summer, two out of every three letters he received were death threats or complaints,..."
Isn't this, his sixth year, the first year he's been with Scott and Jean?

Also a minor grammatical Faux Pas. At the end of the conversation with Jean, Minerva "nodded unhappily and cursed her lack of inaction. She hoped that when she faced James and Lily Potter again, she would not be defending herself for her actions." If it weren't for the context surrounding it, I would take that statement as regret for acting rashly or too hastily, rather than regretting the fact that she failed to act on her instincts, and the things that she'd seen and heard. The passage still conveys the message I think you intended but I had to read that last bit through a second time to get it.

I see that you're out-sourcing the torment of your over-eager fans. Is this due to the heavy workload, or is it a backdoor method of wheedling Alyx into doing more of the disclaimers and AN's? (Given all the extra time she now has on her hands)

May I please have ITeRF and DeHoD websites? I may know a deserving victim or two.

Thank you!

dunedain714 posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 12:43pm

Nicely developed on all fronts. It will be interesting to see if the gift from the dragon will play a key role at some point. Thanks--Dane.

Tlcatlady posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 12:09pm

Loving it more every chapter! Your stories are some of- if not THE best fanfic I've read. I enjoyed the sea dragon scene and look forward to finding out exactly what benefit that scale will provide in future. Thanks again! Tara

Roy C posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 11:58am

eh what the hell the government never trusted me to begin with...oh yeah they did at one point giving me a TS clearance ....oh my that is still funny all these years afterwards...screw em the government is run by a bunch of jack asses who "asshole to asshole couldnt make a beer fart in a whirlwind". and the voting populace is nothing but lemmings and sheep...FREE THOUGHT PEOPLE!!! sorry got on my high horse here for a moment not like anyone really reads these damn things anyways other than the watching the trogs getting fuego'd in fics when they piss off authors...still trying to stay on the good side...wont work if I keep reviewing after each chapter that is why I dont review often...Looking forward to future updates to this fic and hoping to see an appearance of Eric L if not no big but it could be fun to see Magneto show up but it would be a real bitch to work him in as oppposed to say Rogue(ability absorption) nah she is too old in the comic canon to fit this story line (I HATE THE MOVIE FOR FUCKING THAT UP!!!!!) Oh weellll I will wait for the next exciting update to this fic from you all. When did it become illegal to think for yourself.

Jonathan Northwood posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 11:28am

I don't enjoy very many HP/X-Men crossovers, but I find myself eagerly anticipating the next installment in this one.

And no, no: I'm not saying "update soon." I'm saying your writing is worth waiting for.

In re: Ron, were I Harry -- and I'm not, obviously -- I wouldn't forgive him. I'd be civil to him, I'd treat him as any other individual, but I can't see why in the world Ron would be forgiven. Oh, I agree with not killing him off ... not that my agreement has any bearing on the wishes and vision of the authors ... but I can't for the life of me see why Harry would even consider forgiving Ron.

Ah well. Excellent story overall. I'm quite enchanted by it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 11:16am

i've always wondered, and have to ask, is Bobmin the opposite of Bobmax?

Anyways, you can contribute to the ITRF for me, but make sure those Terrorists are retired the same way the KGB used to retire people. My $5.00 should buy enough bullets for the back of at least 30 terrorist heads.