By Bobmin
mrpage8466 posted a comment on Thursday 6th November 2008 9:24pm
More?! Please?!
Riven posted a comment on Wednesday 5th November 2008 7:22am
are you guys ok?
its been a couple months sense your last update or sense we have heard any word from you....
i hope your ok and everyone is fine.
hopefully this is just writers block....
Bearcloud posted a comment on Friday 31st October 2008 7:22pm
Bravo Well written. I look forward to more.
Banner posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2008 11:20pm
Interesting cross: there simply aren't enough XMen/HP crossovers. I've read the story twice (so far) and I do have a couple of questions. First, was Dudley killed with his parents? Remember, he was staying at a friend's house while Harry was waging his terrorist abuse of the Dursleys, and when he went home after the XMen took Harry away, the Dursleys didn't even remember Harry. This might well have weirded him enough for Dudley to stay away.
Second, if Umbridge is back for a second year as DADA professor, does this mean the curse on the position is broken?
Third, if Professor Xavier is living in Great Britain, who is using Cerebro to track down new mutants? Professor X commuting between the Mansion and Harry's castle is a funny picture.
Shackelbolt *had* to have reported back to the Ministry after the debacle in Diagon Alley, so the Ministry knows about Logan's existence and probably that he is a mutant. Is he on a "Capture Dangerous Dark Creature" list somewhere?
There are a lot of possibilities for this story. So much to consider!
jon891 posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2008 5:30pm
Outstanding story, please try to write more soon.
Felur posted a comment on Friday 24th October 2008 7:47am
Although your fic is superb as usual, but there is big structural problem with it. It does not make sense for Harry to continue his education in Hogwarts or to go back to England. It is a hostile territory for him, where as a "dark creature" he probably will be conflict beside Voldemort with the Ministry, Dumbledore and Co., some teachers and a plenty (most?) of the students. It would not improve his relationship with the wizarding world. Furthermore considering his mental state going back to Hogwarts seems to be a big mistake for me. I know that he has eventually to return to face with Voldemort, but it is only long term goal. He could learn magic in a more tolerant country or could hire private tutors.
In conclusion, you need to find a better explanation, why Harry returns to Hogwarts.
Featherwizard posted a comment on Friday 24th October 2008 6:25am
I have to say that I really like this story. However, I think you have a major problem with your depiction of abused!Harry.
To put it simply, you talk about how distrustful and angry Harry is, but you don't show it. This is an issue that I have seen throughout this fic, but I think this quote sums up what I'm trying to say better that I could:
""I don't suppose returning to America is an option," Harry said softly.
Jean stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. "You know it isn't." She paused for a moment. "Professor Xavier would like to continue your evening classes with you," she whispered."
So Harry is told that his wishes don't really matter, he's stuck here in Britain and he's got to fight in this war. Oh, and he needs to take more classes. Then he blithely accepts this and continues doing what he had been doing instead of saying "No. We'll finish setting up the base, and I'm heading back to America, where my blood doesn't make me a dangerous creature."
I can see that having people around who seem to genuinely care about him could make a difference in Harry's attitude. But the behavior that the X-men are displaying here is exactly the same behavior that Dumbledore displayed. Given Harry's reaction to the one, I think he should react to the other.
That said, I do think this is an excellent fic that takes the powered!Harry and family!Harry cliches and turns them into and enjoyable and interesting story.
Owen 77 posted a comment on Monday 20th October 2008 5:33am
Excellent story look forward to seeing it continue
liquidfyre posted a comment on Sunday 19th October 2008 12:16pm
*pours the cleaning agent on the floor and ties scrubbrushes to the donkey's hooves before setting juan on its back and having them buff and polish the gym.*
*then sits back and munches on a carrot as he forces bob to watch cutesy toons interspersed with the occasional flashes of alan rickman in a string bikini*
I tried to warn you
*sigh and shakes his head as bob starts to gibber and drool slightly*
Hopefully the drool is just insanity and not lust. *shudder*
DWA20 posted a comment on Friday 17th October 2008 3:00am
After the dept of homeland defense proved their effectiveness after Hurricane Katrina (chuckle, chuckle) they have to have something simple to focus on. Therefore, your threat seems valid.
That being said, I will respectfully implore you to update while offering sacrifices of freshly baked pastries and cakes to Alyx and Bob, and lots of fresh carrots and bags of ready to serve exotic greens for your the ravenous plot bunnies.
BTW, Alyx, I have Alan Rickman and I am holding him hostage so if you want him for any future disclaimers you will appease the masses and update a bit more frequently. However, he will not be released for Chapter 05. If you want him for chapter 06 please make an offer as to the ransom (posting frequency) you are willing to meet.
mwinter posted a comment on Thursday 16th October 2008 10:21am
okay. we've waited for him to get his muse on. is it on yet or do we have to get ruff with you. I mean I have no problem sending you a Pushmi-pullyu then sending a message to the Department of Homeland Security against you for unspeakable act to a two headed antelope. I could send for a Lama. But thats been done already. If this doesn't work. I'll be taking up selling pitchforks, torches, Tar and feather sets, and last but not least shaving cream.
liquidfyre posted a comment on Tuesday 14th October 2008 2:01pm
Well since yall havent updated in a while i guess its up to me to provide the entertainment then.
*cackles maniacally as he ties bob down to a sawhorse then heads to mexico to get a donkey a carrot a midget named juan and 50 gallons of industrial cleaning agent*
PLease update soon alex im sure bobby boy would appreciate it.
Lightning Dragon posted a comment on Sunday 12th October 2008 10:22pm
great story but in less than two weeks you guys will have to be put on you own UPDATELESS LIST and that just wouldn't be good this is my first review but I really like you story and this is the one reason I normally read finished fanfics I have been reading both sunset and sunrise over Britain and they are awesome I just wanted more of a change and this one has the best plots I have found anywhere I love the disclaimers and no matter what anyone else says it is always good to see authors notes at the end if nothing else it clears things up and provides a nice place to post responses to all the reviews you get
dg Fry posted a comment on Saturday 11th October 2008 12:22am
Thank you very much for the great stories that you've given us. I've been a silent fan and have read everything of yours that I've found.
I'm looking forward to seeing where this one goes, even tho I prefer the Hermione/Harry ships.
Connie York posted a comment on Thursday 9th October 2008 12:18pm
Love the story
Thank you
Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw posted a comment on Wednesday 8th October 2008 5:05pm
Great chapter!!! :D I really love how you cohesively wrote this story and how it melds the two universes together so well.
And another thing, while I understand why you don't have any other X-Men characters in it, it is glaringly obvious that they do not exist in this story. What I mean is, even if you aren't going to bring them into the story, a casual comment about their location or the reason why the school is so empty in the summer would do wonders for that empty plot hole. But it's just a suggestion. :D
Thanks again and I can't wait for the next chapter!
Uldihaa posted a comment on Friday 3rd October 2008 7:19am
I'll admit to being a little wary of this story, since my experience with radical crossovers have almost always been bad. I was pleasantly surprised by this one, however; the two of you struck just the right balance between the two 'universes'.
I laughed at what was said about Luna's article, and particularly what Luna said about 'phoenixes in human form'.
Looking forward to more!
Ivy posted a comment on Friday 3rd October 2008 3:23am
You were suppose to update soon :( Yet I see nothing ;((
Love This story. It's really great piece of X-Man in HP Universe. What bothers me the most in original Potter stories is that they lack technology. And I’m a huge Sci-Fi fun and by inserting Xavier and his "children" you nicely fill that void for me :) Thank You
You know I do wonder about one thing though. Will Xavier find more mutant children under Dumbledore’s nose? And maybe they’ll end up creating one big happy school? Or NOT :)
Milarqui posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 11:05pm
Something I've just realised: are you, perchance, fans of Monty Python? (I say it because of the llama thing)
slayersfan01 posted a comment on Monday 10th November 2008 10:15am