By Bobmin
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2008 11:28pm
They aren't Dumbledore's books in the first place, so how can he just do that?
MstrSwrd posted a comment on Sunday 28th September 2008 9:17am
Well, this is (I believe) my first time leaving a review, and I apologize now If I sound rude in any way.
Even though you just got done saying that most mutants will not be on this story, I am curious if Nightcrawler will be in here, simply because he is a Teleporter as well. From what you have described, it is significantly different from Harry's version of teleportation, but the basis of the ability is still the same (from what I can tell). Obviously, you don't have to answer, though, if you did, I would be very grateful.
Anyway, as always, keep up the good work! All of your stories are great, and I find this one to be above and beyond even the lofty standards you two have already set down for yourselves!
kingspointguy posted a comment on Saturday 27th September 2008 3:08am
Great Story you have here. I can't wait for when you post the next chapter. Seeing as how you have portrayed Ginny, and the hints dropped by Jean, is this going to be a Harry/Ginny fic? If it is, it should be interresting to see the path you take in bringing them together. Hope to read more soon.
Grace Cole posted a comment on Friday 26th September 2008 12:09pm
Wow! I just read all of the chapters and I am very impressed. I am a HUGE fan of Harry Potter and the X-Men series. I can't wait until you get to the relationship between Harry and Ginny.
Karanbir Singh posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2008 5:58pm
Karanbir Singh: Your concept of X-men and wiz is nice. What i don't understand is how could scott and logan get inside hogwarts and leaky cauldron. They are mutants not wiz. They don't have any magic in them. Non magic people are not supposed to see Hogwarts and leaky cauldron.
riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2008 7:50am
In the Author notes it say that Harry's feelings for Remus are difficult to describe, but to me it not hard to understand Harry feeling for Remus. On one hand that Remus is Harry's father best friend, on the other he part of Dumbledore order. Since Harry is having issues with Dumbledore and they put Remus automatic on Dumbledore side, unless Remus could prove that he may follow Dumbledore but he never betray Harry. There is old saying your either for me or your against me, but you can't be both
mary4521 posted a comment on Thursday 18th September 2008 11:50am
I love what you have written and am now hooked and eagerly await more. I love how you have written Hagrids character. In all the fan fiction I have read he always thinks Dumbledore can do no wrong and will not even take in to consideration that even though he is a great wizard he is as fallible as anyone. My only complaint is I really like Severus Snape and wished he was not a bad guy in this. Otherwise I love it.
Tracy0652 posted a comment on Wednesday 17th September 2008 1:01am
this story is great! i was just looking for something new, i already love your stuff, and though, well why not? i am so very glad i did! i really know nothing about the x-men, but what a cool premise! i am so glad you two are willing to share your great talents with avid readers on the 'net.
NymPotter posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2008 12:17am
I really enjoy your story. It is well written and well thought out. When will Harry start to form a relationship with Ginny or anyone else? Tootles, bye bye for now,
Nym Potter
sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Saturday 13th September 2008 12:44am
Once again, I find myself re-reading a truly excellent story by you two. I know I've already left a few comments, but after reading some of the reviews, I had to leave another one.
Jean vs Umbridge - Does anyone honestly think that Umbridge will win this one? Hello - any X-men fans remember -DARK PHOENIX? HMMM? If Harry is threatened in any way by Umbridge....just do the math :)
Dumbeldore vs Charles - once again, a no brainer-literally. Who's the better mentalist, come on folks-world's most powerful telepath vs an occlumens
I think the showdown I'm most looking forward to seeing, and folks, you can't say you haven't thought about this one....Snape meets Logan in a dark alley in Hogsmeade. With Logan's rather overprotectiveness towards Harry, does anyone honestly think, Logan will let what Snape's done to Harry go un-resolved.
As for Ron, in just about every story and even some parts of all the books he has been portrayed as a jealous ass, which I believe to be true. I don't believe that he and Harry should make up as friends.
I believe that Luna would be a better match for Harry than Ginny. Matching him up with Ginny will lead to problems with Ron. Luna has a way at looking at the inner person, while Ginny (at least in most stories) has had her eye on the prestige of having harry as hers.
As for Hermione, I believe it should be a very loose friendship, nothing like it was in the first couple of books. Her inability to see the infalliability of adults, especially authority figures, makes her rather easily controlled.
If you were to bring any of the other X-men into this story, I think perhaps Storm or Kurt might be the two best to bring across. Both of them had similiar backgrounds-orphans, shunned for what they look like and are able to do. Maybe not bring them completely in -perhaps have them visit once the English base is established and offer Harry someone different to talk to.
I look forward to each new chapter and do wish they would come sooner, but I also realize what it takes to write something of this quality and appreciate the time and care that Bob and Alyx put into each of their creations.
This one is the best so far - Thanks!
Red-One posted a comment on Thursday 11th September 2008 7:11am
Red-One pulls the bright green tractor and hay wagon onto the stage, parking in the center. After dismounting the tractor, he unloads a desk, two chairs and a long extension cord from the trailer. After plugging in the extension cord, he sets up a computer station on the desk. He places a cooler from the trailer next to the desk. Retrieving a double-barreled, twelve gage shotgun from the tractor, he opens the side of a large plywood box, revealing a stunned looking Alyx and Bob. "Move it", he snarls, gesturing with the shotgun in the direction of the desk. As the pair cautiously edge toward the desk, he pulls down a slightly smaller box from the trailer. Pointing to the cooler, he firmly tells Alyx, "Prime him". Alyx reaches into the cooler and brings out a tall black can marked "Computer Lube" on the paper label. The can makes a strange hissing noise as she opens the top, and a part of the label tears, revealing the letters "Guinn", before handing the can to Bob. Red-One flips back the top of the box next to him, and barks to the small creature inside, "Get yer scrawny butt out here". Shoving her in Bob's direction, he commands, "Ok, Muse... muse!". Glaring at Bob, he states, "well, get on with it. That chapter isn’t going to write itself…". Seeing Bob’s incredulous look, Red-One says sadly, "Hey, don’t blame me. I’m not the one who decided to create crack-fiction. You wanted to get people hooked? Well, you got em. Now, hunker down and TYPE!". Starting to walk off stage, Red-One spots movement out of the corner of his eye. Whipping around, his S&W 500 appearing in his hand like magic, he snaps off a shot that vaporizes the plot-bunny in mid-hop. "Don’t even THINK about it", he sneers. Making his way down to the front row of seats, he sets the shotgun on the floor and slides between the couple sitting there, forcing the bushy-haired girl over one seat. The green-eyed boy just looks at him curiously. Smiling at the pair, he says, "You know, it’s really a good thing those two don’t own Harry Potter, or the Potter Universe. Think of the tedium that would result. I’m sure you’re aware, even a little cannon can do a lot of damage in the wrong hands". Frowning, he mumbles, "Excuse me…" Drawing down, he cooks off another round of .50 cal, pulping a plot-bunny attempting to sneak across the back of the stage. Grinning, he leans back, wrapping his arms around both their shoulders. Looking from one to the other, he wonders, "Are you looking forward to this chapter as much as I am?"
lazypr posted a comment on Tuesday 9th September 2008 1:39am
Wow, oh, wow! I'm sitting at the edge of my seat on this one! Its unreal...I just started reading this story and didn't want to stop until I just reached the end of this chapter. Of course, all of your stories are wonderful! You draw a reader into the tale and keep a tight hold through the end. Bravo!
Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Monday 8th September 2008 4:38pm
This has a very interesting twist to the 'typical' Harry Potter story.
It has caught my interest and I can't wait for the next chapter.
Well done and congrats on a great srory so far.
Leithzot posted a comment on Monday 8th September 2008 8:02am
Very Good!
Kellen Woods posted a comment on Friday 5th September 2008 7:49pm
I have enjoyed this story so far, it is much better written then most of the crossovers that I’ve read, and I commend you for that.
I certainly hope that the next chapter is posted soon and you really can’t blame me for that hope it’s your own fault for writing such an interesting story. No pressure from my end but I am eager to see where all of this goes.
Thank you for the enjoyable and more the usually believable story.
Michael Henderson posted a comment on Friday 5th September 2008 1:00pm
Which one of you is the David Weber fan?? The description of the Kraken was almost identical to Off Armeggedon Reef. This Story proves that unlike some Authors (not to say JKR ;) you can still write a great story. keep up the great work
Kelly Hilliard posted a comment on Friday 5th September 2008 10:36am
Another great chapter. I know making a cross-over that works is hard, but you seem to make it look easy. This is one of my current favorite stories to read. Keep up the great work!!
Andrewsquill posted a comment on Thursday 4th September 2008 11:46am
So, I should leave a review that says, Update Soon!
I too hate those damned reviews. They lack the understanding of what it takes when someone has been writing a chapter for weeks on end and it's only a few thousand words or more.
I almost prefer to get flamed. At least they rant on for chapters it seems. Sink or swim, I guess.
As for this story. It's probably the best Harry Potter/X-Men Crossover that I've read. The characters are well developed and both of your worlds mesh very well. I like your use of Jean as Lily's sister. That is a very nice twist and it provides Harry with some stability.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd September 2008 10:25pm
Jean Grey vs. Severus Snape? Never, never, *n-e-v-e-r* bet against Jean Grey! She finds out something rather horrible, and immediately goes to Dumbles and the visiting Moody with her discovery. What's next for the Potions Master? Obliviation and arrest, or execution?
Ann Star posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 12:04pm