By Bobmin
Reno posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 1:36pm
-smirks- Update soon!
Sorry couldn't help it with the end to your author notes, almost worthy of being a challenge that was.
Anyway, great story. I don't normally like this things but this one is actually quite good.
Cyborg posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 12:56pm
One of the few crossovers that actually resemble a story. It's excellent. Have you two considered writing original fiction?
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 11:13am
I am really enjoying this story. I wasn't so sure about an X-Men crossover, but I really like how you've done what you said in the A/N at the end here: selecting just a few key characters and tying them in to the HP universe.
This story is fantastic so far, and I am always excited for new updates. Thanks for this really great new story you are sharing with us, guys!
Nights Silhoutte posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 7:26am
A great chapter, keep it up.
Jimbocous posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 6:54am
Nice mix of elements from each universe. I think you've struck just the right balance. As always, there's a lot of interesting groundwork set for later plot elements; can't wait to see how they pan out.
Save the five bucks; I have an attack cat on guard:) Of course, on second thought, Beltway Kabob might be a nice diet change from mice, squirrels, birds and rabbits ... tastes like Turkey, I hear. What was that address?
polsarax posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 6:33am
I love the whole dragon Idea, but K'nor reminds me of the frozen food brand...
NathalyaKiaraMcElwood posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 6:28am
This one was faster updated, nice! Finally something worth reading ^^
Okay so the old Bitch is coming back. oh I can't wait for Harry to find out... he'll freak out! hopefully on her without her even knowing it was him ^^
macleod_p posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 6:05am
Omg you guys are amazing!! my brother just got me into reading your stories and I have to say im completely blown out of the water. I really wish you guys could go and publish this stuff its that amazing. Continue to rock out with your bad selves.
Colpinky posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 4:24am
Another good chapter, I like the way ya'll are building towards a meeting between Harry and Ginny & Hermione, even if it is at a snails pace. Keep up the good work.
jalva200 posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 2:37am
Love your storys love this story a ton and cant wait for more!
doron posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 12:54am
this is a very good story . please continue it and do not let your muse get stuck . i really loved the way your writing style was developing in power of the press . i like harry - ginny stories . keep the secret . so i like the idea of this story . i cant wait to see what happens when harry actually gets to school again .
John Conner posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 11:39pm
Excellent chapter. :) Overall so far this has been an excellent story. I've seen a number of HP/XMen crossovers and this by far one of the better I've seen.
I'm curious when you finish this story could we perhaps persuade you to turn your talents to another under used crossover genre? Perhaps the HP/Star wars area?
Regardless, I'm greatly enjoying this story, keep up the great work.
Chris Williams posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 4:42pm
Update soon!
Elissahara posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 12:44pm
I really like how this story is coming along. I find it interesting that in this story you address how damaged Harry is, and well I find it refreshing.
So many stories gloss over it and/or really get a sick bent out of hurting Harry. I'm looking forward to seeing how he either gets worse (set backs due to 'mind rape') and gets better maturing and realizing not everything is so black and white.
I like Jean and how her relationship with Harry is developing. She was a smart choice for Lily's sister.
Question: Are you going to work in Jean's alter ego Phoenix into the story?
Anyway I look forward to you next chapter post.
runnerman87 posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 12:00pm
I'm curious about what Ginny did to Ron. As much as he's acting like an idiot, I don't really want to see him wind up losing a leg or something.
I'm also more than a little bit surprised that Harry is so leery of getting involved in the war against Voldemort. Granted that the wizarding world hasn't treated Harry very well, but it's a no-risk scenario for him. He's seen Voldemort enough times that he could presumably summon the bugger's head and leave the body in its present location. It might not utterly defeat the Dark Lord (depending on why he survived the Killing Curse in this particular universe) but it would certainly delay things for a while, and there's no reason he couldn't just keep doing it every time Voldemort recreates his body. I believe Dumbledore said something in Philosopher's Stone about having people willing to fight the good fight and delay Voldemort from achieving his goals. That would seem to apply here.
Anyway, I'm enjoying the story immensely and, as always, I look forward to the next installment.
Thwaaack posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 11:19am
It'll be interesting to see how you have Hermione and Ginny (and possibly Ron, though I've always viewed him as a bit of a 'fair-weather friend') get close to Harry again. You did touch on him possibly acknowledging Ginny on her own, but he seems like he's unwilling to give any of his friends anything right now. I'm looking forward to finding out more about what happens with Snape, and Umbridge as well, now that we know she will be returning.
Now....about that little threat.....I was going to retaliate by signing you up for every porn mailing list known to man.....but it turns out Bob already subscribed to them all, and even a few I didn't even know existed (Honestly Bob....Furniture porn???) So I will have to settle for signing you up for the Mephitidae of the month club. Next month is the common Striped Skunk....I've gone ahead and given the delivery driver special instructions to shake the box vigorously before delivery, as well as informed the club to send the most ill-tempered speciman thay have. Enjoy!
carlelonex posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 11:18am
The International Terrorist Retirement fund must make quite a bit of money as they dont have to pay out to suicide bommers
webdoc posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 11:12am
And we come to the end of another very well written chapter. I'll not ask you to update soon, as you have been doing a great job so far. As I have heard said many times before, "If it ain't broke don't fix it"
Gaelyn posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 8:23am
Update soon!
Seriously, I am enjoying this story tremendously. I have yet to really read anything of yours that I don't like. The few X-men/HP crossovers I have read push a !silly!super!Harry with WAY too many cliche's.
I do look forward to your next installment, especially how you handle the Snape/Jean encounters as well as Muggle Studies (not updated since 1902?!! My God, it's full of ETHER!)
nynaeve posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 6:30pm