By Bobmin
mnmbaby1 posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 10:46am
i really liked it! please update soon!
Lady_Readwolf posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 10:40am
Another fascinating chapter. I look forward to the start of the school year!
I'm expecting Jean will play a pretty big part in the story from here on out as she's now a professor at the school, but I'm curious as to how often Scott, Logan, and Charles will be making an appearance. I hope to find out soon. :) Happy writing!
Sakya posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 10:22am
Update soon!
Gods, I couldn ´t resist, just make sure to get my name right on the donation for the ITR fund - and now I ´m worried, what does a terrorist do after retirement? Somehow I have a hard time seen them in Florida taking care of 15 cats and gossiping with the neighboors... oh! my! god! They are the ones that start the rumors and all the chain letters! Hold the five dollars.
Anyway, as always I loved the chapter and I think you are doing a great x-over. If anybody else complains just remind them that almost every character in the x-man universe has died and returned, been cloned, visited a parallel universe and has been on the darker side of the fence at least once. They have no grounds for complain here!
Well, my two cents.
tw posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 10:19am
I don't understand....With Dumbledore reinstated to the Wizangamot and Fudge ousted and Umbitch disgraced, shouldn't those decrees have lost effect?
Does that mean the she will still be High Inquisitor at Hogwarts?
Just a little confused..
agouraki posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 9:37am
i dont understand why in all independant fics he has to return to hofwarts? thats so cliche
i think, sigh anyway points for quality but still not much original
Shayne Rich posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 9:35am
Excellent story! I am never disappointed in your writing. Thanks very much for sharing.
ryan reliford posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 9:31am
I have read and love all your books. You have a great talent and I thank you for sharing it.
Anois posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 9:11am
Normally I don’t leave reviews. I’m not into the mechanics of English and grammar, and so I can’t review on that basis, that leaves only "Nice/Good/Great…. (you get the idea) chapter to say.
However your last comment of "And finally to all those people that leave reviews that simply say "Update soon!" Knock it off. We know where you live and have sent five dollars in your names to the International Terrorist Retirement fund, then we sent that information to the department of homeland defense. Don't bother trying to run, they are coming for you.’ Caused me to laugh so hard, I had to write something.
Let them come, I’ll simply have them read the story also and then they be back after you for more updates also. Lol.
Seriously, I really enjoy your story and look forward to new chapters. Thanks.
Jujuberry posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 9:10am
Great chapter- I'm pleased to find out that Dumbledore isn't quite as malicious as I thought he'd be at the beginning of the story (merely naive and perhaps a bit incompetent). Thanks for the fun surprise! I can't wait to see how the students of Hogwarts react to Harry (negatively I'm guessing) when he returns. Also excited for a reconciliation with Hermione and Ginny.
Great chapter, thanks for another great update!
BJH posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 8:56am
You know, I think Dumbledore's entire mindset can be summed up in one line from this chapter: "While he would allow Snape some liberties, he would never condone the man hurting a student, even Harry." "...even Harry" not "especially Harry." He sees Harry not as more special than other students but, in fact, less. Harry is less human to Dumbledore possibly because DD focuses so intently on the Prophecy that it dominates his view of Harry. He said that it is only important that V believes in the Prophecy; WRONG! The most important thing is that Dumbledore believes in the Prophecy and Harry isn't a human being, he is merely a vehicle of that Prophecy. Less than human.
Mary Morley posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 8:31am
I am sincerely hoping that something very nasty happens to Umbitch. This is shaping up nicely, you two always do such a wonderful job.
Illusia posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 7:43am
I loved this. Absolutely a good choice putting this in HP world rather than x-men. Snape surprised me a bit and Jean as well. I didn't think she would be this... outspoken about Harry.
MIrifleman posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 7:21am
I constantly re-read all your stories and look forward to when you post. Amazingly, I anticipate your author notes as much as the stories themselves! Keep up the excellent work!
xohorsegal752ox posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 7:17am
Great story so far.
Keep it up!!!
jgkitarel posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 7:01am
I see that you have found the biggest headache of a crossover, which is why I never tried to write one.
My writing is bad enough without adding in that, especially when you combine two series that don't work too well together for anything to allow for a suspension of disbelief.
Anyway, nice chapter, and having Harry see things in a not so positive light is highly believable. I've dealt with mental trauma before, and I know from personal experience that it takes a bit of time to recover.
Ginny's reaction to Ron's indescretion is interesting. We know she has a temper, and she was in full Witch mode here. Ron may survive, but when she's done with him, he's going to wish she had done something more permanent.
Heh, Harry and Umbridge again. Add Jean into the mix and the poor woman might as well commit suicide. Neither of them will be that merciful.
Well, keep it up, and update it when you decide to. ^^
Sakya posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 6:54am
Well, Ron has to find himself in a spot worse than the one Percy was before he sees the light (and please don ´t make Harry forgive him too fast - Ron really has to work for it).
Oh, and I love the scene where Jean sees the phoenix. Made my moments to remember galery for sure... she won ´t be the dark phoenix here, will she? Jean, I mean.
Damon Ring posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 6:24am
Brilliant as usual, one of the best cross-overs of any genre. As a long term X-Men fan (oh so long before HP) i love any story that can do such honour to my two favourite bunch of characters.
What type of Dragon did Harry discover, as all dragons in canon are winged (not a dig, just curious for the extra info).
Update when the hell you want if the chapters are all gonna be this good, i can wait.
Virtutis Fortuna Comes (Fortune is the companion of valour).
the madcap magician
mjames42 posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 6:18am
Yet again, another fantastic chapter. I'm kinda disappointed that Dumbledore won't be recieving a good old fashioned country butt-whoopin at the hands of Harry and co., but hey, can't have everything. Brilliant work!
ridgeback77 posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 6:00am
Another excellent chapter you two.
deathzealot posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 11:03am