By Bobmin
JediClaire posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 9:43pm
May you write stories for the years to come.
I think you should consider being a professional writer, you are that good.
tmp059237 posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 9:27am
I like this story. Thanks for sharing your writing with us. Update soon! Er... I mean... don't update soon... er... wrong again. Well. Do as you wish. When you're ready, I'll be there. Again, thanks!
Puck1 posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 6:25am
Nice work...I kinda want to see what Peeves'll do....
Rob8 posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 3:17am
Hi, guys first time ever written a review...
As usual you are overdelivering in a big way.. storyline is great, use of Jean as an Aunt was very good indeed..
have loved ready your stories over the years
you guys rock!
will snapey ever get a good part in the disclaimer?
Ian Morgan posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 2:50am
great story keep up the fantastic work
ficfanang posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 1:52am
I don't think I reviewed the first few chapters...sorry about that, but I didn't have time to review them as I was reading them all in rapid succession. This story is amazing! I've watched all three X-Men movies, but that's it. I've never really gotten into that universe, but it is interesting and enjoyable. I love Harry Potter (especially fanfiction). This is an incredible combination! Reading over your author's notes for this chapter, I must say that I agree with your approach to make this a Harry Potter universe with just "some" of the X-Men mixed in. Also, I love the way you're developing your characters. Their reactions are realistic and I've found myself sympathizing with most of them (except for Ron, scowl) many times. I love the way you're slowly bringing Dumbledore around, but not making it an overnight "I've seen the light!" type of cheesy thing. That man seriously needs a few hard knocks upside the head. I love how you've turned Jean into Harry's aunt. I never would have imagined that! And I love the way you depict Harry, especially. It's so realistic. He was depressed and suicidal, and rather than having him just fix himself or having his dead parents or godfather visit him in a dream, you had him (unknowingly) reach out to someone who could actually help him work through things. He's powerful, yes, but not "SuperHarry". Some of those stories are pretty good, yes, but yours is way better. :) He hasn't learned everything overnight, he makes mistakes, and he doesn't have a god complex like I've seen in so many stories.
Okay, I'm babbling. Sorry. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying this story, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you take Harry next!
Oh, and one more thing...normally I skip over the author's notes because they're boring, don't add to the story, and are usually lots of "thanks to blah blah blah", but I've found myself chuckling at yours. You guys seriously have a twisted sense of humor! :P
knightsbridge posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 1:08am
Thanks for another H/G story. While I don't have the fogiest notion who the X-Men are, and the only Mutant's I've ever seen were silly Ninja usual I love your work...and Stupid manipulative Dumbledork, and Molly DD's #1 Suck up are spot on.
Sephiroth posted a comment on Monday 1st September 2008 11:13pm
Part of the problem with mixing HP with the X crowd is that most of the UK has their own major part of it. eXcalibur, Muir Island, and more. There is even Psylock's brother as a mystically empowered superhero.
Losar posted a comment on Monday 1st September 2008 10:05pm
Great chapter as usual. I cant wait to see how Hermione and Ginny try to work things out with Harry. Out of the three those are the two that are regretting their decision to follow Dumbles so easily. So again keep it up with the great work.
Oh and Update Soon! :D
TheNekoWithWings posted a comment on Monday 1st September 2008 2:20pm
To borrow a phrase from a Buffy/Harry Potter crossover... "Omigod! That was soooo cool!" You guys are awesome. You rock hard, loud, and all night long. Looking foreward to seeing more! (That dosen't fall under saying 'update soon', does it?)
Raven Laehnart posted a comment on Monday 1st September 2008 1:56pm
I really like where this is going and it's a great story. ^_^
I have a question though, we've heard how he (Harry) feels about Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, but what about Nevile? The two of them were closer after what happened to Sirius so I was wondering how Harry feels about him.
Chimeara169 posted a comment on Monday 1st September 2008 11:56am
Loved the fic! Hoping it updates soon. I can't stand waiting, but if I must, I must. Just curious how long till the H/G stuff. Keep up the good work!
beauty0102 posted a comment on Monday 1st September 2008 3:54am
This was a great chapter can't wait for more.
Dragen posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 11:29pm
Great chapter mate, I like the Order report, great work there mate. I like how Ginny reacted to what the fucking ass Ron done.
I like Harry's thouhts about the article, I wouldn't want to save people like them.
Oh I like how Jean and Xavier reacted to the kraken near the island.
Oh I like Hermione's changes to her attitudes towards authority figures like Dumbledore, nicely done mate.
I like how Hagrid reacted to the kraken - which turned out to be really a Sea Dragon, I like how they talked telepathicly.
I like the meeting with the X-Men and Dumbledore. I like that Jean got the Muggle Studies job, but Dumbledore thinks he is still controlling things, yeah right. I like Jean's meeting with Minerva.
PLEASE update soon mate, and could you list Harry skills as a mutant.
Sarahb posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 6:01pm
Still a great story, I can't wait for Harry to start school, and see how he patches things up with his friends, and what new friends he'll make.
I understand that it is hard to update more frequently, but still, I wish you could:-)
I was wondering if you could update your frontpage's a bit old, and it would be great to see something new there, and it would be great if you could say how often you count on updating the story, then I wont sit around every day waiting.
I love the way you are portraying the charaters, eg. that you made Hagrid not blindly trusting Dumbledore.
I'm looking forward to the next update
- A fan from Denmark (that would be the country in northern Europe:-))
Oment posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 5:44pm
Excellent, as always. I like how you just put the X-men in there and showing the contrast of their technology versus the magic in magical Britain.
Most of the edicts still apply, huh? Not to sound like Trelawney, but I predict a short employment for Jean once Umbridge gets her, well, I'd say claws, but toads don't have claws, on Jean's file proclaiming she's a 'Dark Creature'.
While the buildup towards a meeting between Ginny, Hermione and Harry is there, I'm more interested in the inevitable meeting between Ron and Harry.
5 Galleons say Ron ends up in the Infirmary. Yes, I know you say that they'll make up, but I'll read that as 'sometime in the distant future' and not 'second day of school'.
Another interesting avenue is Snape. The traitor to both sides is not that unknown, but the casual statement about Lily makes me wonder exactly how putrid that hellhole of his mind is.
I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Alorkin posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 3:08pm
I'd say Remus has every right to be impressed! Kingsley screwed up and Harry while overmatched, first by the Aurors then by the order, cleaned up the whole street with the lot of them.
Please, please, kill Rita! Have her fall under a dump-truck, have her buried in a landfill, have her accidentally fly into a bug zapper, but get rid of her!
Actually, while I agree fully, Minerva's punishment is out of line. Though Ron is an ass, his actions were in the private sector and therefore, out of the purview of Hogwarts.
While an angry Ginny is loud and explosive, Ron is learning, to his pain, An angry Hermione can be deadly! He's very lucky she stopped at a couple minor injuries. Ginny isn't likely to let it go, however, having been trained by six older brothers in combat, subterfuge and sabotage, she is more than qualified to make Ron's life a living hell. For some strange reason, I cannot really see Molly or Arthur doing much at contain long as he survives. And when all else fails, there are always *Gasp!*...the TWINS!
Blackmoor Island, huh? Sounds like a nice place to visit.
It looks like Jean and Hermione agree on the house elf issue. It's too bad JKR left so much of that unsaid. If she'd given a decent reason for the elves enslavement, Hermione might have been better able to accept it...or try to better their circumstances, rather than try to set them all free to fend for themselves. She was a crusader, but without full knowledge of her crusade.
Why are the flags cold in a magical castle, or in a castle where magic is used. Hasn't anybody ever heard of heating charms?
Batteries? What about that nifty power-plant Charlie's got hidden under the manor in Westchester? Or maybe a hydrogen fuel cell. That would work too!
Oookaaayyyy! No swimmin' means NO SWIMMIN'!
So, Ron is beginning to grow up, and Hermione is beginning to chafe at her imprisonment. She's quite right. She and Ginny are being held accountable for Ron's actions. What's more, her blind faith in Dumbledore has always been as misplaced as his belief in his own omniscience. It's a shame that her innocence was lost but, I suppose every child goes through the same thing at pretty much the same time. *Sigh!* I'm getting old!
Scrimgeour may not be supporting Voldemort, but in canon at least, he's a bully who clearly supports the pureblood agenda. Both of his interactions with Harry show that clearly.
Hagrid has finally learned to control his tongue, even around those he trusts. I don't know why Hermione has sch a hard time seeing Hedwig kill a mouse. She's an owl. I'm sure Crookshanks has brought her a 'gift' from time to time.
Since Harry and Jean are both considered to be 'dark creatures', how is Harry being 'permitted' to remain amongst 'normal witches and wizards'? Or to have an education? Umbitch is gonna have a field day! She's the one who pushed through those laws against werewolves!
Oopsie! Ginny's armed!
Well! Not only it's not a kraken, it's bigger...and with more teeth!
It's nice to know there are still protections for her.
Although I can see the comeraderie I don't understand the significance of the scale, unless it's a shield of some sort.
I'd expect Hagrid was going to swoon with pleasure from the sea-dragon's offer. Actually, I'd give my own eyeteeth for the opportunity to study such a a rare critter.
'Dragon Friend' Wow! I think the Goblins are going to follow suit. They recognize the inherent power of the Dragons as no human can.
'Course, I could be wrong.
I'll bet it was hilarious to watch The kids racing their new toy around the castle. I hope someone thought to take pictures!
I always thought the potion was for trusting him, but maybe he's got different ones for different visitors.
Well, Charlie&Co. have laid down the law. I wonder how many seconds will pass before Dumbledore manages to find a way around that law.
The bigotry on the wizarding world stands. Since Harry is a 'dark creature' he can no longer pursue the career he desires. (Thanks, Umbridge!)
Poor Fawkes! It's not his fault his bondmate is a manipulating ass!
Unfortunately, Charles might have given Dumbledore a lever. All he hast do is 'lose track' of Harry's Firebolt. Of course, that doesn't take Harry's new jumpjet into consideration.
I love it. "You are not a normal cat!" I wonder if Minerva has ever heard that before?
the conversation was more polite than the one with Dumbledore, but the message was precisely the same...with the added caviat: "Harry doesn't believe the wizarding world is worth saving."
Your explanation concerning the abuse toward Harry, makes a great deal of sense. The ppurebloods protect their children, but to the purebloods, (who write all of the laws) halfbloods and 'mudbloods' are barely human, and therefore not deserving of the same protection.
Since I have a visceral hatred for Snape, I suspect everything he does. My suspicions were confirmed in that abysmal trainwreck called DH, when I learned he not only personally brought the prophesy to Voldy, but also asked ol' snakey to keep Lily alive so he could have his personal sex slave...all in the name of love.
I don't know what was running through Dumbledore's mind, given that Poppy has informed him at least five different times about Harry's state, but I strongly suspect he intended it, and his 'remorse' is nothing but huge crocodile tears, especially given his thought s when Jean first told him that Harry wouldn't be attending any class with Snape.
Interestingly Dumbedore has also neglected to inform Jean about Umbridge's bigotry. That cannot be accidental. His further mention of Miss Creevy, seems to me to be a bit too co-inky-dental to me.
OK I suppose given that there are four of them and they do all those things, I can accept that price. After alll, I paid US$125.00 for my last duty belt, which included belt, holster, cuff case, baton ring, Mace case, four keepers and two magazine holders. Thanks for the heads up.
Another great chapter! As always, I eagerly await your next chapters.
t-dugong posted a comment on Sunday 31st August 2008 12:56am
I have a question to ask. Just how powerful Harry is as an empath? Is Harry only able to detect emotions or is he able to project specific emotion as well? If so, I'd say Harry is one bad hombre. Occlumens are somewhat capable of shielding their thoughts from being read, but I don't remember anything from canon that would suggest immunity from empath manipulating a person's emotion.
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 9:48pm
Wonderful story as ever, this is a great cross-over. I'm very glad you have given Harry parents and mentors in the form of the various X-Men you have introduced so far. The back story for Jean is really good. Really like what you've done with/to Ron in this fic, I can see him as the type to let his mouth run away with him, so that seems very in character, and I'm glad Hermione tore him a new one - he deserved it! Are you going to pair Hermione with someone else in this story? It's hard to think of anyone else except Harry that she could be paired with, and I think you have listed this as a Harry/Ginny fic, so...? Anyway, thanks for updating, keep up the fab work. I liked the idea of Alyx's disclaimer, by the way, would she be allowed to use that one for the next chapter?
kcourtkat posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd September 2008 5:25am