Content Harry Potter


freakyfinger posted a comment on Wednesday 25th March 2009 3:14am

Since it's been like 7 months since the story has been updated, it is okay to ask "What's up?" I love your stories. For not being professional, they have depth, character development, original ideas, an actual plotline, etc.

I hope everything is alright with you guys! It seems like all the authors I love from fanficauthors have vanished . . .

eviaw1 posted a comment on Friday 20th March 2009 6:38pm

i have greatly enjoyed the first four chapters of this story as well as your other stories. i understand that you have lives outside of writing fanfiction so i patiently for the next update.

ps. i find your rather unique disclaimers just as entertaining as the stories themselves

Thomas posted a comment on Tuesday 17th March 2009 5:51am

Now i don't know if i'll ever get an answer to this one, but here goes.

When Harry was adopted by Jean using the ritual at the American Gringgots branch, she recieved a magical boost. Now does Harry get a boost in his telepathic abilities because of this ritual?

It's a bloodritual to enhance the familial relationship, right? To bring them closer together in a sence? So if the ritual boosted Jean's magic to be a better substitute for his mother, wouldn't it (at least try to) boost his mutant abilities to make him a better son?

Chimeara169 posted a comment on Sunday 15th March 2009 4:59pm

I love the story! Great job with the entire crossover, that is usually the clumsiest part of the fic, but you've done excellent. I'll refrain from saying update soon, but the message is implied, if you catch my drift. Keep up the good work!

Lynn R Pierce posted a comment on Saturday 14th March 2009 10:21am

Great story. Love the character development and interaction. Story has a great pace, doesn't bog down with unnecessary detail not go so fast important details are left out. Great balance!
Well written, crossovers can be difficult, but neither the X-men nor Harry Potter suffer in this one. Well done!

Canis posted a comment on Thursday 12th March 2009 8:04am

Will there be more Llama's in the disclaimers?

Also got a couple of questions after reading this for the third (fourth?) time: Was the Stargate reference an intentional reference? If it was, was it a throwaway easter-egg?

Second, I'm going out on a limb and saying that the Phoenix Force hasn't manifest in Jean yet, but will it at any point? And if it does, what relation does it have to roasted turkeys like Fawkes?

Secondly, is Luna a mutant? I could easily see her as having an uncontrolled psychic gift enabling her to see/comprehend various things about the universe that most have to have encounters with extra-dimensional beings to even begin to clue into.

Shrilakkigan posted a comment on Wednesday 11th March 2009 2:37pm

This is a good story, and I look forward to both its continuation, as well as HarryGinny. I haven't had anything to do with X-Men since the evolution anime ended, aside from X-3, which didn't do either Scott or Jean justice, and they were always high among my favorites.

memnoch541 posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2009 6:17pm

Well.. just spent 2 weeks going over all your works, with exception of the one offs. (one chaptered stories don't interest me much). I thank chem prof for having you in his favorite authors on because without that and reading his great stories I wouldn't have come across your wonderful re-imagination of everything. I'm saddened tho that most of the good writers for HP ff pretty much stopped writing after deathly hallows. I haven't read your mutant crossovers yet but just looking at the dates I'm saddened... wizards fall had great promise for a revenge harry / back story, but seems that was abandoned a year ago. (I think you should add that to your updateless list) :P Even though you meant it to be a one shot when you made it into 4 chapters you created a story that should've been told...

I hope you two continue writing. I'm delving more into your favourite authors, and hoping that not all is lost into the really good ff authors out there. I know that your guys/gals only source of income in fan fiction is praise, I give you mine, and I hope you keep writing... if you do continue on with wizards fall... well I'll be happy. ;) But I also would like to see a good story after deathly hallows from you 2... and I know there would be many a good story lines out there with all the loopholes JKR put out.

Your humble servant...
Rob (memnoch)

William Martin posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2009 5:14am

If/when the Phoenix does come she will be more controlled in this timeline because the blocks to Jean's memories have already been removed and Jean is still in control. Perhaps a combination of her developing magic and her love for her son, coupled with his need for her as his mum were the deciding factor in Phoenix not running rampant. I can see her powers developing along with her magic.

William Martin posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2009 5:06am

Excellent storyline. Good mix of HP and X Men. I can see it as an actual movie. To bad it'll never be on the screen, sure looks good in my head. Keep up the good work.

Kafire posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 4:31pm

This is a fantastic crossover, and I appreciate the time you put into making it work in both the HP world and the X-men world. I was wondering what time in the X-men timeline this story occurs - I'm assuming before the second movie? Or will the Phoenix rise again?

Great story, I can't wait to read more.

Jemtlen posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 10:59am

Hoping to see an update soon. This is the best HP - Xmen crossover I have read. I think your writing ability is improving with each story I read from you. More soon please :)

mnmbaby1 posted a comment on Saturday 21st February 2009 6:19am


Please update this story! I really really really like this one! I can't wait for a new chapter!

i think that jean should show a couple memories about lily to harry, what do you think?

Please update soon! Sorry to bother you! way to curious!

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 7:54pm

I tried to send this via email, but the email address in the Author's Notes on Sunset has permanent fatal errors, so the email I sent you bounced back to me.

Bob and Alyx,

I had an idea for a fic, but due to the fact that I'm no good as a writer, I thought I'd drop you an email, and see if you two might like to run with it, or know someone that would.

AU 6th or 7th year. Harry is staying at Hogwarts during the summer. While in the Hogwarts library, he comes across the self-updating family tree books of the Founders. He discovers that he's the heir of Gryffindor through his dad, and descends from Slytherin through his mom. The prophecy Dumbledore shows him is a fake, and states that the line of the lion (Gryffindor) must wipe out the line of the serpent (Slytherin), in order for the wizarding world to be at peace.

On another note, I hope that the family issues that you've been having, sorts themselves out soon.


Lostinfantry posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 1:15pm

YOUR FANS MISS YOU !!!! HURRY BACK !!!!!!!!! can't get any more straight forward than that.

life_Good_hp posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 2:59am

are u guys still alive out there its been awhile since you last updated and usually your quite good about updates

altair posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 12:06pm

I can't decide if I want to see Dumbledore redeem himself or get caught in his own manipulations. At any rate, I'm glad to see well written stories that balance the fact that Dumbledore has an elevated status in the Wizarding World, justly deserved at one point in time, with his questionable ethical choices later in life. It seems the high elevation and subsequent lack of oxygen destroyed his higher brain functions particularly in regards to Harry. I'm still hoping you give Harry and Jean a little more justice even if you do redeem Dumbledore.
I originally found Parallels on your FF site and considered it my favorite H/Hr fic. I stumbled on this site a couple years later and found that you had greatly improved your storytelling talents in Sunset and Sunrise. I've now got my eye on this interesting crossover. Thanks for the good reads.

stgilman10 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd February 2009 6:58am

I know you hate "update soon" reviews, but this long of an update interval is unusual for you guys. Are you alright?

trinix216 posted a comment on Saturday 31st January 2009 12:18pm

please update soon i love your story its absoolutely amazing

marb_66854 posted a comment on Saturday 31st January 2009 7:06am

I realy like where you are going with this story and hope you plan to continue with it