By Bobmin
ShatteredRhapsody posted a comment on Thursday 29th January 2009 6:01am
What in the hell....Alright, you got me. I've been sniffling and obliterating tissue boxes through this whole chapter. I hope you're happy! Anyhoo, I still loved it.
Maninthefoxmask posted a comment on Saturday 24th January 2009 6:02pm
Love it love it love it love it love it love it...^^ sorry bout that, i just like this story is all! hehe. I think you've done a superb job at merging X-men with HP, although admittedley the only knowledge i have on X-men is from the Logan! ^^ I'm also all psyched that this is a Harry/Ginny fic! unless of course i read that wrong in which case my bad...but if my eye-sight isn't crap then yay! I absolutely love this pairing! Actually this is the only pairing i like that involves either Harry or Ginny but eh, i'm a canon slave in that area so sue me. I won't tell you to update soon...but i would like a new fantastical chapter to read! ^^ And yes i used the word fantastical, aren't I simply smashing?
azrael3 posted a comment on Friday 23rd January 2009 10:29pm
Damn Good Story Looking forward to the next chapter
Puck1 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th January 2009 12:06pm
Excellent story...I'm looking forwards to what happens when Jean (and by default Harry) find out that Madame Toad B...I mean Umbridge is teaching again at Hogwarts
sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Monday 19th January 2009 8:25am
Fozzie Bear
Grow Up!. Haven't you ever heard of grief. It can do all sorts of strange things to people.
Before you condemn a chapter, read the whole thing first.
Take Harry. He's been betrayed by the Ministry, lost one of the last links to his parents, add in Dumbledore and all of his manipulations, his friends and their manipulations and then put the weight of the world on his shoulders and expect him to be happy? Add on burgeoning mutant abilities, you are going to have problems.
If you don't like the premise, don't just read part of it and make comments like the ones that you have.
It is an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE CROSSOVER. Which means anything can happen. If you will remember, he threatened the Dursleys' after years of physical and mental abuse and BEFORE he met his aunt, Xavier and the others. A little turnabout is fair play after what he's been forced to endure.
I like the story. It is a plausible crossover because it's not overdone and it's a unique concept tying the two universes together.
TheNekoWithWings posted a comment on Friday 16th January 2009 3:27pm
As I sit in a house that's about 59 degrees, I want to state for the record, Bob and Alyx, that you guys rock and I look forward to future chapters. You guys rock. I especially like the disclaimers, but just one question... What's with the references to llamas in the disclaimers and author's notes?
... OK, enough Neko-babble. I'm shutting up now.
Fozzie Bear posted a comment on Friday 16th January 2009 6:36am
First Harry acts all tough and threatens to kill the Dursley's (which just made him look like an ordinary bully), then he cries about what the world has done to him and is prepared to die. At his own hand no less.
Personal annoyance of weaklings attempting, or even suggesting, suicide aside. It doesn't at all fit. Even if he somehow awoke a different personality when he gained his powers it wouldn't fit. Because then he wouldn't be able to control his powers. Possibly not even be aware of them. He also should have had some difficulties controlling his powers, which seem to be what that black dude from Heroes has and some sort of teleportation ability. From that alone I fear that you'll give him whatever ability you feel like giving him. Just because he should have it. One ability is really more than enough, seeing as he already has his magic. A second one could also be useful, but you should've focused on giving him powers that would compliment his magical powers instead of giving him completely new ones.
This is not Adventure or Comedy. Though admittedly I didn't read more than half of the chapter. Change the genre, and take the two minutes it takes to come up with an acceptable summary. What you have now is just pathetic.
As for the genre, if you want suggestions, angst should be one of them. I'd hassard a guess and say that fluff is going to be a major part of this story.
What I read didn't look at all promising for the rest of the fic. Which is why, even though I at first thought I'd look past my dislike of pathetically weak Harry, I stopped reading before I was through even half of the chapter.
I'll just end the review there.
runnerman87 posted a comment on Thursday 15th January 2009 9:20am
I'm re-reading the story as it stands (again, because it's really just that good) and I'm wondering if this mysterious mission that Wolverine disappeared on will come up again later in the story or if it was just a way to get him out of the way so Harry could learn to fly the jet.
I don't really expect an answer, but it'd be cool to see the trip explained in a later chapter.
Honey posted a comment on Thursday 15th January 2009 5:20am
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I found this story absolutely awesome! I hope the new chapter is coming up soon!
bratling posted a comment on Tuesday 13th January 2009 9:30pm
This holds up under successive rereadings, and it's fast becoming my favorite crossover. I hope RL lets up fairly soon, Bob and Alyx. We miss you.
Joris Windels posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 8:14pm
although the author note forbade this stricktly, I will ask you for updates. Only because I like the story and would like to see it continued. I have no idea whether it is discontinued or abandonned atm, but hope that it is just waiting for an update due to you working on other stories first.
I know this isn't much of a review but it is what I'm thinking/hoping after reading this tale.
madmanhg posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 4:25pm
awesome story
johnny_bravo posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 1:29pm
lol.....i liked the thing you said about update soon. It's a great story. I'm just wondering how often do you update this story?
Roozette posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 11:36am
I LOVE this! Must say Harry/Ginny is not my cup of tea, but, being the slightly educated individual I pretend to be, I read your warnings and read on. I am so glad I did, as this is interesting and fun.
You do a great job of keeping people in character, as well as allowing believable time for grief and recovery. Don't worry about not addin "so-and-so," your detail is rich enough to keep me happy :)
Lots of Love!
blade2688 posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 10:01am
Hey when is the story going to be updated, i am on the edge of my seat!
Kelly Hilliard posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 8:55am
Wow and this is the first chapter. I love it! Thanks for taking the time and effort to put this story together.
Sandra Smith posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 4:51am
This crossover is very good and I'm going to enjoy reading more
AgRose001 posted a comment on Monday 12th January 2009 2:33am
This is great. Please update soon.
KSK posted a comment on Sunday 11th January 2009 10:44pm
Great story! I wonder if you guys are alright! We haven't heard from you in a while, and I just wanted to make sure that you guys didn't get the Winter Blues, or coughs/ sneezes, flu, etc. Write when you can, but hopefully you will let us know that you are alright.
Have a great new year!!
ShatteredRhapsody posted a comment on Thursday 29th January 2009 7:11am