Content Harry Potter


Finbar posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:22am

Just thought of it....

You want a fun way to kill Voldemort?

Apocalypse sees that he is a genetic dead end AND sterile. Thus, pointless. The whole wizarding world is a failed experiment in creating a viable next step of humanity. They are killing themselves off. Best to kill off their main force for change and let them die out... Except Potter, he is interesting. Oh yes, very interesting.

You could also have Harry be a product of Sinister's evolutionary program. It was through his manipulations that Lilly and James got together. They are the wizarding versions of Scott and Jean.... and well, the Evans line is just so interesting!



Ann Star posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:21am

A wonderful chapter, Bob and Alex. As usual for the pair of you.

Dissatisfied Harry is a fantastic character and one so rarely seen. You've given Harry Potter a depth and power that even Ms Rowling failed to do in the canon text.

As for the Voldermort problem, I can relate. Similar issues were why I eventually left fandom for the freedom, and pain, of creating an entirely new world of my own and began novel writing.

The only advice I can offer is to echo the advice of the other reviewers. Crush Voldermort like the half dead bug he is and bring in someone new. This may be a Harry Potter story, but that doesn't mean it also has to be a Voldermort story.

Orion posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:18am

Thanks for updating, I've really enjoyed this.

To be honest, I'm sure that I will enjoy this story regardless of the direction you take it. I eagerly awaited more from this story because it's a WIP, and I enjoyed what has been written, not because I expect something in the future.

I won't be disappointed if 200 words into the next chapter Harry uses his Jet to drop a bomb on Voldemort and that's the end of him - unless the story ends just after. If you want to get Voldemort out of the way to deal with other things, be they all character centric with little action in the future, or the introduction of a new villain for future action I'll still enjoy this fic. I think I speak for quite a few of your readers too.

Thanks, and welcome back to this story.

Finbar posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:16am

I do like this fic. However, when you compare th epower levels....

Next chapter (assuming there are no whorecruxes), Harry could easily kill off Voldy and then tell the wizarding world to sod off. THEN you could easily run two seperate storylines. You have Ginny moving to the US, post graduating, as she is now of age, to be near Harry, and dealing with the romantic storyline, not to mention her trying to live muggle.
Then have a seperate storyline following the X Men plot or exposure of Magic?
Magneto is a far more compelling villain then Voldemort. Magneto is as much a philosopher as a terrorist. I can well see Harry torn between his agreement of the philosophy and his ties to Jean.
Or have Magic exposed and simply have the more intelligent governments (such as the Australians) class wizards as a self perpetuating, broad powered class of Mutant. Their powers (Magic) are many and varied, but require teaching, resources and a prop. They are also not earth shaking and definately weaker than most of the X Men and Brotherhood. After all, Dumbledore cant freeze and entire huge building worht of people, while re-writing memories like th eProfessor. Not to mention what people like Magneto, Blink, Scarlet Witch, Sersi or Forge can do. Then you bring in the rest of the Marvelverse and Id rate HAwkeye or The Punisher against 99% of Witches and Wizards any day of the week!

That said, I have two requests.
Harry the Platypus Animagus. He just doesn fit in anywhere and cant do anyhting normaly!
Harry the She Hulk fanboy. She is intelligent, beautiful, proud of who she is and great ina fight!

DrT posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:11am

Believe me, I understand how dealing with aspects of the canon years can be limiting to say the least. I can't make Voldemort the focus either; he's bump in the way of how Harry deals with life around him, as far as I'm concerned, not a goal of the story.

Beyond that, this was really a fantastic chapter. Kill Volde by the end of the school term, kill Magneto as an encore in the spring if you want, then skip ahead and show the collapse of magical Britain. They were the mutation that should have advanced humanity, and they failed to do so, hiding away instead -- the mundanes would happily crush them as just some old form of mutants who need to be ridiculed and destroyed. In this world, the mutants are the future, not mundanes or the magical. The magical can either join the mutants (I could see Hermione doing so) or live impoverished lives based on past glory, like the Gaunts.

liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:10am

oh and i agree with the other reviewers screw voldemort up his scaly butt with trex and then bring in the villain of your choice

liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:08am

*grabs the donut girl 3 midgets and a chihuahua and a pit of chocolate pudding* I WANT MY MONEY BACK or else. Trust me you dont wanna see what ill do with all this stuff just put the money in a large briefcase and leave it by the fountain in central park and noone need be traumatized.

*grins and looks around manically before talking to the little people that live in the hair on his chest*

coronal posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:06am

I demand a refund!

Nah, just kidding. I really do enjoy this story, but I can get what you're saying about Voldie. Still, you can always try to view it as an artistic challenge to come up with new and exciting ways to delete moldyshorts, right?

Overall, I just enjoy the stories that you two produce, all of them. So write what you want. I'll still read it, either way.

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:03am

Very interesting and new way of dealing with a dissaffected Harry Potter. The usual cliché is for Harry to go Dark in some way or another. This is the firt story that I've seen where he's gone Muggle. That unique little touch makes it worth the reading.

What are the other good parts. You are writing realistically. No instant or easy forgiveness and no easy solutions. You are forcing the so-called 'light' characters to face how they have treated Harry. Whilst I find it difficult to imagine him ignoring someone in need, there is only so far you can push someone with ingratitude before they stop trying.

All-in-all, this is a very unique and involving approach to this story concept. I look forward to seeing where you decide to take this.

The technomancy and use of Muggle equipment is handled well too. I liked the words you put in Jean's mouth:

Consider it carefully, Headmaster. Harry won't wait forever. Every time you hear that sound, a little piece of Harry Potter, the wizard, dies.

The real triumph of this story? Subtlety. Things are occuring slowly and by degrees. It helps us see the evolution of events.

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

Viridian posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:57pm

Glad to see this story continue. Hell, I'm glad to see more of anything from the folks that got me hooked on fanfiction! The slow development of Harry in this stort as he gradually deals with his feelings is really well done. Full marks!

Hmmm... if you're really sick of Voldemort, maybe have him mess with/try to involve one of the magic-oriented Marvel villains... and get supplanted.

Tom trying to steal Belasco's powers or Illyana Rasputin's could backfire and give you a whole new scenario to play with.

Of course, you probably already have too much outlined by now to want to change things, but this was just a thought spurred on by Bob's Special Note regarding being sick of Voldemort. Take it for what it's worth. (Though it would be a nice kick in the pants for the British Wizarding Society, fitting in nicely with the whole "You can't hide from the Muggles forever!" theme.)

Adam Lawrence posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:53pm

If you don't want to deal with Voldemort... don't. With the direction this chapter took it would be very simple to introduce a Magneto, who sees wizards as another form of homo superior being held back, or Mr. Sinister seeking to create a clone army of wizard mutant hybrids, or even create your own major foil. Voldemort does not need a major battle in every AU because simply the variables for Harry have changed. Have him deal with Voldemort easily only for a larger villain to emerge.

Dragon1 posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:46pm

I think this fic is great... To be honest Voldie is a right pain to deal with at the best of times so I don't blame you at all...

The concept that Harry is a mutant is a great idea and that Dumbledore is beginning to reap what he sowed by messing Harry about and forcing him to go to the Dursleys..

Keep going with this fic if you can cause I will eagerly read any of your work.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:40pm

Great chapter, even if it is not my preferred ship, it passes the ultimate litmus test as it does not automatically relegate Hermione to Ron as some sort of consolation prize (even JKR had to lobotmize the poor girl to make that work!). It took a couple of minutes for me to remember all the ongoing plot threads, but the chapter moved them all forward, as well as introducing a few new twists. All in all, well worth the wait.

As for demanding refunds, one shouldn't tempt Murphy, especially with the Tax More/Spend More Damnocrats in power:

"Dear Sir and Madam;

Re the latest installment of your ongoing Harry Potter fanfic, 'Mutant Storm', it has come to our attention that due to the long wait between chapters, a percentage of the consumers of your product (re: "readers") were distressed by the effort necessary to refamiliarize themselve with the plot. This required on the average 20 minutes of the reader's valuable time, which poses an unacceptable burden on your readership, especially on those who are using dial-up services priced on an hourly rate.

With that in mind, the Government has filed a class action suit on the behalf of said readers to recover their losses and to recompense them for their distress. Judgement for the plaintiffs was set based on an hourly rate of 90 cents an hour, resulting in a compensatory amount of 30 cents times an estimated 2000 readers ($600.00), and a punitive judgement of $1,000,000.00, to be divided equally between all readers who apply (less 90% to defray the government's expenses).

Have a nice day."

Isn't it nice to have such a benevolent government looking out for us poor, benighted individuals who foolishly believe we still have rights? Hmmmm?

ErinA posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:39pm

I'm so glad to see this updated again! I really enjoy this story, because it's so different from everything else I've read. And let's be honest, you get sick of dealing with Voldemort, I get sick of story after story with essentially the same plot (just different ways of getting there). I say drop a bomb out of that jet onto wherever he's hiding and take the story where you want it to go!

Andrew Niehaus posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:31pm

I'm glad you've posted another chapter of this story, as I am rather fond of it. I know that Voldemort can become rather redundant- but this story doesn't need to be about the battle between Harry and Voldemort. That could be a footnote in this story. I'd honestly like to see this story be about Harry showing the British wizarding world the truth- that Muggles will in the end destroy them if they refuse to adapt and grow. You've already started doing that in this chapter with Jean and her class.

I can't wait to read more of this story, or even more of your drabbles. They were all quite good.


Chiyo posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:27pm

There are few who would disagree that Sunrise/Sunset is the cornerstone of your work. Its easily some of the greatest HP writing, period. Hell many of us would argue its a damn sight better than what JKR wrote in the last 2 books. I'd happily have HBP and DH replaced in hard bound form with Sunrise/Sunset because despite super harry it was a hell of a lot more realistic than what was printed... but I'll drop that point for now.

This story while fun would definitely make dealing with Voldie pretty simple. You could instead of focusing on the whole killing the dark lord thing focus on the relationships tho that won't last you but for just so long either. I'll admit I get a blast out of the xmen portion of this and the jets and all but yea its like you said theres only but so far you can go.

Maybe try a post Voldemort fic more often? The recent one shots you put up were quite entertaining allbeit short given what we've had in the past from you two... can you tell I <3 Sunrise/Sunset? Or Wizards Fall? And they've got nothing to do with the ships in those cases... well not really... I'll definitely say I couldn't see Ginny filling the other half in those particular plots over Hermione.

Suffice it to say tho most of us will still read whatever you put out regardless of the ship. We just <3 you guys that much.

archean posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:24pm

Great chapter, i loved the entry Harry made with the jumpjet, it was unique, explosive and made a statement. As for your author notes about Voldemort becoming a boring and repititive character i would agree with you. There are just that many times and ways he could die and at the end even the means become repititive.

Your Special Note makes me even more of a addict to your unique style of writing and imagination. I can't wait to see what you manage to bring up. Thank you, both, once again for sharing.

blind-phoenix posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 11:05pm

a thought. why not deal with tom riddle, within a few chapters and have harry pit himself against whatever other threats you can dream up. let's face it, riddle's dead, kaput, done and dusted, shuffled off this mortal coil, so old he aught to be dead. you get the idea. destroy his soul fragments, fuck him off, and then do other things with the fic. haha. just my two bob worth.

dic posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 10:51pm

word, man. voldemort gets rather annoying after some time... I'm always on the lookout for some post-voldemort fics, whether harry is still in school or not doesn't matter.. well you said it, it gives authors a chance to play with the harry potter world without being so constrained with the plot.

the chapter: I liked it. for my tastes the "harry was on the brink and then there was the betrayal by his friends" bit was explained one or two times too often, bu the rest was ok...

I'm not sure if Jean can realistically be 100% certain that the muggles will find out about the wizards soon, but she had to impress the importance on the children so I guess it's ok.

anyways.... keep up the writing, be it updates here, a new story, or random bunnies... I always enjoy them. thank you!

Life's a Dance posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2009 10:43pm

I know it's boring to kill Voldemort over and over, but there is an alternative. Have him be incidental, like Harry goes out one day and accidentally squashes him or something, then move onto the next villain. Please, don't abandon this story? LoL! Seriously though, there are a bunch of other ways you can have a villain, like a shadow from the past comes back and bites him on the butt (Maybe literally, who knows?)! I have been following your stories for a while now, and I've always enjoyed the tales you spin. Keep up the good work! Cheers!