By Bobmin
DukeBrymin posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:58pm
Loved this chapter, thanks for posting it. I think your treatment of Hermione and Harry becoming "friends" again was very well done. Of course, I'm greatly looking forward to Ginny and Harry becoming friends too.
As for your author's note at the end--I can certainly see your point about Voldie, he just gets boring, doesn't he? I think I'm looking forward to more of this story more because of what you said than any other reason. I'm much more interesting in mutant!Harry, and Ginny living in the Muggle world, and that, than I am about killing off the half-blood megalomaniac.
jetrois posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:58pm
Just a great story in general. I love the angst that harry is portraying.
Kortir posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:43pm
Personally, I'd just like to say I wholeheartedly agree with your comments at the end. I love your writings and I would much prefer to read whatever you enjoyed to write instead of an update that you fell asleep three times a day trying to write. I've been enjoying the one-shots and bunnies.
I'll be looking forward to seeing whatever you happen to post next! Thank you :)
dhampirkinfolk posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:40pm
I'd like to place an order for Naked Donut Delivery. What company does this Pamela person work for, and do they deliver to southern California?
AK posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:38pm
Voldemort dies while eating a pretzel and all his horcruxes (xii?) magically explode due to the awesome power of pretzels. Leaving Harry to deal with the Phoenix?
RedPat posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:23pm
Well, the way the story is going, killing Voldemort is only one fairly short-term problem, beyond "will or won't Harry kill him". The secrecy of the Magical world, the mutant issues, whether Harry actually heals enough to be socially adjusted...these are some long term problems - and potentially fascinating ones to read about.
Take it where-ever the story goes - you know we'll keep reading. I'd like to know what's going on with those Hufflepuffs, though. I have visions of potions keeping them happy and sedated, and Snape using them for guinea pigs...
DukeBrymin posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 12:12pm
Loved the chapter, happy to see Harry will have Jean at school with him.
You wrote ". . .lack of inaction." I don't think that's really what you meant. . .
Thanks for the chapter! posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:54am
Outstanding Chapter/Ending!!!! You mean we can't demand a refund, well dammit!!!! Anyways its good to see you back to writing and I can't wait to see and read what you do for post Voldemort stories!!!! Will you be continuing the Wizards Fall Ficlet series???? Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!!!!:):):):)
P.S. We're not worthy!!!!
impatientuser posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:52am
Yay! Squash Tom and move on to a real villain - or expose the wizarding world... or anything. I love post Voldy stories. Excellent writing as usual. =)
Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:40am
Another great chapter, I love how the story is going and I can't wait to see what you have planned next, please keep up the great work and update soon, as I don't want to wait to see the next chapter, as I have with this one.
I do like the way that Harry arrvived at Hogwarts. :D I like the talk that Hagrid give to Harry's olf friends.
I like the talk with Jean and Ginny about Harry. :D I like how Harry handled Malfoy.
I like Jeans first lission, great work mate.
I like the talk with Luna, she dose know more then she lets on, I like that about her character.
PLEASE update soon.
joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:39am
Awesome chapter, thanks.
"Yes, Molly, he's just a boy, who at the tender age of thirteen cast a Patronus capable of chasing off over a hundred Dementors. Not even I can do that."
Except that Dumbles *DID* do just that, at that quidditch game.
noylj posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:39am
I still say border up the UK from the world and to hell with Moldie and the WW. The muggles are worth saving, but not for the way they treat mutants. As Magneto needs to die, so does Moldie. Also, how did the bastard of a muggle and an inbred squib produce the world's strongest wizard?
That is why I like the idea of Harry going into a pocket universe for a couple hundred years and seeing how the world takes care of itself. I am sure, now that you are free of Bush, you can see the sunrise over Earth as all the problems are shed and we all move into a glorious socialist society of concrete and health care being run like the post office.
BJH posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:35am
And just to let you know I didn't miss it: I'll bet that those three missing little girls aren't happily having a slumber party somewhere in the castle. Doesn't the Imperious Curse invoke a sense of peace and calm? Or are the Headmaster's instruments just out of whack?
DukeBrymin posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:31am
Wonderful chapter--I love the Percy solution.
baumgal2 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:18am
I was really happy to see another post for this story - I'm not normally a fan of cross-overs but I think this is great!
Larry Lansday posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:13am
very interesting chapter, looking forward to more. Harry, IMHO is acting a little too OOC, I understand why he's acting the way he is, but I think that he would be a little more willing to say, "Hermione, Ginny, things can not be the way they where before, but I would like to try to become friends again." (corny as hell, but I would think that Harry's saving people thing would act up a bit in order to save his friendship with those who he loved.)
Can't wait till more!
Dustin Hoeppner posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:13am
Very good chapter. Please keep it coming.
Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:12am
Welcome back and good update.
kyuubi08 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:09am
i demand a
Granny T posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 1:11pm