By Bobmin
Apocalypse Thou posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:04am
I loved the chapter and, cliché I know, but it's good to see it updated again. I completely agree with your stance on Voldemort. After reading a lot of fan fiction stories the restraints that character adds annoys me endlessly.
The less Voldemort in stories these days, the better.
Jean's class was good and the reaction of the students is fun to imagine. She could have started quoting Revelations and it would have been less apocalyptic to students. Bravo.
Jujuberry posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 10:57am
Thanks for the new chapter! I'm curious, given your author's note, if we're going to see more X-men characters and perhaps eviler secondary HP characters to avoid the voldemort problem.
I really enjoyed the update, thanks so much for sharing :D
vhemacha posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 10:50am
Thanks so much for updating this story!! It was definitely worth waiting for, and I'd love to see the direction you take it in. Actually, I'm really glad you're not planning to make Voldemort a central part of this story (especially since you did such a magnificent job with "Sunset" and "Sunrise"). It'll be really interesting to see what you create with this crossover. I hope you find time to update soon!
BJH posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 10:48am
Thanks for the update, I really enjoy this story.
I do have to admit that there were two things in this chapter that bother me. The first is the thing with Snape. Not his being on no one's side but his own, and less on Dumbledore's than Voldemort's. Not that Snape is the leader of the underage Death Eaters in Hogwarts and the push behind Malfoy's actions. No, the thing that bothers me about him was his ignorance of the space race and the cold war. We know that Snape was Lily's friend and that he was a half-blood raised in the Muggle world. If he was raised anywhere near the muggle world in that era, meaning the 60's, how could he not be aware of the Cold War and MAD? How could he be ignorant of our journeys into space? You could say that Snape's background was not revealed until book six, the Half Blood Prince, and this story replaces that canon, but this background is the core of Snape's personality to me. He isn't a blood purist and he doesn't feel that pure bloods are better than half or muggle-born, how could he? He sees the rise of the Dark Lord as his own path to power, the power to hurt others the way he feels he has been hurt. This quest for revenge is the cornerstone of Snape in my opinion. He hates Potter and Black whose blood is as pure as the Malfoys so it isn't blood that he cares about. It is power and revenge. How could he be ignorant of such key events in the world he, and we, grew up in?
The second matter is how every one says Harry has grown hard and cynical, yet he forgives Hermione with just a mumbled, half-hearted apology and a few tears. Hardly the action of a hardened cynic; I know, I am one. He should have held back his forgiveness for awhile longer. He should have required more than a whispered "I won't do it again". He should have required some proof of Hermione's regret as well as atonement for her actions. He is called hard and his ignoring the plight of the Puff is supposedly proof of that, but he is the same gullible fool when he deals with Hermione.
kb0 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 10:36am
Yeah, it's good to see progress on this story. :-) Given your other notes, it will be interesting to see how you get Harry to forgive Ginny and get them together. I know it's not canon, but I like the idea of Harry being smarter than he portrays himself, and that if he applies himself, he would give Hermy a run for her money. I also like the idea of Harry "going Muggle" (for some approximation considering he wouldn't let magic go completely); that seems realistic to me.
As for your note at the end, as a fanfic writer, I have to agree. It's no fun to have to come up with new ways to do the same old thing. Doing so and avoiding cliches while making it all believable is a difficult thing. I also find the whole Horcrux idea tiring and am starting to lean towards the idea that where there was only 1 (e.g. the diary), just to avoid rehashing the same old things and always having to have a Horcrux hunt in the longer stories, at least if I want to keep somewhat canon compliant. I have some fun plot bunnies that will probably never see the light of day, because I don't want to have to deal with 7 years and Horcruxes.
(a.k.a. kb0)
Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 10:32am
A good chapter, keep it up.
jalva200 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 10:12am
Ah man come on Bob im sure ya can work out somethingfreakin awesome!
Shit just throw a missle at his ass and let that blow him up then go where ya want with the story, or shoot send int he juggernaugt and have him stump the fucker to death shouting IM THE JUGGERNAUGHT BITCH, lol shit bring in mag and lets see this go with more Xman way with an awesome mix of HP!
Anyway im sure i didnt spell much of this write oh well but please keep up your great work!
dar1959 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:56am
I hope things are better for you. I wanted to say that I have enjoyed all your writtings. As far as Mutant Storm, I was wary at first of the cross over. You have done excellant so far. As far as Voldemort, this story can very easly be about Harry finaly growing up emotionally. Can the wizarding world prove themselves to him? Work on that and how to bring a few of the X-Men into the story every once in a while. Let Harry and Jean be the wake up call for the wizarding world as far as muggles are concerned. You have made these type of writtings work very well. Done worry about the dark lord. Before you know it you could have a very quick end to Voldemort as the finish if you do not wish to revist this cross over. Remember the other stories took two books to deal with him just in set up for the fight. Here I would like to see how Harry comes to accept the wizarding world again. Just use Logan's training for Harry to kick DE butt. Not every story has to end with He Who Must Not Be Named being dealt with. Any way you decide to go, just remember you have always done an excellant job with your stories. Just keep it up. I wish you and yours well.
NWL posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:43am
Lovely chapter.
That said, IRT your ending comments... well, two things.
First of all, anyone who's written understands. Some story ideas just don't take root in the mind like others do. It's not a big deal; a bit of a bummer, but not a big deal.
Second... I realize I'm probably misreading the comment there, but I'm sure most of us would not mind seeing more Wizards Fall. :)
simonmountney posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:36am
Already left a shiny comment, just also thought you'd like to know this, I was on and discovered that one of the reasons you can say you became a member on the drop down menu was to "Chase Llamas"
Thought you'd appreciate the humour^_^
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:31am
It's great to see a new chapter to this--it's truly one of my favorites.
Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
Philip Jacobs posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:28am
Thanks for sharing another chapter of this story with us. I can certainly understand why you would be getting tired of trying to work out new ways of taking ol' Moldy out of the equation, though I also think that you always seem to find an interesting (and sometimes very amusing) way to get him shuffled off the mortal coil in the end.
Heck, I think it would be a major laugh if in the end here, Mr. No-Nose ended up being wiped out as a side effect of something that Harry was trying to do in response to actions from Snape or Malfoy. Let them be the "hand of the other" from the prophecy for a change, and Harry's reaction merely has unanticipated repercussions. That way, we can continue exploring what looks to be the much more interesting ways that he and Jean are working to bring the children of Wizarding Britain more fully into a useful knowledge of the modern world outside of the various wizarding enclaves.
Good luck with future chapters, and as usual, I'll be eagerly looking forward to any new work in the weeks to come.
ladysavay posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:27am
Really good update! Informative and very true to the character's personalities as you've shown them to us.
Thanks for this and all your writing.
Kaerion posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:20am
Thank you very much! I've been looking forward to this update for a long, long time, and it's beyond awesome to get a brand new chapter! :)
While I understand your point from the endnotes, I have to admit that I'm among the people who *really* want to see this story updated as often as possible, because I love what you've done with Harry and with the rest of the world. As usual, you've put your own, original twist on an old story, and you've done it as masterfully as ever. And, which I hope is obvious, that's why I also won't mind anything you decide to do with this story in the future; you've earned our trust with all your other stories, and I can honestly say that at this point in my fanfic-reading career, I prefer the original and unique twists, over 'same-old, same-old'.
So my vote (for what little it's worth)? Go for it! Thank you very much, both of you, for sharing your wonderful stories, and keep up the great work!!
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:15am
Interesting chapter, I sort of like the possibilities presented by you being sick of dealing with Voldemort as it were. I am shocked that Umbridge is getting as much leeway as she is. I'd think Dumbledore and McGonagal would stomp down on her hard. Great job, thank you.
corwalch posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:13am
I like it no matter what you do with it. I like stories that have actually nothign to do with moldy Voldie. please keep up the good work
willyjoeshow posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:10am
Great update. I unfortunately know the feeling about losing interest in a story. I have 2 that are going to go into hiatus and about 8 that have not or will never see daylight.
If you need a way to Kill old Voldie, you could always have him and his broom sucked into the engine of Harry's jump jet...OK! that idea sucked almost as bad as the thought of a house landing on him while he's harassing Munchkins. Deuces till next time
joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:07am
Harry sends out a "cry for help" that shocks and dismays world-wide, yet Jean and Xavier let him stew (and become more evil) for weeks?
Sure, this oversight was hastily patched -- many many paragraphs too late -- but even that is hardly believable.
Real and decent people would have visited Harry ASAP, even if some shysters had not finished drawing up paperwork.
Kris posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:05am
You're a GOD!!! A King of Men! The bestest ever! Thank you so much for the update, and doing it on a day I really, REALLY need a pick me up.
I love where the story is going. I like that you're focusing on Harry finding himself, and growing outside of the Wizarding world. Moldywarts has been done a lot, but your story is so original that you don't need to focus on the moldy issue.
Thanks for letting me see a little bit of Harry growing as a person, and developing real skills that will help him after school.
:) Kris
Tlcatlady posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 11:06am