Content Harry Potter


laganima posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 6:05pm

I'm not complaining about your stories. Just your loss of interest in this one lol. I say kill vultersnot quick and dirty, then go on to better things in this one. Or let voldy have an accident or something.

tw posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 6:04pm

thank you.

Lordamnesia posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 5:41pm

Great new chapter! You have kept the same flow, and feeling of the story even after a long break from it, but did anyone really expect less? I sure didn't.

On the topic of Voldie, really, if your bothered by him, kill him off quick. Hell, you could kill him off in the next chapter, along with a slew of DE and no one would really care because he's not even a minor focus of this story, so killem off and go on from there!

On the topics of refunds, I will admit that I am slightly disappointed that I never saw my 5 dollars go to the Suicide Bomber Retirement Fund for complaining about the last chapter. I mean really, those retired suicide bombers need to eat too!

Rage and Light posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 5:27pm

Finally an update, sorry but I love this story and I was beginning to think you were going to leave it alone. It is very well done and very enjoyable keep it up please


Darak1 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 5:17pm

Bah just kill of Voldemort with an overdose of fluffy llamas, its all he deserves to be fair. That said Naked Donuts delivery Service? How can a Donut be naked, I mean without the frosty sugar covering it's obviously no Donut anymore.

Glrasshopper posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 5:12pm

Great chapter.

It's a pity about the sluggishness of the updates, but I wholly agree with your Voldemort comment. It's one of the reasons why I started looking into cross-overs. It's just unfortunate that the majority of those just leave a sour taste in my mouth. (Too much focus on the events and cost of the characters).

I look forward to seeing what you come up with to break you out of the funk. Who knows, I still haven't read a story where Voldemort actually died that fateful Halloween night. Who's to say that Horcruxes actually work? Why haven't we heard about any other immortal dark wizards walking around?

bastiaan posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 4:23pm

I'd say why don't you just make a chapter defeating voldemort and his deatheaters and continue it as harry potter x-men(new mutant or what ever group you want him in) extrodinair.

o and btw i like your writing :D

bastiaan posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 4:22pm

I'd say why don't you just make a chapter defeating voldemort and his deatheaters and continue it as harry potter x-men(new mutant or what ever group you want him in) extrodinair

Ian Quest posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 3:52pm

Love the story and delighted to see an update. You seem to be merging the two universes quite well, and I'm greatly enjoying your efforts.

I agree, Voldemort is a has-been, and against competent and determined opposition he would never have arisen to be a serious threat, merely an unpleasant one, given the abilities and tools available to wizards. J.K. Rowling had to write the wizarding world as backward amd ineffectual as it is because a 'real' police force, even with only the spells and potions in the books, would have slapped his little terrorist group down the first or second time they stuck their noses out of doors.

I'm pretty much over Voldemort myself, so I find most interesting the stories which don't focus on the 'epic struggle' but instead the people and events. Several brilliant stories I've read have Voldemort exterminated within a chapter or so - some at the beginning, others the end of the story. The story itself focuses on everything else happening. Just because Rowling limited herself to that story arc doesn't mean you have to. Frankly, now that Harry's receiving a real education and has a growing level of access to magic-proof technology, Voldemort's demise is only a matter of time.

Looking forward to seeing more, as the inspiration strikes you!

aengus posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 3:20pm

if I may be so bold to suggest a solution for you, probably not for this fiction, but for another:

Have Dumbledore be the villain, he tricked the world into believing that he was the "good guy" and Tom is the actual "bastion of light," but the world has been either spelled not to notice or is blinded by their devotion to Albus.

Just a suggestion.

anyways, I enjoyed this chapter and everything else you have written in the past month and eagerly await anything that you grace us with in the future.

lydiakate98 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 3:07pm

I love this story but I agree with you about killing Voldie. I find that anymore I like reading an HP story where Voldie is taken care of quick, leaving the rest of the story for the other more interesting characters. The less he appears the happier I am. But that does not mean that I love this story any less.

wiredwizard posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 3:06pm

Hi Bob, Hi Alyx!

Thanks for another great chapter. =)

Re: Voldemort/Moldyshorts/Morty/(insert appropriate insult here) - Compared to a lot of the opponents the X-Men have faced, Morty's a 3rd stringer at best. It would be interesting if someone else would come in, stomp Morty out & Harry would end up facing up against them. Harry & Morty's prophecy isn't necessarily as binding as let's say the one from the Belgariad which gained sentience & started dumbledoring poor Belgarion around.

Then again, I've yet to complete either of the stories I'm working on, so maybe i should shut up while I'm ahead...

goblin214 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 2:56pm

Oh PRAISE ALL THE LLAMA GODS thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you, I have wanted to see more of this great fic any fic really from you, It is so wonderful to see you writing again.

Nicholas Baldwin posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 2:44pm

your world population estimate is off by about a billion, according to the UN the population of earth in 1990 was approx 5,290,452,000; in 1995 it was 5,713,073,000... other than that, great to see another update. Also glad you did those one shots :)

beauty0102 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 2:01pm

yeah great chapter can't wait for mroe so please update again and soon.

Swati21 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 2:01pm

Hey Bob,

Read your note and am glad to see you are going in other directions. Frankly even I'm becoming tired of reading about Voldemort :) and his gruesome and some not so gruesome demises

Maybe you will start a new trend with this story of yours


sentoyson posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 1:43pm

As it was stated earlier in this chapter, Harry's mutant powers are probably the power Voldemort knows not, therefore you have technically 'killed' him. The direction I see this story going is the wizarding world proving to Harry that he means more to them than just being a savior.

His family will have to show him that all life be it mutant, wizard or muggle is precious. I kinda wish you would take this story as far as relationship with Luna. She may seem strange to most but she would be the one able to float seamlessly between the worlds.

Oh Dumbles and Snape need to be dealt with; nothing like torture to say how one cares.

I like this story and hope that you continue it.

314159 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 1:42pm

I remember reading the "special notice" and deciding not to bother (many authors use G/H as code for G/H,Hr/R), but it's pretty good after all.

I did notice one error though: "You must of sat on it"

rabio posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 1:20pm

you can do with your story what ever you want, just please please please try to update faster? you write beautifully, and you're very original, so you'll write something nice anyway, so that's not a worry for me.

Stick97 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 1:16pm

Frankly, I would be fine with however you choose to deal with Voldie. JKR copped out with a superwand BS, and a resurrected Harry (Called that one when I read the end of OOTP-won me a good bit of money) I would be more interested in seeing how you deal with Ginny and Hermione.

IF you develop Ginny as a fleshed out real character, well I can at least stomach it. But I also would like to see Hermione given a shot. She can hold her own with Harry, and has been historically much more of a partner over time for Harry.

I pretty much will refuse to let my daughter read the HP books, as it basically says, Girls, settle for 2nd place, and if he is verbally abusive, jealous, manipulative, and abandons you, take him back b/c you can't be with the one you want.

And if you are a stalker and offer to put out, well you will get the boy of your dreams!

Sorry. Loving the story, and all of your work so far.