By Bobmin
Robert Peeples posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 8:29am
Screw Voldemort! Gimme Apocalypse!!! :) Anyway you do it, i don't care, your guys writing is always superb.
BloodTalons posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 8:29am
Great as always. Personally, I say, if you're tired of coming up with different ways to kill Voldemort then don't worry about it with this story. Keep this story focused on Harry dealing with the betrayal of his friends and his developing magical/mutant abilities. Throw in a bit of Umbridge, Ron, Snape and Malfoy bashing to amuse.
Make the British Ministry's bigotry and British Wizarding society's delusions about the muggle world the key points of the story. If Voldemort should raise his head at any time (and remember Voldemort was mostly in the background for book 6 and really didn't become a player until the middle and end of book 7) while you're musing about this story...just use a muggle weapon to quickly kill off the bugger without any fanfare. Make his death insignificant. He'd really hate that.
P.S. Want to really throw a monkey wrench into things? Have Voldemort killed due to his ignorance about modern muggle society. Have some mutant run over him with a car or accidently kill him by some other method. That way the Ministry and Wizard society is saved by a "dark creature" they look down on and Dumbledore's faith in prophecy is proven worthless.
BloodTalons posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 8:25am
Great as always. Personally, I say, if you're tired of coming up with different ways to kill Voldemort then don't worry about it with this story. Keep this story focused on Harry dealing with the betrayal of his friends and his developing magical/mutant abilities. Throw in a bit of Umbridge, Ron, Snape and Malfoy bashing to amuse.
Make the British Ministry's bigotry and British Wizarding society's delusions about the muggle world the key points of the story. If Voldemort should raise his head at any time (and remember Voldemort was mostly in the background for book 6 and really didn't become a player until the middle and end of book 7) while you're musing about this story...just use a muggle weapon to quickly kill off the bugger without any fanfare. Make his death insignificant. He'd really hate that.
RedPhoenix_2k3 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 8:17am
I am glad to see that you have returned to writing and hope this means that real life is returning to some sense of normalcy.
Like many of your readers I have patiently waited for the next chapter of MS and it was worth it. I look forward to where you now plan to take this and agree that there are only so many ways that Riddle can buy the farm.
Although I didn't review them individually I also liked the oneshots that preceded this installment. It's actually rather surprising that the whole HP story can be retold with so few words. Best part? No Ginny-Sue of canon fame.
And Abe being his brother's undoing? Brilliant as well. He's such and underused character that it's great to see another author's take on who Albus' brother really is.
I look forward to reading more of your works, whether it's MS, WF, or more oneshots.
Sakya posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:58am
LOL, I wouldn ´d demand a refund even if I could. LOL
I love your fics with or without Voldemort... Why can ´t we just say something like "Harry woke up X days after the war was done when he had finally killed Voldemort" or "Harry fought like a lion and took the murder of his parents out of this world for good" (add as many adjectives as you like to show how powerful the spell was). There, Voldemort is dealt with, now let ´s go back to the plot.
Up date whenever you like - sooner rather than later if you please. I ´ll be waiting.
Jace1709 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:53am
I'm glad to see Mutant Storm updated after quite a while, your fics are always fun to read. One solution to your Voldemort problem, is to create another Dark Wizard to combat, but that would likely leave you with the exact same problem, just with a different name. Another would be to do more Crossovers, either set after V is killed, or make V a minor inconvenience in the first few chapters. That way you could use the big enemies from other books/movies/series, that would give you a lot of different avenues. I will admit, i am a huge fan of certain crossovers, so this could just be me trying to persuade you to write more :-P, but i still think its a good idea.
Hope to see more of this soon.
Dervish posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:37am
personally i think the problem of voldemort should be solve by skree they need to take him for testing all sorts of nasty probes or you could have the high evolutionary totally devolve him into a chimp .... a very ugly chimp and explore the realms of real villains not stupid ones like voldemort :) I mean honestly what villain trusts a 16 year old boy whose track record is not good against the one hero he really wants eliminated..... i mean come on that's almost as bad as the the fight between dark helmet and lone star..... enough of my anecdote and on with the review
Bob and Alyx,
Thank you very much for all the writing you do I don't care if it is wizard's fall, potters revenge or Even mutant storm. I find your writing entertaining i love the authors notes you give us they generally leave me in stitches. I do enjoy the fact that you do angry harry very well not a lot of authors can pull off angry harry for prolonged periods of time.
Again Thank you so much for the work you do it really does brighten life
Benjamin Frank posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:36am
No but can we(readers) demand sporadic updates with weeks apart and not i dont know how long?This is a great story. I dont know any really good harry xmen crossover exept this. YOu blend them pretty good you know. PLease update more
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:31am
It seems to me that with Harry's ability to move things to him, getting the cruxes would be simple - just like he did with the box holding the adoption papers. Then he could move voldemort into a room coated in the magic proof compound. Easy-peasy. I can't remember anymore - had the Horxrux in Harry's head been dealt with in this fic?
Then this story could move in several directions - Harry's got a career made for recovering "lost" items if he can get a clear enough description. Paintings lost to the ages, property of holocaust survivors, etc. And then he'll have to deal with the revealing of magic to the world at large. And even if this is a Potterfic, there ARE XMen villains you can bring in. Imagine what could happen if the surviving death eaters get a competent leader with "pureblood" inclinations, like, say, Magneto? It's the mutant new world war, even newer... ish. Voldie sucks as a villian for the same reson Malfoy does - totally one dimensional. When I was a wee lad I was a Batman reader, but I've always thought Magneto was one of the best villains, because at the very heart he's really a hero character fighting for his own people, it's the methods - and the people he consorts with - that are questionable. Were he an American Revolutionary we'd hail him as a freedom fighter, not fear him as a terrorist.
I'm still not a Ginny fan, but I'm SO so so glad to see more of this story. Don't make us wait so long for the next chapter, please?
BloodRedJawz posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:13am
harry is simply a little bitchy girl.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:10am
Very good portion here, and agree with you that there's only too many ways to knock Tom off before you just retread over and over. Got to agree though, that Harry has been hammered and hammered and let out of his cage for a little bit, only to be twisted in the wind from Albus, put upon by the other students, and then just nagged by the rest of the wizarding world, and have to agree, how was he supposed to learn about love from the Dursley's, unless it was the suicide love of a bomber that Albus wanted, which he got as he walks to his death in canon, and then names his child after two of his tormentors.
Exarikun posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:08am
the solution to dealing with voldemort is simple then isn't it? if you ignore the dissaster that were the horcruxes, have harry use his link to the snake (if he still has it, was too lazy to check) to teleport to him, then have him teleport his brain out of his head or something... just make it quick and messy, maybe even just teleport voldie's head to dumbledore's plate when he's about to eat or something. then you'll have the freedom to take the story where you'd like it to be, without worrying about "it"...
beyond that, good chapter, and yes, i'd also like to see more of this one. also, please, don't make harry forgive both hermione and ginny just off the bat because they said they were sorry. i've seen too many stories like that where they betray him, they say sorry, and the next page they're going at it like rabbits... (in a manner of speaking) do what you want with ron as long as it's not good things. he's an annoying moron anyways.
dg Fry posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:08am
Another chapter to a fascinating story. I like what you're doing with this, and how you're exploring Harry's character.
Keep up the good work.
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:07am
Won't be needing a refund here, nope! I like the story and only have a couple minor quibbles about the chapter.
First, when Jean breaks Umbridge's wand, you have her saying Umbridge "must of" sat on it. That should be "must have". *Slips Alyx a Franchi SPAS-12 semi-auto shotgun to replace her double to apologize for the grammar lesson.*
Second, the insanely overpowered JJ2. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a two-seater anywhere in the world with 88,000 lbs of thrust behind it! (Yes, I'm an aircraft geek. Deal.) The most thrust I've seen on a VTOL is the F-35, and it's only got 40,000 (and that's on afterburner). Even the SR-71 Blackbird only packs 64,000, and it does Mach 3. (I did find out the F-22 has about 70k.) I thought the Professor said the JJ2 was a small-scale fighter plane; who puts 4 engines on a fighter anyway? (Besides the Russians; we all know they're crazy.)
Still, great to see you two writing again, and keep up the good work!
Bobmin356 replied:
Your nit picking over minor details of aircraft design in a story concerning magic, mutants with super powers and evil villains.
As you say... deal with it. The Blackbird in this story has sub orbital capabilities. The 2 seater jump jet has no real life analog. Its from comic books for crying out loud.
Now don't you feel silly?
Thomas posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 7:00am
Remove most horcruxes from the storyline and have Harry land on him with his jumpjet after his powers have forced the one in his scar out, killing the Volde-meister.
After that you can have Harry chance magical Britain for the better, become an X-man or build a nice harem with Ginny and the donut girl from the disclaimer.
One thing that i still like to know (and it could be that you've answered this one allready, but i wanted to review right after reading, as i've noticed that beer does limit thelength of retention of information.) is if the magical adoption boosted Harry's mutant mental powers the same way and for the same reason Jean's magic got one.
jb238 posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 6:42am
Re Special note about Voldemort: I agree that many of the interesting ways of killing him have been written already. Why not dispose of him quickly (eg unexpected hit by meteorite, accident during ritual, run over by bus) and have the characters turn to something more interesting?
Paul Ellison posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 6:37am
Am loving the story but appreciate the frustration you're facing, they are only a limited range of options for killing off Voldemort. I have loved all your works but the more recent non-voldie ones are equally as enjoyable.
Please keep up the writing, both this and especially the other style of stories.
phantom1s posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 6:37am
Ok, for the record, this is f&^%ing great!!! Please keep up teh good work.
hpfirecracker posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 6:27am
You can always concentrate on Harry and Jean. And what they are bringing into the Wizard world. Also the way the British Magical world is treating them. Good luck. Love all of your stories.
simonmountney posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 9:05am