Content Harry Potter


coronal posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 2:43am

Pfft. Your stories are better than any knuckleer weepans anyway.

I really, really like this story. What fun!

Watching the Embassy put the smack down on Scrimgeour was most amusing, and I'm looking forward to seeing what may happen next. Perhaps a visit from storm, to show people just WHY angering a mutant is a bad idea? It's been a long time since Scotland has been hit by a hurricane. :)

Carol Layland posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 2:33am

I know that you really do not care about the reviews that we your faithful readers submit. Still, this reader wish to say that she is very glad that you two to write and update your current story every so often and that she is already very eager to have a read at the next chapter and she hopes that you break your established pattern and post the next update much sooner that you have in the past. This reader is so much a fan of your stories (note not you two) just your stories that she will read and re read and re-read to infinity
Respectfully Carol Layland.

Bobmin356 replied:

Actually we do care what the readers have to say. Its just that there are so many reviews that we've pretty much given up all attempts to respond to them. Hence in this author's note, I put a note, from me to my co-author. Making it therefore a valid author's note. :)

Milarqui posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 2:26am

That was a good chapter! I really enjoyed how Scrimgeour got a good beating - figuratively speaking -, that Umbridge was sent to Azkaban and that Harry may be getting better with the always adorable Ginny! Please continue writing on this!

nth_x posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 2:09am

The ministry is seriously screwed up. How do they not see their hypocrisy. If he's such a dark creature, why would they want him to help with Voldemort? Wouldn't they be more likely to want to kill him, thus ending the prophecy?

Actually, it would be interesting to see that happen as a backlash to him "defending himself" from the aurors in Dumbles' office. On the other hand, there's only so much he could take before just teleporting away forever. And that could sort of end the story, I guess.

Anyway, I enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for writing!

Michael10 posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 1:34am

I am not ungrateful!!!! (sweatdrops) Am I?

(shakes head)
Always appreciate the great stories that you present to us, your loyal and humble minions. (Will work for Ramen)
Keep up the great work.

Lee Dickie posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 1:30am

Another great chapter, but I'm not too impressed with Jean as a parent, she's still coming across as an X-man first.

Yunaine posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 1:29am


If you dislike reviews that come over as an ungrateful reader then I recommend to disable the review-functionality (or ask the admin to do that). Reviewing means opinion and that goes both good and bad.

That said, below my opinion which can be completely wrong but won't change the way I feel about it.

It's funny how the adults always tend to make mistake after mistake, even lie after lie, yet expect the children to face every action instantly and make the "good and wise decision". How can a child make correct decisions if the adults around you don't show you?

Jean seems to be of the opinion to keep making more mistakes. She fessed up to Harry about Snape, and right after setting that error in order she tells people about Harry's abilities... without even discussing it with Harry. Because I'm sure Harry would love some of the wizarding people to know about all his abilities. Oh wait, he didn't want anything to do with them.
Decision of the parent? Perhaps. And then the adult feeds the spoon to the child and forces him/her to swallow, while reprimanding if he/she feels different.
Shorter: Harry gets ignored yet again, secrets get told without his consent, he gets attacked, etc etc. And after all that Harry is the one that needs to "stop acting childish". Right.

Jean is correct. Voldemort will go after him. But that gives no reason why Harry shouldn't follow class somewhere else than Hogwarts and only fight back when he's ready.
Learning in a clean environment that is healthy
Learning in a hostile environment with loads of obstacles
But I'm guessing Jean will make that wise decision since Harry's merely a child that needs to be told several theories until he picks the "right" (read: adult-spoon-fed) decision.

Sorry, but this chapter came over as Harry being angry, adults messing up all the time, and after all that still pushing Harry to stick at Hogwarts which makes 0 sense (to me). Even worse is that the adults that stay in the story-line (Jean and Dumbledore come to mind) keep making errors and none of them ever have a down-side (besides Harry's wrath) while Harry himself only gets short breaks and then gets told to stop "face reality".
Perhaps the adults can finally leave fairy tale land and face reality themselves instead of shoving that off to Harry.


sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 12:13am

Absolutely Incredible! Well worth the wait. I'd love to see Jean go all Dark Phoenix on the Minister, Ministry and Umbridge and well, let Logan loose on Snape.

mwinter posted a comment on Sunday 11th October 2009 1:25am

Two months and no update of any kind. Not even a drabble. I wonder if you both are paying attention to the Llamas.

Rage and Light posted a comment on Thursday 8th October 2009 2:32am

Just an idea but on the point that you have grown tired of stories dealing with voldemort and killing him maybe you could bring one of the x mens most deadly enemys into this such as apocalyse and have him deal with voldemort or ally with him and have an all out war again just an idea


Jason Huitt posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 11:03pm

I grew up reading X-Men comics and fell out of touch with them after a number of years. Reading this story has reminded me so much of my childhood and the number of great nights that I spent absorbed in one adventure or another of Marvel's mutants. Thank you so much for bringing back that little piece of my childhood that I thought gone.


Jdcavitt posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 12:12am

YEAH!! new story from Bob and Alyx.

(does a happy dance)

glad to see you guys back in action.

love it keep up the good work I like the ships in this story your Ginny is a good fit for Harry
and your Luna will be good for Ron. I also am very pleased with the subtle direction you are taking Hermione's love life I think it is a good fit for her.

Dobbysfriend posted a comment on Monday 28th September 2009 12:28am

This is an extremely fun story. There are so many places that you can go with it. With the way you have things set up I believe that you can come up with some interesting and humorous ways to get Voldewart. I look forward to your updates.

mwinter posted a comment on Thursday 24th September 2009 6:00am

Ah, reread from the beginning. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 20th September 2009 4:52pm

This is such a good story. I love your long chapters. I think you are right. People that write should write enough pages to make the story flow better. It is hard to read a story that goes from one scene chapters to another. You covered a lot of topics in this one. Draco fixing the vanishing cabinet, Harry and Ron talking over their problems and Harry giving him some forgiveness. Harry and Ginny starting to get together. The flight in the jet was inspired. I'm glad Ginny loved it as much as Harry does. I'm glad Harry fot through to Hermione about trusing people that have shown they don't deserve it in the past. I'm also glad that Ginny spoke plainly to Jean. She needs to be completely honest with Harry or risk losing his respect. It is too bad that Remus got hurt. I'm glad he and Harry got to talk. That was good. Harry catching the listening devices in Dumbledore's office was excellent. I think I have already reviewed this chapter but I wanted to let you know how much I like this story and I look forward to more of the story soon. pms
I have had to change my e-mail address. Our company changed internet service. New address is My old address is Thanks for any help you can give me to change my e-mail address. pms

pobolycwm posted a comment on Sunday 20th September 2009 5:10am

wizard of oz, dorothy, just drop a house on yon evil baddie and then you can get on with the fun stuff

Simply-Hugs posted a comment on Saturday 19th September 2009 10:10pm

Isn't it automatically classified as AU the moment you change the original idea?

Just saying.


Zvoni posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 6:23pm

Good story so far.

I'm still waiting for Luna to meet Logan.

Luna: Are you a disguised Gnuffle?
Logan: ?!?!???!?

Belgareth posted a comment on Saturday 5th September 2009 2:36pm

I like what your doing with this story. Have you thought about just having Voldie show up and "TRY" to hurt Jean and then Harry just poons him a crackish way? Then you can continue the story w/o him and the DE's.

cartilong posted a comment on Thursday 3rd September 2009 3:11pm

I don't like Harry/ Ginny, but I'm reviewing anyway. So, there!
Actually, I don't hate Ginny, I just don't go looking for Harry/ Ginny, but if an author I like writes it, I'll read it. There are way too many authors who write Harry/ Ginny very badly.
I'm not real familiar with X-men, but I am enjoying this story. I think you've done a good job with the X-men, as far as explaining to people like me who and what they are.
I'm one of those horrible people who rarely review, so I'd like to say that I've read most if not all of your stories, and I've liked them all.