By Bobmin
crocket posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 12:55am
about time story was updated thought the lama had got to you
Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 9:23pm
Your story is very interesting. It has been a while since I read this story as it has been a while since you updated. But, I do enjoy it. It is the first cross-over story I have read that has captured my attention.
I am truly a Harry/Ginny shipper. I loved their interaction and am waiting to read alot more.
Harry's trust in Dumbledore is understandable. As they say, once trust is broken, it takes a hell of alot of effort to regain it.
Please don't take as long to update this story as I am sure I am not the only one enjoying this read.
withfujkilp9087528nvhc posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 9:11pm
The only thing I found a little amusing was Minerva saying awesome! A good chapter! I wonder when the next chapter will be? :)
kb0 posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 11:34am
Bring on all the "Ginny time" you want. :) Fun scene there in the cave, better than JKR's. Of course, I would have asked Logan to extend a claw and just slice the top of the base off at the level of the locket and then pull it out from the bottom. When Harry got upset in the RoR, it's too bad he directed the outburst into the table and not into Dumbledore. :) I look forward to the fallout from the listening charms. You've pointed out at least 1 of them is from Snape. I would find it amusing if someone else is listening in too.
BTW, you want to search for "blinfold" and "the Xavier". I don't think you really want either of those as is. I believe you need to add a letter and drop a word.
Thanks for the update on this story! And I bet that if you really gave Harry llamas, you could claim they were yours. ;)
Grace Cole posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 9:58am
Glad to see Harry in action. I really dislike Dumbledore. Will Hermione end up with Neville or do you have someone else in mind for her? Can't wait till you come back, and bring the llamas.
CootiePatootie posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 5:40am
LOVE it! I like the Harry/other people interaction in this chapter - he seems a little bit more "with" them to me. I mean, it seems like maybe he is beginning to separate those who have really hurt him from the bystanders - and maybe seeing that sometimes the bystanders didn't act because they just didn't know what to do. Note that I do not remotely think he should just offer a blanket forgiveness to everyone, but I do think he should consider that everyone has different circumstances and honestly that not everyone in his age cohort really knew enough to bring up complaints. I agree with Harry in the story that the adults have to start at ground zero (except Albus - he starts at ground negative 1 million) and work forward.
Great job on the H/G interaction here. I think you are taking it just the right speed. Would love to see Ginny learning more about norm/mutant stuff and Harry creating stronger ties with wizard stuff through their developing relationship.
Thanks ever so much for this great update!
Tracey1 posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 4:19am
Well, I happen to like the ship. I dont really care who harry is with if it is well written. And so far, everything I've read that was by Bob and Alyx have been excellently written. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next installment. Your hard work and imagination are greatly appreciated.
Chimeara169 posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 2:58am
Excellent chapter! Dumbledore is convincingly annoying, as logic dictates he should be! Although, the joke at the AN about the HarryP/WoW crossover was a bit much. It would actually be fairly amazing if you wrote it!
Comet Moon posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 2:33am
Yes More Ginny
Nice plot
Look forwrd to more
Ja ne
beauty0102 posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 2:29am
this was a really great chapter can't wait to see what is going to happen in this story. So I hope to see a new chapter soon.
Jon Schuman posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 2:26am
Personally, I prefer Harry/Hermione to Harry/Ginny but that doesn't stop me from enjoying a well written H/G story. And this one certainly qualifies. The buildup of their relationship is nice and slow, which considering just how badly Harry has been hurt by both the Dursley's and the Wizarding World, makes perfect sense. I especially like how he and Jean are integrating their mutant and Magical abilities, and ensuring that no one other than the X-Men know just what they can do.
Thats all for now,
bmatsea posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 1:33am
Thank You, for another great chapter. I'm looking forward to more now that the story is starting to pick up.
John Conner posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 1:03am
Excellent chapter. As always you manage to keep us very entertained with the story. Though having read most of your stories I would expect nothing else.
In regards to the Disclaimer your mention of orgrimmar tripped a thought, have you ever considered doing an HP/World of Warcraft story, either with Harry in the WoW world or having the abilities from there in the wizarding world?
phantombrick posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 12:57am
It is not that I hate the pairing just how it happened in canon. I mean he showed no interest for 5 years then all of a sudden he wanted to rip Dean's head off. Sounds like potions to me. I do like how you have written it though. If the pairing can be shown growing it is good, but for an over night I must be with her. No... not buying that. By the way great story.
Anois posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 11:41pm
Yes! You made my day with another chapter. I'm not big on the H/G, but I do like the way you are handling the pair in this story. You're making it believable.
I'm also enjoying the relationships that you're building with Jean, Scott and Harry.
Any chance of a Logan - Dumbledore "discussion" ???
goddessa39 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 11:40pm
Am ecstatic to see another chapter, and I have no problem with the pairing. *grins.* The flames must be getting annoying by now. I personally am happy to see Ginny taking a little action and someone helping Harry. As much as Hermione is a sister quality, she is really naive even when she knows the world isn't all "books and cleverness." But Ron? Why the heck hasn't he been just booted? He is so stupid and childish it has gone criminal.
God, sometimes I want to smack Dumbles.
I do think Harry was a bit melodramatic in the others' eyes, but I so understand the reasoning. While it may have been a little... immature in the seeming, it was also true that Harry's hatred and mistrust of the Headmaster was seeking the most keep-calm of the young man's repertoire to ignore him, pout and stay as far away in order to no damage someone and something.
Can't wait for more!
corwalch posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 11:09pm
I like very much where this is going, even if I am not all that fond of Ginny, but for some reason I didn't get the notifcation about this update for 5 days in my email. Blasted Yahell.
CootiePatootie posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 9:51pm
"Oh this? Dunno, I found it sticking out of your computer and thought it was an odd growth that had to be destroyed."
Just a quick note - I haven't even read the chapter yet - I've been in dissertation hell for about a year now and that odd growth is SO familiar to me. The "must be destroyed" part is often applicable too...
Thanks for the laugh...
LadyGuilt posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2009 9:39pm
Since I love Ginny to death, and I'm only happy when Harry is paired up with her, I love this chapter. I do hope to see more of them in the spotlight in futures chap. Great job.
minervakitty posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 5:35am